
Cinnabar Red

I originally thought that person was just a pool of mosquito blood, but the sting and pain have already turned into a cinnabar red in my heart. When Fu Yucheng was in graduate school, he heard from his senior brother that anyone who could become the son-in-law of his mentor Professor Liang would save at least twenty years of hard work. Fu Yucheng was lucky enough to achieve this goal, but on his wedding day, he heard people comment: This is not a happy marriage. The daughter of the Liang family is good at everything, but life-long matters have long been a problem...

Clownfish786 · Teen
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40 Chs


Jiang Chen brought the dinner plate over and complained repeatedly that the air conditioner was turned on so low during this season.

Liang Fu took out a paper towel and wiped the ash from the table. She sat up straight and thanked Jiang Chen. Fu Yucheng's expression remained normal, and it seemed like nothing happened between the two of them.

Liang Fu took her corn drink and took a sip. She saw that the fries ordered by Fu Yucheng were golden in color and had an attractive aroma. Her stomach growled, but she couldn't hold it back anymore. She picked up one with her finger, dipped it in some ketchup and put it into her mouth. inside.

Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment and quickly pushed the chicken nuggets in front of him to Liang Fu, "Sister, why don't you take my share?"

"No, I'll just eat two." Liang Fu smiled and shook her head. She was really restrained. After eating two sticks, she stopped, wiped her fingertips clean with a tissue, and didn't reach out again.

Fu Yucheng looked up and saw Liang Fu's eyes, which were a little funny. She was eager and greedy, just like a half-year-old child looking at the ice cream in the freezer.

"You can eat more if you want."

"Don't tempt me to sin."

Jiang Chen immediately united with Liang Fu and strongly condemned, "That's right! Old Fu, you have sinister intentions. Don't you know how hard dancers work to control their weight?"

"you know?"

"Of course I know better than you."

Liang Fu only found it funny, "How old are you two this year?"

While they were joking, someone pushed the door open and came in. It was Ding Shiwei who was out of breath from running.

Ding Shiwei greeted Fu Yucheng and Jiang Chen and was stunned for a moment when she saw Liang Fu sitting opposite Fu Yucheng, "Teacher Liang? Why are you here?"

Liang Fu said with a smile: "We met by chance, let's come over to have something to eat."

Jiang Chen didn't handle the group assignment properly. He felt guilty when he met Ding Shiwei, so he took the initiative to donate the burgers he bought.

Ding Shiwei declined and turned to chat with Liang Fu, asking about dancing.

Liang Fu said: "Jiang Chen told me that you practiced very well."

"It's not tidy enough. Everyone is waiting for Teacher Hou Tianliang to come for the second tutoring session."

"You are usually very busy with classes, right? Can you take care of it?"

"Fortunately, there is always time to squeeze in. And this time, Fu Yucheng did most of the group work. He had to check information, make PPT, and give a speech on stage."

Liang Fu glanced at Fu Yucheng and said with a smile, "Really? Is he so kind in private?"

Ding Shiwei was stunned for a moment, looked at Liang Fu, and then at Fu Yucheng. Liang Fu's words were hurtful and her tone was very sarcastic. It was probably because she had a good relationship with Fu Yucheng that she was so rude. She was silent for a moment, holding the Coke Jiang Chen gave her, biting the straw and drinking it.

Jiang Chen was unconvinced: "I also have to be responsible for the work of the school council. It's not like the old master who doesn't worry about anything except studying."

Ding Shiwei defended Fu Yucheng: "Fu Yucheng still works part-time on Saturdays."

Fu Yucheng was a little surprised. He was following his undergraduate classmate Shao Lei, who was now a graduate student at Chongcheng University of Political Science and Law, to do some postgraduate entrance examination tutoring. But he never told anyone about this, not even Jiang Chen and Li Wenyao knew about it.

Jiang Chen shouted: "Old Fu, this damn scholarship isn't enough for you?"

Fu Yucheng glanced at Ding Shiwei, cut off the topic, and urged Jiang Chen to finish eating quickly and start working.

After finishing the food and cleaning up the desktop, Jiang Chen reluctantly moved out the computer under Fu Yucheng's coercion. He opened the word document and before typing two words, he complained: "Old Fu, why did you only bring your computer? Where are some of the information I printed?"

Fu Yucheng was unmoved, "With your pitiful workload, CNKI is more than enough."

Ding Shiwei buried her face behind her notebook and laughed.

Liang Fu held the phone, paused with her fingers, and glanced at Ding Shiwei - she was planning to leave, but when a WeChat message came in, they started chatting back and forth.

Jiang Chen opened CAJViewer and painfully read two documents, and then began to mutter: "Old Fu, you are disturbing my thoughts by playing with your mobile phone."

When he raised his eyes and saw Liang Fu playing, he immediately said, "Sister, it doesn't matter if you play!"

Liang Fu locked her phone and said, "I don't want to play anymore. I'm going to leave. Come on."

Fu Yucheng stood up and said, "I'll see you off."

Jiang Chen also quickly stood up and said, "I'll send it off. Senior sister delayed it until now because of me."

Fu Yucheng looked at Jiang Chen without saying a word. His silence was more intimidating than his words. Jiang Chen held his head and wailed, reluctantly returning to his seat.

It was too late and there was no one on the street.

Fu Yucheng walked on the left side of Liang Fu, and some street lights sifted through the leaves and fell on his shoulders. They walked slowly, and occasionally they came across an empty can on the road. Liang Fu kicked it away, and the can flew into the middle of the road and rolled around several times.

She seemed to be having some kind of happiness and laughed unabashedly.

Fu Yucheng looked at her with deep eyes for a moment.

If asked to summarize how he spent the first twenty-two years of his life, Fu Yucheng feels that the key word is probably the word "busy". Busy growing up, busy being self-reliant, busy planning life for yourself, busy pruning off those branches that are of no use, so as not to let yourself become cynical.

This left him no time to pay attention to the passionate glances directed at him, and most of the time he just found them annoying.

Starting in high school, Fu Yucheng had an idea that he might be good-looking from the whispers of the girls at school. Although when he looked in the mirror, he could only see the shadow of his father when he was young - the shadow in his memory. My father's appearance has been blurred, but there is a wedding photo of my parents hanging at home. The photos taken with film in the photo studios of that era were rich in color and have not faded over the years. My father was wearing a shirt and a suit, and he smiled a bit innocently. No matter who comes to the house and sees the photo, they will say, "Ah Cheng looks like dad."

However, Fu Yucheng knew that he was different from his father. He stared at the photo for a long time, and there was only sincerity in his father's eyes. He was different. He didn't know what was in his eyes. When he saw it in the mirror while shaving, he only felt that he looked disgusting.

Therefore, he doesn't understand where the crazy and superficial admiration that flocks to him comes from, just because his skin is good?

Introverted and extroverted, conservative and open, philanthropic and dedicated, there are countless girls who have expressed and hinted with him over the years. However, in his opinion, half of them are childish and shallow, and half of them are pretentious. Pretending to be aloof and invulnerable, pretending to be artistic and affectionate when you are clearly showing off your coquettishness. So boring.

Naturally, there are good people here, but after a little contact, they found that he was not as easy-going as he appeared on the outside. He might be a deep well inside, which made people afraid to go and find out. They expected that he would be a deep well. Given someone with his appearance and conditions, they would never be sincere to anyone, so they were reluctant to place even half a bet and retreated before the game even started.

As for Liang Fu, she is neither shallow nor naive, nor is she pretentious. She reveals her thoughts clearly because she doesn't shy away from them. Probably since she was a child, she received a good education and engaged in a job that attracts much attention and conveys beauty and art. She has a clear understanding of her own charm and knows how to maximize it.

So, after getting to know him in depth, is someone like Liang Fu a coward who dares not bet even with half a weight?

Fu Yucheng didn't know.

He just accepted her invitation and put this aside first.

Fu Yucheng felt that he had many shortcomings, but he only had one advantage: he was honest enough with himself.

Whether he admits that he is not a good person or admits that Liang Fu has a strong attraction to him.

"Aren't Teacher Liang worried about coming home so late?"

"I reported to Lao Liang that I was having supper with his precious student."

Fu Yucheng paused.

Liang Fu said with a smile: "I'm kidding you - it's common to stay up so late when there is a performance in the theater." They made a tacit agreement not to mention Jiang Chen anymore.

Liang Fu's car can already be seen in the distance.

"Fu Yucheng, you surprised me today. It's not like you can do something like forcing your classmates to do homework."

"It only shows that your understanding of me is very biased."

"Really?" Liang Fu paused, turned around, and looked at Fu Yucheng while walking backwards, "What do you look like in an all-round way?"

"You will know over time, and I hope you won't feel disappointed then."

"Fu Yucheng, you're looking down on me. I've been on stage for six years and I've met many more people than you. Some people's lower limits are beyond imagination. How do you have to degenerate to disappoint me?"

Fu Yucheng slowed down and looked at her silently. His eyes are very light-colored, and when light shines into them, they always feel as cold as frost and snow. At this time, people feel that he is unapproachable.

For a moment, the young man lowered his gaze slightly, and a bit of self-loathing appeared in his eyes, fleetingly.

"Fu Yucheng?"

"Let's go."

Liang Fu turned around and stepped forward. She had been walking backwards, completely unaware that the curb was in front of her. As soon as she stepped out, she felt her heart skip a beat.

When he was about to step into the air, Fu Yucheng's arm was violently yanked, and he staggered back a step, barely standing still.

"It's so dangerous..." Liang Fu was still frightened, "I have a performance the day after tomorrow. If I fall, I will be dead."

"Be careful."

Liang Fu was still in the mood to joke: "Fu Yucheng, if I really fall, do you have to compensate me?"

"What's my responsibility?"

"If you don't watch the road for me, I'll punish you for your negligence."

There was a smile in Fu Yucheng's eyes: "Senior sister, this is not included in all legal provisions. I'm afraid you are trying to get something wrong."

Liang Fu laughed loudly. Her three eyes and five eyes are very standard, especially a pair of slightly upward peach blossom eyes. When she smiles, she looks more and more like Shen Fei.

I remember reading "Liao Zhai" at that time, there was a girl named Ning, who was so bright and innocent. Miss Liang, I'm afraid she was also transformed into a fox, and she was specially designed to set up troubles for scholars.