
Circcieth's Grimoire

A young woman aspiring to become a writer has her life turned upside down. Trying to escape a future living in a toxic home she runs away and begins anew in a different world?

Azulifae · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3 - A Nightmare

A bright light piercing my eyelids disturbs my slumber. Faint sounds of a piano playing in the distance while someone is talking. The words do not process in my mind, but they are there undecipherable. I try to look around, but can't move or speak. My mouth is sewn shut and I find myself confined in a small box lined with white silk. To my right there's Jacob and eventually more people follow. My dad, my aunt and uncle taking turns coming to my side. Their bodies moving like that of stop motion clay figures adorned with sad faces so distorted they look like clowns without makeup. Looking up towards the ceiling the light is bright, however, after staring for so long I make out the silhouette of a woman. Long arms with claw like hands reaching out from the center of this light. She begins reaching down towards me. A wave of fear welling up inside my chest as I do not want to caught by her. My body begins sinking deeper inside the box as if I'm being lowered down using the silk that surrounds me. The light is not so bright anymore.

So high above me now the light begins flickering. The woman's face becomes prominent as soon as it goes black and disappears once the light is back on. She looks familiar. The only thing I am able to make out is her terrible grin as she's trying to reach for me. Clawing her way towards me her hand is within reach of my throat when--

Jumping awake a dark figure is approaching me and I let out an ear piercing scream at the sight of it in my room.

"aahhowwww eve that was loud. Are you okay!?"

It's my dad. Apparently he was trying to tell me he's leaving now, but I was stuck in a bad dream.

"Love you pumpkin, are you ok? did you have a bad dream?

Yea....something like that, but now I can't remember too much of it. I'm sorry for screaming so loud you scared me after my dream did.

I'm sorry eve, I didn't mean to scare you. I was just about to head out and wanted to let you know.

Thanks dad...I'll be ok. I love you, Have a safe flight and pleeeaaaase let me know when you land

I will I promise" He walks over to give me a big bear hug. I try to give him my best big bear hug in return. He leaves a kiss on my head and heads for the bedroom door.

"Hey dad.."

Turning around he says what's up.

"Will you tell me another story when you come home?"

He lets out a small chuckle. "Definitely, I'll bring back the biggest rock I can find

Heh, thanks dad. Have fun and be safe

I will! I'll text you before I board." He walks out of my room towards the front door. I stretch my arms upwards towards the ceiling as far as a I can reach and then look up. A weird feelings washes over me in an instant and then fades away in the next. I settle back down into bed after hearing the lock click on the front door. I begin thinking back to my dream...Why did I scream? I don't remember too much, but it really scared me. My heart begins to steady and lean my body back against the wall. Sigh. It's still too early in the morning to be awake and instead of getting up I nestle down under the covers laying on my right side. Maybe I'll be able to fall back asleep. I'm glad dad stopped by so I could see him before he left. Happy thoughts fill my mind making it easier to fall back asleep.

Hours pass when a knock comes at the door followed by a "Ding Dong". The doorbell chimes. It isn't enough to wake me. It chimes again followed by a louder knock. It startles me and I wake up. Reaching for my cellphone and turning the screen on the time reads 11:15 am. "Oh shii-" pulling the covers off quickly I jump out of bed and head for the door. Unlocking the door and opening it Jacob was about ready to knock on the door again. I move aside to let him in shutting the door and locking it behind him. "I'm soooo sorry babe!" As I rub my eyes.

"Haha morning sleepy head, you sleep good

Yeaaaaaaaaaaa" turns into a yawn.

Did you take something before bed? I've been knocking for like 20 min.

No I didn't think I slept that hard? I woke up from a bad dream and then seeing my dad in the dark made me scream. Other than that I saw him off and then fell back asleep after.

Awww my poor baby are you ok??" Jacob walks towards me arms wide open for a hug and then places a soft kiss upon my cheek. "what was your dream about?" He asks still holding me close.

"Hehe yes I'm fine love. All I remember is a really bright light above me and then suddenly feeling scared. My chest felt really tight, but that was it. You were in it standing beside me." I held him close and tightened my grip around his back. I took a deep breath and exhaled. He loosened his hold around me and we locked eyes. I kiss his soft lips. He was caught off guard and we share a tender kiss before releasing to look at each other again. When I pulled away his lips were still puckered and eyes were closed. Jacob was still stuck in the moment of me kissing him before snapping out of it.

"Heh you seem to be doing fine now babe. Anything I can do to make it better?" He places the back of his hand against my cheek caressing it.

"I'm better now that you're here" A smile forms in the corner of my mouth. Turning away to head down the hall I look back at him. "Can ya help me with these books? I'm meeting up with the girls soon remember?

I know I know. I did say I would help. However..." He closes the distance between us in one swift move and positions himself behind me placing his strong hands on my hips. "Now that your dad isn't here we have a bit of time to mess around." His finger begins tracing shapes on my lower back making its way up. Once his index finger reaches the nape of my neck I shudder from the chill while goosebumps form on my skin. I move away.

"Come on you said you would help me Jacob." I cross my arms. "Besides I'm not ready yet.."

"How long are you gona make me wait babe??" For a minute there it actually sounded like he was...whining.. "It's a good time right now especially since there isn't anyone here to bother us." He winks while moving closer to me again.

"I said I'd tell you when I'm ready, now are you gona help me or not." I don't wait for a reply and start to walk towards my room upset over the fact that he keeps asking every now and then.

"Meow ok fine, I'm sorrrrrry." His hands make a cat claw motion. He's clearly playing this off like it's funny to him. It keeps happening in a loop where he will then apologize and keep being the sweet boyfriend I know he is. The other times he is practically begging me for it. Why can't he just respect me and my choice. What is so hard about that?