
Chuunibyou Challenge!!

Chuunibyous are weirdos who believe in the supernatural. But, what's to say the supernatural doesn't exist? Matt Lewin, a former Chuuni, decides to live a normal life after a traumatic experience in High School. He becomes a college student and his life is going pretty smoothly... until he is once again thrust into the madness of his past. After meeting someone he used to know, Violet, he discovers the hidden truth of existence, and the role he has to play to protect it. The world is divided into two parallels; Reality and Fiction, and the barrier between the two is collapsing. It is now up to the very Chuunibyous who are despised by the world, to save it. Confronted with this very precarious choice, what path will Matt take? Will he continue his mundane college life? Or... will he join the Chuunibyou Challenge and save the world? * * * The first few chapters are slow-paced, but they build up to a very good payoff. I would advise readers to read the first five or six chapters before deciding whether they would like to continue.

Magecrafter · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Crisis In The Chuunibyou Society [Pt 2]

Irregular Links.

The most problematic Links the Chuunibyou Society had to deal with were the Irregular Links. 

Links were usually categorized by classes ranging from E to S, with S class being the most dangerous, but they appeared infrequently due to the scarcity of S Rank Enlightened. 

However, while S class Links were difficult, they were not the most annoying issue to the Chuunibyou Society when it came to Links. The biggest issue was the Irregular Class Link. Irregulars were named as such, because they defied the norm of the other Links, not because they couldn't be graded.

  Links usually started as a one-way entrance, allowing the Enlightened and even Exposed to venture inside. Once inside, they couldn't come out until the Boss was destroyed or the time limit of the Link was exhausted. Once the time limit was reached, the Link became a two-way entry point, allowing those on the other end of the Link to come out. There were a few exceptions and different instances, but these general rules held up in most cases.

However, Irregular Links weren't so straightforward. No one knew why or how, but once an Irregular Link opened up, it always had its own unique set of conditions. One Irregular Link, in particular, did not have a time limit and simply started out as a two-way entry point. Another sucked random people inside it. They were all bizarre in their own right.

And then there was this one – the biggest Irregular Link headache in a really long while

"The Link only accepts Challengers and Novices. Anyone beyond that will be rejected by it," 



Lucy explained with a sigh. The implications of revealing this information to Rose and Null were not lost on her, especially considering the unfortunate series of incidents that had occurred in the past because of this very Link.

"It's been open for over a year now, and it's only getting bigger," she continued. "We put a barrier around it, but it's only temporary. Sooner or later, it'll expire. The analysts tell us we have about five months. That seems like a lot, but it's really not. We won't be able to erect another barrier in time once this one expires. We also need to directly apply the barrier to the Link, but the current barrier is getting in the way of that."

All in all, it was a ticking time bomb. "We have five months to groom the people who will be challenging the Dungeon next," Lucy said gravely.

Rose shuddered, and it seemed Null was also downcast. "What if we let the gate open, then we destroy the Outers once they come out?" Rose finally muttered, unable to hold her idea in anymore.

She knew it was against the rules, but wasn't it better than allowing more Chuunibyous to die? 

"I have also considered that option. If we do not get the desired quality and quantity of members to challenge the Link, then it seems that will be our only choice. However... it's too risky. You know this."

There was a reason why Link-Breaks were feared by the Chuunibyou Society. Not only did they cost civilian lives, but they also brought about a grave risk: the creation of too many Exposed!

"If we fight the Outers in Reality, we'll expose a lot of people to Fiction, weakening the Veil even more," Lucy said, her voice heavy with concern. The Society still had no idea how dangerous this Link was, but just to be certain, they needed to gather the most elite members to fight the Outers in case they were going for a Link-Break.

"What if the creation of Exposed caused an even greater Link to appear? What if an even worse incident occurred as a result?" Lucy sighed heavily. "It's already a certainty that this will happen. The same thing happened in Dad's time too."

Lucy didn't want to risk the safety of the Society. That's why she was so particular about the quality of Chuunibyous they were bringing in.

  "I'm sorry for my impudence." Rose apologized contritely. 

"It's fine," Lucy said. "The honest truth is that we're stuck. We can't afford to lose more lives, but we have to take the risk. The only thing we can do for them is to make sure they're more than prepared for the crisis that is to come."

Rose and Null nodded.

"That includes the new recruits on your teams—all of them," Lucy said.

Rose and Null looked apprehensive, especially Rose. "What? They just became members recently. Even Shadow and Bee just joined not long ago. How can you consider adding them  to the forces challenging the Irregular Link?"

Rose knew how understaffed the Society was, but still, this was absurd. "Matt, Violet, Bee, and Shadow… they're too inexperienced! I'm sure Null would say the same about his own subordinates."

Null nodded in agreement with Rose's words.

Both Rose and Null stood in solidarity against the issue, and Lucy let out yet another sigh. She had lost count of how many times she had sighed at this point.

"I understand how you feel, but they now have five months to prepare," Lucy said.

"But you said it yourself. Five months is too short!" Rose exclaimed.

"Yes, for normal people. However, I believe in your abilities as exceptional teachers—the most exceptional currently active in the Chuunibyou Society."

Rose and Null still couldn't back down despite hearing Lucy's commendation. That was how dangerous the mission was, and how strongly they desired to protect their subordinates.

However, Lucy wasn't backing down from her decision. "Your subordinates are also exceptional, particularly Voidbringer and White. They're truly exceptional."

Lucy's eyes narrowed in resolve. It seemed that, even more than Rose and Null, she had no intention of backing down.





One more chapter before the end of this Arc. This should be fun.

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