
Chapter 46: Every fairytale must end

Sometimes, honesty was not kind. Sometimes, it was brutal and harsh and cruel.

Like telling a death row inmate, his execution got pushed ahead by a day. In this case, Fable was the executioner.

She sent the last crushing blow and could only watch as the last little light of hope in his eyes died. And those blue eyes she loved so much turned away from her, his hands falling off her shoulders.

He went limp, turning away like he couldn’t bear to look at her.

She’d lost him.

“So everything was a lie,” He said, almost emotionlessly.

“No!” She reached forward to grab his limp hand, desperate at this point, “No, it wasn’t! I didn’t know who you were at first! Your mom approached me, and she told me who you were, and I thought I was just another girl on your list, but I was wrong! You showed me how wrong I was. I never tried to make you fall in love with me; I don’t even know how to go about doing that, let alone even try.”