
Chunibyo's Fanfic. (Currently in Highschool DxD.)

my writing style is very weird in the dxd world, as this is my first novel but I have changed it currently in the fairy tail world... so readers ? plz bare with it... I'm improving slowly on my writing skills with this novel and would love your response even if you are cursing or bad-mouthing me... but those curses better be meaningful ?... Unique Mc.... idiot Dragon inside Mc.... System..... Unknown Katana type.... Servants.... Harem.... now enjoy. Mc was born in DxD world. Currently in the world of Fairy tail... and yes there's something related to god too. I don't own anything used in this novel, other than the concept of my MC...and this Novel is for my personal satisfaction and a place for improvement...so don't mind it.

hope123612 · Anime & Comics
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112 Chs


hope stayed a while in the bar Sun, there he was introduced by many people like Thunder god tribe, this tribe could be said, was a fanclub of Laxus with Freed as the leader of the tribe.

hope also met Juvia and Levy, the first reaction of Juvia after seeing hope was "I'm already taken by Gray-Sama! so plz don't think about me!" Juvia said with a blush to which hope chuckled a bit as this girl was a bit airhead.

for some Reason Erza kept bothering hope the whole time when he was in the bar, while a girl with pony tail on her forehead only faked a smile when she saw hope.

hope also asked Lucy about Yukino, to which she assured him that she was okay and will also attend tomorrow's Banquet.

but when hope asked her about Flare, Lucy's response was "after the incident, she disappeared without informing us when you fell unconscious."


hope went back to the palace with the help of his skill-blink, he entered the guest room in which he was living and crashed down on the soft bed.

[hope- quatz.

quatz- what?

hope- nothing.

quatz- okay.]

hope felt still felt a bit lonely for some reason, as if he was missing something...

quatz knew how his partner was feeling right now, so gave him his personal space..

{hope- Red, I woke up today.

Red- I know about it young master, I already sensed it.

hope- then why didn't you come to see me?

Red- I'm currently handling the people who lost thier residence in the battle, this will be over soon and I didn't wanted to slack off, as this was your first order to me.

hope- sigh...okay, keep up the good work.}

"guess I'll sleep now." hope took off his clothes except his underwear and slept on the bed while covering himself with the blanket.

In the middle of the night someone opened the door inside hope's room and entered silently...

hope woke up immediately but acted to sleep and wanted to know this Intruder's intentions...

the person got on the bed and crawled inside the blanket, hope felt his body touching the person's body, this person had a petite slim figure.

hope had kept his eyes closed as he was acting to sleep, he knew the person was laying beside and facing towards him as hope could feel the breath of this person on his face.

hope felt a finger caressing his face as it glided from it's forehead to lips, the finger grabbed his lower lip and pinched it with the index finger and the thumb...

hope knew it was a girl and also knew who it was but still waited to know her real intentions.

the girl kept looking at hope as she laid beside him in the same blanket, she was loving to play with his body as she kept moving her hands slowly on his chest and abs...

"you look so handsome and cool." as she said those words she moved her face forward and bit his lower lip with her teeth gently...

'damn this girl! at this rate I might do something to her.' hope tried his best to resist her seduction, as she kept moving her fingers around his body and locked his waist with her legs...

the girl felt something poking at her ass as she locked his waist with her legs, she started rubbing his d*ck with her ass as it felt hot and very good for some reason, she made slow movements on her hips with a red face...

'this things happened to me every night?' hope was pitying himself in his head.

hope opened his eyes slowly and saw Hisui biting her lips and closing her eyes as she kept moving her hips to rub his d*ck on her ass.

"this things don't suit a princess, Hisui." hope finally spoke up as it was now or never or he might have made a move on her right now.

Hisui hearing the voice stopped moving and opened her eyes wide, she moved a bit away from hope as she still laid on the bed...

hope approached her and was now above her with the support of his arms, Hisui looked away with a red face "I'm sorry."

"some 'sorry' don't deserve 'it's okay' in return." hope reprimanded her, his d*ck was fully erect bcoz of all the rubbing and was now facing her crotch...

Hisui hearing hope's words, lifted her skirt showing him her wet panties "then you can punish me now."

" 'tch' who do you think I am? a beast who loves sex?" hope bent his face towards Hisui's right ear "I'm still a virgin, you know?".

hope bit her ears and pinched her nipple on her small breast which had not matured fully yet...'I have not had sex with Akeno yet! who do you think you are to break through the line!?' hope was a bit angry in his mind...

"aaah! I'm also a virgin! who do you think I am?" Hisui thought that hope saw her as a whore.

"I know that!" hope twisted her nipple gently as he pinched them and kept sucking on her right ear as he bit it.

hope spread her legs which was between his legs with his right hand as his left was busy pinching her breast, he moved his hand towards her crotch and slowly entered her wet panties...

"you are so wet for a girl at your age." hope felt his hand soaked in her juice as soon as it entered inside her panties, he gently pushed in his index and middle finger inside her vagina a bit and slowly started rubbing it.

hope was right now punishing a naughty princess who entered a dragon's cave without equipment to defend herself.

Hisui kept moaning lightly holding her mouth with her hand, so that the guards would not hear her, she hugged hope's shoulder tightly as she felt very weird down there and felt weak..

hope knew she was gonna cum so he started rubbing a bit faster and kissed her neck tightly as she hugged him....

Hisui gave out loud moan without resistance, she felt her eyes rolling upwards bcoz of the pleasure she was experiencing the first time down there....

hope released his kiss and saw that he gave a deep mark on her neck, he laid Hisui down on the bed as she kept twitching her waist in pleasure...

hope also laid beside her giving her an arm pillow, he was confused about how this girl who acted tough infront of everyone was a huge pervert inside who even entered his room just to rub her ass on his d*ck.

after a while Hisui felt fine and saw at hope's face who was looking at the ceiling, "don't tell father or anyone about this, plz."

hope shifted his attention towards her and looked at her pleading face, "don't worry, you are a girl in puberty afterall, I won't tell it to anyone."

"but, I have a question, why did you enter my room?" hope was still confused about why he was her target and she was even ready to give her virginity to him.

Hisui sighed "don't you look your face at the mirror? have you ever noticed your slim body with such refined abs? and on top of that you are caring and gentle towards everyone, which girl will not fall for you!? don't think that I chose you by your looks! I'm a princess afterall."

"looks and nature does not matter you idiot, love matters." hope corrected her.

"and I fell in love with you at the first sight!" Hisui hugged him tightly and kissed him on his cheek.

hope pinched her nose lightly "that's not love, you are only attracted towards me, love should be mutual."

Hisui skipped a heartbeat at his words and she fell in love with him all over again, "I will make you love me back!" she shouted as she kept hugging him.

"we'll see about that later, now let me sleep and go back to your room." hope reminded her about thier current situation.

"like this?" Hisui that saw she was naked and her panties dripping wet.

hope sighed and used his new skill to lock the time, he carried her as a princess and took her to her room.

Hisui was stunned as she saw the time was frozen and the guards were frozen too, but she didn't dare to question him about it and enjoyed his arms and body while being carried away.

"pervert" hope said silently as he felt her hands on his body again.

"yes, I'm a pervert princess towards you!" Hisui gave a huge smile.

hope threw Hisui on her bed "now, sleep and look at your neck later in the mirror, I bet the mark won't disappear for some days."

hope blinked out to his room as he completed his sentence.
