
Chunibyo's Fanfic. (Currently in Highschool DxD.)

my writing style is very weird in the dxd world, as this is my first novel but I have changed it currently in the fairy tail world... so readers ? plz bare with it... I'm improving slowly on my writing skills with this novel and would love your response even if you are cursing or bad-mouthing me... but those curses better be meaningful ?... Unique Mc.... idiot Dragon inside Mc.... System..... Unknown Katana type.... Servants.... Harem.... now enjoy. Mc was born in DxD world. Currently in the world of Fairy tail... and yes there's something related to god too. I don't own anything used in this novel, other than the concept of my MC...and this Novel is for my personal satisfaction and a place for improvement...so don't mind it.

hope123612 · Anime & Comics
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112 Chs


hope after fetching his Katana, he came back to palace, there he saw Hisui with her father Toma, they were inspecting the work for tommorow's Banquet, hope walked towards them.

"hello there, dwarf king." hope had a cheerful tone as he just mocked Toma.

"ahm....plz call me only King, I have some respect as a king you know." Toma didn't like that hope called him a #dwarf king.

"Sorry about that, it came out of instinct." hope also felt a bit weird, but this King's Chara was really funny.

"hope, you know that you won the Grand Magic Games right?" Toma didn't know, if hope knew that he won.

"Yes I know, so? where's the prize money?" hope knew he won, as system had informed him that he completed the quest.

"don't worry about it, I have given it to Red with the trophy of winning team." Toma had already given the prize money to Red.

"ahm...the thing is, tommorow's the Grand Banquet and you are already invited with Red." Toma informed him about the Banquet which being held tommorow.

"yes, I already know about it and where are the other people of the guilds? i don't see them here..." hope was confused as he didn't see anyone here.

"hope Sama, this is the palace of Crocus and other people besides Nobles and Family are not allowed to stay here, but you are a special case." Hisui explained him the situation with a smile.

"where are they, then?" hope felt a little lonely in this big palace all alone and wanted to meet the other people, to see if they are fine after the battle.

Toma- you can just go to the Inn or the bar Sun, they'll be there I guess.

"okay I'll leave then, but I'll be back to stay here tonight, as I still don't have a place to stay." hope said his farewell.

"Sure hope Sama! you are invited any time!" Hisui waved her hand as hope walked away.

after walking a certain distance from the palace, hope used his Darkness wings to fly in the sky, his wings didn't cause him to stress like when he used his skill and using his wings felt like he was just controlling his part of the body.

hope while flying in the sky saw, the Havoc caused by the battle between them and the dragons, it was good that they fought near the gate or else destruction would have caused inside the entire city.

[quatz- hey, how does it feels to use wings? try shooting some energy blasts and slashes on the city! it's really fun!

hope- 'tch' how are you able to think such things.

quatz- it's really fun! I used to destroy entire countries just by my breath!!

hope- that's why god sealed you! don't you consider the lives of the people that reside in it!?

quatz- 💢 they'll just be reborn again! what's wrong with that!?

hope- if i die and I get reborn again but without you, how would you feel?


quatz just now imagined living without hope and shouted out of depression..

[hope- sigh...we reached here atlast.

quatz- why didn't you just blinked here?

hope- I just wanted to try my control on the wings and it works really fine.]

hope entered the bar Sun and saw many familiar faces.

the first person to come and hug him was Carla?

"IDIOT!" Carla hugged hope's face and blocked his vision..

"stop it Carla! I can't breath!" hope said this in a suffocating voice.

Carla released him from her hug and went back to Wendy...

*growl.....a dragon was roaring from hope's stomach as he demanded for food.

"haha, you're still a glutton!" Erza laughed at him as she was passing by and heard the stomach growl...

" 'tch' I have not eaten for days, how can you say that!" hope immediately reprimanded Erza.

"Hope! you back!" Natsu came rushing as he saw hope.

"yes, I guess so." hope said in a low voice, it felt weird being greeted by so many people...

hope then went and ordered himself food and lots of food! it was enough food for 4 people which he ordered all for himself alone!

after a while his food came and he started chugging it down like a glutton...

[quatz- a full stomach is required before causing destruction!! hahaha!!]

hope ignored this destruction maniac and continued eating.

A little girl came flying and sat infront hope, she kept both her hands on her cheeks with the support of table and kept staring at hope, as he kept eating his food...

hope noticed Mavis already but ignored her....

[quatz- she's staring at you with certain intentions....

hope- I don't mind...she's a ghost afterall.]

hope finished his food atlast.. "haah!...thanks for the good food." hope felt like, now he can fight another Motherglare without getting exhausted.

"deal...." Mavis said in a low voice with a smile as she still kept her same posture.

"what deal?" hope asked her even though he knew about it, he proposed it afterall.

"don't act funny and come with me! here!" Mavis flied in the air and signaled hope with her petite hand to follow her.

hope followed her as she really was so cute! and there so reason to reject her in the first place.

hope entered an area which was filled with mages of Fairy tail Guild!

"Hope!" Lucy exclaimed in cheerful voice as she saw hope here with the first master.

"how can he see the first master and even talk to her?" Laxus was confused and said those words in a low and stoic tone.

"now, now Laxus there must be some reason behind it..." Freed was standing beside him.

"First Master, are you here with him to announce it?" Makarov guessed what Mavis was about to do...

"yes sixth master, I'm gonna announce it right now as everyone from guild is here." Mavis said in a big smile and cheerful tone.

[hope- announce!? don't tell me....

quatz- HAHAHA!!! partner you are trapped now and by your own words! but remember the deal, they have to teach you elemental magic! only then will you join thier guild!

hope- I know, then too let's hear her first.]

"Announcement!?" everyone exclaimed, they knew something was fishy here, as hope was able to see and talk with the first master.

"first master is he from our guild somehow?" Erza thought about this as a possibility...

Mavis smiled at her "no." and then faced everyone "he will be the part of our guild in future." Mavis dropped the bomb.

Some people were confused while some people who knew about hope's nature started celebrating.

Erza came and hugged hope from behind "YEE! now I can fight him every day!"

"Mee too!" Natsu exclaimed as fire came out of his mouth.

Laxus clenched his fist "another strong member in the guild!" Laxus was also sparked up.

"hey! Can you atleast hold your beer!?" Cana mocked hope as she was totally drunk...

"but..." Mavis said with a serious face.

everyone went silent as they saw first master's serious face.

"you guys have to teach him about how to use magic! and it's a request from me" Mavis exclaimed and went back to her cheerful mood.

[quatz- they didn't even ask your opinion!...pfft....hahaha!!

hope- it was a deal afterall, I'll leave the guild if I feel like not being there.

quatz- no doubt.]

"what type of magic can you use?" Makarov looked at hope and asked him.

"well..I don't know yet, but I know I should be able to use some type of element." hope really didn't know anything about magic..

"well that'll be a problem then, you are a very strong swordsman after all..." Makarov sighed as he completed the sentence.

"I'll see if he can use my ice molding magic." grays had a very challenging face when he thought about teaching him his magic.

Natsu walked towards Gray "I bet he will learn fire magic! so I can eat his fire!"

Natsu and Gray started arguing with each other, while hope went to an empty seat and sat there.

"well.. don't worry, our Guild is very good and we are all like a family" Mirajane approached hope as she saw he was feeling like tied up.

"that's what I'm worried about" hope said in a low voice but Mirajane heard this.

she sat infront of him with a pouty face and kept staring at him.

"don't act infront me plz." hope saw this idiot acting infront him..

Mirajane made a 'hmph' sound and looked away.

"damn...what an acting.." hope was amused as this girl was acting so naturally...

Mirajane now had a serious face and looked at hope in his eye "FIGHT ME!" she shouted.

everyone heard Mirajane and looked at her, she was sitting right infront of hope as she shouted those words...they gulped thier saliva...as Mirajane was really looking serious...

"no." hope said clearly.

Mirajane stood up as she kept looking at him "why!? I'm serious!"

hope looked at Mirajane who was standing infront of him "that's why you idiot, I don't have potions that can regenerate lost body parts, so let's fight after I learn some magic as my katana only swings with an killing intent."

hope said those words in a calm tone which made Mirajane even more angry...she almost used her Satan Soul right now.

[quatz- what did you do to her!? she's so angry right now!

hope- don't know..... really.]

"okay then, let's fight after you learn magic, but I'll force you to draw your sword against me!" Mirajane walked away with a rage mood after she said those words.

Elfman and Lisanna were confused as they never saw thier sister this angry at a person ever before....

Erza approached hope's table and saw him sipping his tea like nothing happened, she went and sat infront of him where Mirajane was sitting first.

"did you somehow offend her?" Erza remembered her childhood with Mirajane, this Mirajane was clearly acting like she was in her childhood.

"why would I offend her and what's her name btw? I forgot to ask her." hope didn't know why this girl was so angry at him.

everyone who heard him- what!!? you don't even know her name!?

"we got ourself another interesting member, right Sixth?" Mavis looked at Makarov as she chuckled at hope's words.

Makarov sighed with an defeated face, as he knew it was going to be more troubling for him in future...
