
Cinderella Fell For Her Bully

“W-what do you want to do?” He removed his hand from the doorknob and walked back towards me, placing his backpack down and looked back at me. “Come sit.” He said slowly. I followed him over to the bed and sat down. “What are we going to do?” I was so nervous but there was a slight hit of anticipation in my tone that made him looked excited. “I mean, are we just sticking with what we did last time or—?“ “Tongue.” He said bluntly. “What?” “I’m going to teach you how to really kiss a guy using your tongue.” ***************************************************** Stella Hemmings aimed to leave her wicked stepmother and evil stepsister behind because they treated her like Cinderella in the fairy tale story wherein they made her do the household chores and beat her. The only difference was that her stepmother sends her to school but on one condition. She had to hide her identity, like wearing a curly wig and round glasses. Why? Because she looked exactly like her mom and her stepmother hated her mom so much that she asked her to cover her face and make herself ugly. And just like Cinderella, she also has a Prince Charming but sad to say, he was bullying her. Stella had a huge crush on him but he never noticed because she’s ugly. He only had eyes on the sexy and famous cheerleader Maxine. Knowing she couldn’t compete with Maxine, Stella hid her feelings for Tyler Lewis. However, the stupid cupid played his role and let them crossed their path in an unexpected way. Stella needed a huge amount of money for the operation of her stepbrother’s heart surgery, so she asked her friend Lisa to help her. Her salary as a part time student in the coffee shop wasn’t enough to save money for Dino’s operation. So she went with Lisa to work in one of the famous nightclub in town but soon went into trouble and the guy who bullied her in the school, saved her and saw her without the wig and the round glasses. After that incident, she tried to avoid Tyler in the school as much as she could, for he might recognize her as the girl he saved that night in the nightclub. But how could she avoid him when her feelings for him grew from infatuation to love. And despite fighting hard to keep her feelings contained by distancing herself from Tyler, he was determined to show her that he had earned a spot in his heart.

Sakura's diamonds · Teen
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284 Chs

Chapter 5 REALITY

“Are you going to have your lunch in the cafeteria?” Valerie Lawrence, one of my classmates walked with me. She’s short, pale complexion, slim and blonde. She was one of the nerds in school but she’s not wearing thick eyeglasses like me. She was just smart and she loved books and books only.

“I’ll just buy myself some food.” I answered shortly and continued walking until I reached the long line to the counter.

“Can I eat with you?” she asked again and I just shrugged my shoulders.

As I waited for the queue to move, I heard laughter from the table near me and I didn’t need to turn my head and check on them to know who they are because I knew very well that it was Mark’s gang and my stepsister Debra’s friends who were in there, laughing out loud like they owned the place.

Valerie who was standing behind me poked my shoulder. “I saw your name on the list.” She told me, probably talking about the list of who’s hot and who’s not. “You were at third place and I was second. Congrats to us!” she said sarcastically.

I smiled at her knowing that she wasn’t feeling bad about it. It’s nice to know that aside from me, there’s someone who’s not affected, too. I guess she was also into focusing to her studies to excel in academics instead of feeling bullied because of that stupid list.

“I understand myself being in the list because I’m really a nerd. But you, Stella? Seriously? I know this bitch stepsister of yours is the reason why you’re always on that list.” She whispered into my ear as we moved from the line.

“Maybe because I am ugly.” I shrugged my shoulders. “And I don’t attend parties and outings outside school.”

“Oh my god! Who said you’re ugly?” she exclaimed. “I know you’re beautiful, Stella. Even more beautiful than your sister. If you remove those thick glasses of yours and your hair—“ she tried to touch my hair but I swat her hand away.

“Please, don’t!” I snapped and she was shocked by my behaviour. “I’m sorry.” I lowered down my gaze and proceeded to buy a bread and banana and then left Valerie dumbfounded.

I walked into the hallway of the school and turned left at the far corner to where the staircase going to the rooftop was located.

When I reached the top, I inhaled the fresh air and exhaled softly. I felt like I was free from any problem in the world. Whenever I was here, I felt safe, peaceful, and quiet. That's why I loved it here being alone, because it helped me focus. I don’t like distractions or unnecessary noise when thinking or other people around me irritates me every time they whispered to each other then looked at me and laughed.

Being alone helped me rearrange my thoughts and makes it easier to see what I really needed and wanted. I just loved being here because the silence was calming and allowed me to be able to concentrate on my thoughts or to be able to meditate about everything that’s happening in my life.

I folded my arms to wrap the cardigan tighter around me to protect myself from the cold breeze as I sat on the bench and started eating the bread and banana I bought in the cafeteria.


I was walking back to my classroom when I saw Tyler from the other end of the hallway. And he was smiling wide and waving at me…what? My heart jolted, and my pulse pounded foolishly. Why was he smiling at me all of a sudden? He’d been bullying me for years now and I thought he hates me? What happened?

I felt like I was in a dream, everything turned blurry, like magic. Suddenly, there was only Tyler and me, staring at each other as we moved closer together. He gave me a breathtaking smile that sent my pulses racing, and I returned his smile shyly.

But I was woken up in reality when someone accidentally nudged me on the shoulder. It was Maxine Cooper, the school’s Miss Perfect sexy cheerleader. She has everything a teenage girl could ever wish for. She has a pretty face, perfect figure, popularity, fame, and fortune. Plus a boyfriend who’s madly in love with her. And did I mention that she ranked second in the list of who’s hot and who’s not?

“Oops…Sorry, nerd!” she said and continued walking towards Tyler.

Reality set in. It was Maxine he was waving at, not me.

Maxine Cooper had been ruling this school in almost forever. The moment I stepped into this school, her name was always everywhere. From the school buildings that were commemorated to her father’s name up to the school’s paper wherein she has her own section.

You will always notice whenever she arrived. Everything went in slow motion. Everyone would step aside once she set her feet on the ground. The crowded hallway split into two so that she and her minions could walk in.

Everyone watched her in amusement and awe as if she was a true royalty or a Hollywood celebrity. But in reality, she’s just some kind of a replica in some teen movies.

I turned my heels and walked in the other direction to avoid them. I could always handle Tyler’s bullying me but the way he unintentionally broke my heart whenever he’s with Maxine felt so different. I felt pain and my heart felt like it was bleeding, literally.