Its only a circus. or is it? will pheonix be stuck there or will she make it out?
Raoza: *people start to leave and hes talking to two men*
Phoenix: *she is walking to the kitchen*
Blue: *sitting on a chair asleep*
Phoenix: *she sets the tray down quietly*
Raoza: *the door swings open and him and everyone walk in and blue jumps awake* I have big news everyone!
Phoenix: *tilts head*
Raoza: a group from a poplar circus said that they would send a few people over here to work for me and join our show! I want you all to treat them nicely!
Zorina: *in bat form* ill do it if they do the same.
Raoza: good. Now you all will be changing rooms i want two people per room!
Zorina: ill share with blue.
Blue: *smiles sleepish*
Fire: Guess me and pheonix will share.
Raoza: okay you all talk. I have other things to do i want you all to move by tomorrow. *he walks out*
Phoenix: i dont have anything to move.
Blue: i mean fire and phoenix can stay in my room too if your okay with that zorina. I just have a really big room and theres a lot of room! Plus then we can hang out a lot more.
Zorina: *she turns human and is sitting on the cabinets*
Blue: are you okay with that? *looks at zorina*
Zorina: i mean, my room is a coffin and not many windows, so yeah.
Blue: *looks back at fire and phoenix*
Phoenix: *shrugs*
Blue: if you both dont want to thats fine… *looks down*
Fire: no, its fine.
Blue: well, i should go clean up. *she walks out*
Fire: ill get my stuff.
Kavo: *head: what did i miss?*
Fire: *in head: Um, moving rooms now.*
Kavo: *head: to where?*
Fire: we are sharing a room with phoenix so yeah. Also we are moving to blues room.*
Kavo: *head: fun more girls.*
Fire: *in head: there are only girls here..?*
Kavo: *head: aside from your boss.*
Fire: *in head: that must look really weird from a customers pov*
Kavo: *head: i bet* *he laughs*
Fire: *in head:yeah.* *she begins to grab her stuff*
Kavo: *head: as long as they're nice and don't talk about girly stuff 24/7 then i'm good.*
Fire: *in head: i mean, i dont think we are gonna hear much girly stuff from Them.*
Blue: *she screams*
Fire: blue? *she runs to her*
Blue: *on top of the bookshelf*
Fire: blue?
Blue: *looks at her* FIRE! *she flies over hiding* theres a mouse….!
Fire: you are a bird, you technically eat those!
Blue: no! I eat seeds i don't normally eat other animals! *fire can see the mouse* EEK!
Fire: *she burns the mouse*
Blue: thank you so much fire!
Fire: no problem.
Blue: *she walks back in and theres a bunch of beds set up* you can choose any bed. Except this one it mine. *sits on a bed covered in stuffys*
Fire: alright. Ill sleep on the ground.
Blue: *looks down*...
Fire: ill set fire to the beds, hence my name.
Blue: I wish I knew a way to help…. *sighs*
Fire: itd how i was made, so i'm not complaining.
Blue: okay… *she puts on a smile*
Fire: *she sets her few things down*
Blue: *goes to wait by the door*
Zorina: *She flys in landing on the darkest bed*
Blue: *waves to zorina*
Zorina: *she turns human and waves back.*
Blue: *waits for phoenix*
Phoenix: *she walks in with nothing*
Blue: do you really have nothing?
Phoenix: no? I was kidnapped then nobody gave me anything to decorate with.
Blue: *she looks down*....
Phoenix: you good?
Blue: *smiles* yup! If you want you can have one of my stuffys!
Phoenix: alright, you can chose which one.
Blue: *she walks to her bed and looks*
Phoenix: *she goes to the bed ontop*
Blue: *grabs one and hands it to phoenix* here you go! *its a small bird like creature*
Phoenix: *she takes it*
Blue: *she sits on here bed*
Phoenix: So when will these new guys get here?
Blue: who knows! I wonder what they will look like!
Zorina: like a boy,
Blue: i know that but what kind of creature! If their like us.
Zorina: well obviously, they are coming here.
Blue: you never know! They could be normal.
Zorina: true.
Zorina: *they run over there wile she flys over there*
Raoza: i would like you to meet the two new workers. Carbon and luka. * a boy with blueish green hair waves*
Zorina: *she lands and turns human* hmm… see blue, told ya. They would be boys, names Zorina.
Luka: its nice to meet you! Im luka!
Zorina: Like wise luka.
Blue: im blue!
Fire: Fire, yes the hair is actual fire.
Luka: thats so cool! This is carbon. *points to a male wearing a mask* to clear a quick thing up. I'm part fish and carbon is a normal human but is just really good at stunts.
Phoenix: *her wings twitch and she is deep in thought*
Blue: *bumps phoenix*
Phoenix: Huh, oh i'm phoenix.
Luka: its nice to meet you all i hope we can get along!
Zorina: We probably will.
Raoza: alright. You all should rest. Ill show you two to your new rooms. *him and the boys walk away*
Zorina: *they walk back to their room*
Blue: they seem nice! *jumps onto her bed*
Fire: *sits on the floor* totally.
Blue: *Raoza calles her out so she leaves*
Fire: welp.
Zorina: Yeah i'm going to walk a bit. *she grabs her umbrella just incase.* if Raoza asks i'm just walking, i will be back. *she walks out as fire and phoenix look at each other and shrug*
Blue: *a few minutes later she walks back in and looks under her bed*...
Fire: you good?
Blue: *trying not to cry* no. no im not. *pulls a case out and puts it on her bed*
Fire: What are you doing blue?
Blue: i mess up once and he thinks ill do it again… so im fired.
Phoenix: Your leaving?!
Blue: its not like i want to… *she packs some of her stuff*
Phoenix: will you at least visit?
Blue: ill try to get tickets to the show… but im not sure. Ill see you guys around….
Phoenix: see you blue! Ill miss you!
Blue: *nods and leaves with her case and makes sure zorina doesn't see her*