
Chunibyo's Fanfic. (Currently in Highschool DxD.)

my writing style is very weird in the dxd world, as this is my first novel but I have changed it currently in the fairy tail world... so readers ? plz bare with it... I'm improving slowly on my writing skills with this novel and would love your response even if you are cursing or bad-mouthing me... but those curses better be meaningful ?... Unique Mc.... idiot Dragon inside Mc.... System..... Unknown Katana type.... Servants.... Harem.... now enjoy. Mc was born in DxD world. Currently in the world of Fairy tail... and yes there's something related to god too. I don't own anything used in this novel, other than the concept of my MC...and this Novel is for my personal satisfaction and a place for improvement...so don't mind it.

hope123612 · Anime & Comics
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112 Chs

Grand Banquet...

hope woke up in the morning with the soothing sunlight on his face which came through the open window.

"yawn...so peaceful." he walks into the bathroom to get ready, after getting fresh he wore some Clothes from the closet and went down to the dining room.

he saw a maid and called her out, as he didn't know the directions in the palace "hey! can you plz guide me to the direction towards dining room?"

The maid came closer to his face, "what will I get in return?" her tone was low and she sounded erotic.

hope didn't waste time arguing and gave her a light kiss on her lips, "is this okay?".

"plz follow me." the maid guided hope towards the dining hall with a red and satisfied face.

[quatz- what are you? a chick magnet?

hope- a maid magnet probably..sigh..why can't I be a Neko magnet?...]

hope entered the huge dining hall, "plz sit I'll serve you some good food." atleast the maid took the responsibility.

as hope enjoyed his luxurious food, a girl also entered the dining hall and sat on the dining table near hope.

"good morning." hope greeted Hisui normally as he slowly ate his food.

Hisui was already nervous from the last night and was confused about how to behave around him, but as hope greeted her normally, she relaxed and her mind was at ease.

Hisui looked at hope with a smiling face, "good morning hope Sama." she greeted him with the charm of a princess.

hope nodded at her and continued eating his food, after eating his food he bid his farewell to Hisui and walked out of the palace.

hope flew into the sky to feel the fresh air and warm sunlight of the morning.

[hope- I want to fight or train right now.]

hope was feeling like he is lazing around as he didn't do his daily morning routine even once after getting to this world, he decided to go near the eclipse gate so he can swing his katana freely.

hope walked towards a crumbled place which was a bit away from the gate, "balance breaker." he clenched the handle of both katana and took an aggressive stance by bending a bit and holding his Katanas backwards.

it looked like a dance as his Katanas were not visible bcoz of the fast movements, hope swinged his both Katanas making making small air slashes, while golden Katana released a thin energy slash with every swing, the slashes put the Crumbles of the buildings to dust.

hope experienced huge burden on his arm with each swing, he used his first origin of Darkness so that he can sustain longer and practice more on his movements with dual wielding.

the normal slashes were enough to cut the air in 1 km while the energy slashes from his golden katana turned the buildings to dust.

hope felt shock pass in his hands with every touch between the both Katanas, he almost used to leave the handle bcoz of the shock but grabbed it immediately before it fell on the ground.

After the 2 hours of practice he fell on his knees with his Katana in it's original form, "I guess that's the most far I can practice for now." hope took heavy breaths as he sat on the ground.

[quatz- don't mind your limits, you are improving at a very faster rate.

hope- I know, but then too I feel weak.

quatz- ?weak? you can slay a dragon!...

hope- didn't you say it was an ant, I only consider you as a real dragon, I have to get strong enough to defeat a dragon like you.

quatz- hahaha!!! that's the spirit! defeat me!]

as hope talked with quatz, he sensed 2 people approaching towards him, he continued sitting on the ground as they felt no threat him.

one of them was a girl with pink hair while other was boy which hope somewhat recognized, they both were wearing a blue coat.

hope looked at the boy, "Mystogan?" hope recognized him somewhat as he saw his match against Jura.

"how do you know!?" Jellal was confused as he never introduced himself to hope even being as Mystogan.

The girl only had a surprised face as she inspected the surrounding, Nothing was left... even the ground had many deep marks of long slashes on it...

hope had confirmed that he was Mystogan by Jellal's reaction, "what are you doing here? and where were you during the battle?" hope didn't see him at battlefield when the dragons invaded the city.

"sorry, to say I'm not Mystogan but Jellal and you were correct in guessing me, as I acted as Mystogan in the tournament." Jellal corrected his identity to hope.

"I was handling the scenes behind the battle, when the people defended the city." Jellal continued.

hope knew he was saying truth as there's no reason in lye to him in the first place, "okay."

the girl looked at hope with a smile, "you can call me Meredy, btw what were doing here?"

"Meredy you can also call me hope and I was practicing a bit, you see." hope said as he looked at Meredy as she was faking a smile.

"but what are you guys doing here?" hope didn't knew thier reason for being here, they can book a room in a hotel for doing such stuffs, do they have destroyed city fetish? a new type?

Jellal sighed as he looked at hope, "we are searching for our partner, she's missing from the day of battle."

hope stood up as he dusted off his pants, his clothes had tarnished.. just from practicing, 'such weak clothes.' hope thought.

hope guessed something, "what type of mage is this person?".

Meredy got excited genuinely, "her name is Ultear! she can use many types Magic but her specialty is time magic!" she was happy to talk about her partner.

[hope- time magic.....quatz, you get it right?

quatz- yes partner, I have the same doubt, I think she sacrificed her life to use the power to reverse time, as time's not something you can mess with! without having huge drawbacks.

hope- hm, it'll be sad if she really died.]

hope immediately thought of his best friend and the loyal Servant.

{hope- Red, you free?

Red- yes young master, I'm totally free from this morning, I was just coming to you, wait a second.}

Red appeared to hope's place with the help of his portal.

"Red, can you help me find a person?" hope immediately went to the topic.

Red was confused about why his young master wants to find someone, probably to kill the person? "yes, I should be able to, if I know the details."

hope explained him about the girl he was looking for in his mind, he also confirmed from Red, that if he also saw a bit in future that day, Red knew someone manipulated time and replied with an affirmative.

{hope- probably she might be dead, then too see if you can find her, I don't want a kind soul to sacrifice itself for doing good deeds.

Red- you are very kind young master.

hope- stop buttering me and look for her, stop looking for her if you feel like she's already deceased.

Red- okay young master, then I'll leave, see you at the Banquet.

hope- oh yes! the Banquet! thanks for reminding me.}

Red left the area again through his portal, the both people in blue coats knew they talked telepathically and only kept looking at them as they stood still.

"I have asked Red to look for her, but don't expect me to find her and continue your search too." hope said as he looked at the 2 people infront of him.

Jellal was confused, "why are you helping us to such lengths?.", Meredy was also confused but didn't mind extra help to search her friend.

hope felt happy inside for some reason, "I owe her my d*ck." he said in a genuine tone.

Both the person were shocked, hope saw thier expression and realized he said the word in the bad meaning and immediately corrected himself.

after that he blinked to the palace and saw many people from the other guilds entering the palace, he was confused as it was still afternoon and Banquet was at the evening.

A girl came running towards hope, "Hope Sama!" and hugged him tightly.

"Yukino! good to see you." hope reacted on his instinct and patted her head as he hugged her back.

"ahm...ahm...we are also here." Erza reminded them, all the girls from Fairy tail had formed a group with Yukino.

hope looked at Erza, "you can hug me too, you know? if you feel like it."

Erza hearing this walked towards hope and hugged him tightly from behind as she put her face on his right side of the shoulder, "stop teasing me okay?"

"but you are the one who's teasing me, your armour does cover your assets." hope felt the soft sensation on his back and front, as he was getting sandwiched RightNow with Yukino and Erza.

[hope- why are they so clingy towards me? and I even feel thier feelings genuine towards me.

quatz- girls are tough...]

Lucy and Wendy had red face as they saw this, while Juvia had started imagining Gray hugging her.

Mirajane went angry and immediately separated Erza and Yukino from hope, "STOP DOING THIS!" Mirajane exclaimed.

"I was enjoying it though..." hope said in a bit low voice.

Mirajane glared at hope with an Killing intent, "you Wanna Fight huh!?" she said in biker gang leader tone and put up a battle stance.

hope took his iaido stance, "then let's settle it right now." hope was ready to fight her.

"STOPP!!! THIS IS THE ROYAL PALACE! NOT A BATTLEFIELD!" Hisui shouted as she saw both in thier battle stance.

"ask her, she's starting it!" hope knew it was not his fault and pointed at Mirajane.

Mirajane still had her raged face, "hmph! I'll see you properly! when you join the guild!" she started walking to the other direction..

"I'll be waiting for it! and can't you see me right now!? I'm still here! why wait till I join!?" hope exclaimed at the Mirajane who was walking away.

Mirajane clenched her fists, as she knew that she was in the Royal palace right now And fighting was inappropriate, Lisanna was soothing her sister, as she stayed by her side.

the group had gathered many eyes towards them from the other guild members as hope and Mirajane almost started fighting and were excited to see it... they went back to thier own with a 'tch' as they saw the fight was stopped by the princess.


"sigh...why is she so angry at me? Mirajane was it, right?" hope looked at Erza as he asked her in confusion.

the group sighed at both of thier antics, while Erza was confused herself, about why Mira was acting like this, as she had started behaving good after the incident with Lisanna in the past.

Erza looked at hope with a blank face, "I don't know."

hope sighed..."it's okay, I can ask her later."

hope asked them why everyone was here to which Hisui replied that the palace had arranged them clothes and changing rooms for the Banquet as it was announced too suddenly and people might not have party clothing with them.

"then I'll see you later." hope bid his farewell and walked away to his room.

Hisui stared at hope's figure as he walked away and sighed as she was Lucky to be here to stop the fight between an S-class mage and hope.


I know I fked up in the tournament, but it was necessary...as I wanted the elemental reward and the trigger....so! sorry!?

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