
Chrono Detective

I try to be historically accurate in this series, but because this is a fantasy series and not historical, i may change or remove few things. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tale about a man traveling through time solving Mysteries no science could ever solve. Story that tells us the tale of future emperor of Time. Jack, who unintentionally became most important person in every timeline. will he survive constant danger that he will face in the future. or will he give up the only chance he has to solve the biggest mystery thar hunted him since he was a little kid. Chrono Detective. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cover: AI Sorry for the english, i am not english myself.

DreamWr8ER · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Finding Out The Identity.

Jack was traveling in his wheeled vehicle on the roads of old London, he already came to the conclusion he was not in some kind of illusion, Jack wanted to find who he was in this world.

He could see people walking around in old English clothes, they had extremely weird haircuts, Jack loved history when he was a kid, but he never got the chance to learn it, but now it wasn't the time to be fascinated by everything he needed to find out who he was.

People were fascinated by his vehicle, Jack smiled awkwardly, he would never drive this if he knew it would cause everyone to look towards him on the road.

"This is 1888, old cars like this were invented in 1886, and they have similar designs to those bicycle cars created as an alternative to the car when pollution got too much, since i have mine right now that means i am someone rich or someone from a very rich family, i have to find out the truth." Jack was going to the police department, he had hoped they would use Bertillon System to identify him.


In The Police Department.

There was a big table near the entrance, and behind this table, a clerk was sitting on it, it was like a modern bank, the clerk was behind glass and writing something. the lighting here was quite old Jack noticed old lightbulbs that were flickering with yellow light in the ceiling, of course, there wasn't any ventilation here. after seeing this Jack immediately remembered old movies he saw when he was a kid, these were good memories.

A few policemen were going up and down the stairs to the second floor, they looked like they had to do something fast, and with worried faces, some of them rushed out of the building, the atmosphere here was extremely tense but so much so it would be hard to breathe.

Jack noticed this but he ignored everything, he looked at the clerk and suppressed his instinct of interest. he wanted to know more.

But now he needed to do something.

there was another person in the room talking with another clerk behind the glass. Jack choose a clerk that was free and asked them something.

"So, Sir you are telling me you forgot who you are after drinking in the bar and you wish to find out right now?" the old Clerk wearing a traditional woman's outfit for the 1800s asked Jack this question, she was about 60 - 70 years old, not too young not too old, she had red lipstick and for her age good body.

Jack was sweating a little bit, he didn't have much knowledge of how people lived in this timeline, he only knew a few unimportant pieces of information after taking Jack The Ripper's case.

He responded, "Yes, i hoped you would try to tell me who am i."

The clerk sighed and said to Jack "Alright, You told me your name was Jack, but you forgot your surname, mate you should check with the doctor, this kind of amnesia can't be normal from just a few strong drinks" Clerk took out some papers and wrote Jack's information on it.

Jack smiled at the good intentions, This old clerk had and nodded. he was not nervous anymore, people in olden times were really honest he could see it right now.

Before this he was nervous in this strange world he appeared in, like a lost kid in a mall he was confused and frightened.

But this was his life now and had to get over it.

The clerk finished writing something in his paper and took out an old phone.

Jack was immediately fascinated by this technology, from the time he was retro technology like this was already extinct.

The clerk typed some numbers on the phone.


"Sheriff, we've got a lost lad here who's lookin' to discover his identity. Let's conduct a swift Bertillon search to locate his documents." The clerk notified his sheriff about Jack.

10 minutes later.

Heavy footsteps could be heard in a wooden room, this place looked old, probably over 60 years since it was built, and some of the walls already had stains on them.

Jack looked around and saw a Burly old sheriff coming down from the second floor, he was wearing a leather suit and had a glorious mustache, he had a monocle on his face as well as he had a tired but kind look on his face. he had a name template on his suit named "Ethan" looks like he was a 2-star sheriff.

Old Sheriff noticed Jack and went towards him, he then sat on the fluffy couch nearby, and he said "Hey lad, you appear quite pale. Fear not, we shan't be feasting upon you." He had a good laugh after looking at Jack's face.

Jack chuckled and thanked him "Thank you, sir, it is been a long time since i had a drink, and after letting myself off this happened. i don't even know if that girl put something in my drink" Jack shook his head like he was regretting drinking so much.

Sheriff laughed and said "Alright, alright, but your accent" His face became colder as he leaned towards Jack, and he said with a very calm voice "It sounds rather American. We aren't some sort of spy, are we?" The sheriff was making eye contact with Jack this time, he was pressuring Jack to answer his questions.

Jack didn't falter and simply shook his head "I don't know sheriff, and again if i was a spy i would not come here to see my identity right?" he made close eye contact with the Sheriff himself.

Ethan closed his eyes and had a boisterous laugh, he stood up and put his hand on Jack's shoulder he said "Aye, aye, you're right. Pardon my inquiries, I'm truly exhausted from a long day's work mate. Let's find out who you are, young man." Jack nodded and followed Sheriff Ethan in a long corridor, he breathed in relief, looks like this sheriff was easy going guy, he would not have to deal with some scheming people, he could feel wrinkles on Sheriff's hand, looks like this guy was a hard worker in his job.

Clerks also looked at him with respect, admiration, and fanaticism, looks like this guy was a legend here, But for some reason, Jack couldn't remember him from the books.

He was in a timeline he could bearly understand, Jack needed to consider everything.


"Looks like you are a respected person here Sir Ethan"

Jack said this to Ethan.

Sheriff laughed and answered "Ah, don't pay any mind to those youngsters. I merely rescued a few folks, and now they're treating me like a deity. Truth be told, I'm just an ordinary bloke with a desire to help and safeguard as many people as I can. There's not much more I can do Really."

Jack followed Sheriff Ethan in a long corridor, this corridor was already rusted because it was made of wood, smell here was quite weird, you could smell how rusted and aged this wood was, Jack was afraid it would break down on their heads he frowned. then he asked Sheriff a question "Hey, sir, the entire building is mostly made of wood and it's already being corroded by nasty moss, it needs revitalization, why aren't you guys doing it? if it's not some secret can you share this information with me?"

Sheriff shook his head and sighed "You may refer to me as Ethan. It is no secret that our department is in decline. The Bloody Prime Minister, driven by a desire to please the Queen, is solely focused on maintaining public favor. However, the truth remains that it is we who bear the burden of ensuring safe roads. Sadly, our efforts go unnoticed and unappreciated by him." Sheriff complained about the new government rule in England, he shook his head and continued to walk towards a door close by.

Jack nodded and understood, he knew in 1888 the Act of Parliament was signed in England, but he didn't care about this as he was about to find who he was in this world.


In the door, there were enormous bookshelves, and on these bookshelves, there were countless documents, Sheriff went closer to one of them and took out a stack of papers, they were simply called 25 - 30 Age, he put this enormous stack on the table, and asked Jack "Over yonder in Whitechapel district, you'll find all the folks who've put their mark on the mugshot. Let's have a look-see and see if yours be among 'em, young man." With his heavy accent, Ethan opened the papers and searched for the letter J.

"J, J, J, Ah, I've found it!"

Ethan opened the J section and took a look at Jack, he then tried to find his mugshot.

Jack also looked at the documents, he wanted to see if he could recognize anyone from history books. but all of the mugshots here were normal people, and he highly doubted they would have everyone's face here, so after a few minutes he just leaned on the chair not caring about this anymore.

10 Minutes Later.

He found it, and the moment he found who he was Ethan was completely dumbfounded, his expression changed from tired to completely shocked. he first cleared his monocle and looked at the documents again. Jack was confused and asked "Ethan?"

Ethan looked at Jack and made sure he would see the documents.

Jack looked at the files and he was also completely dumbfounded... this was insane.....

End Of Chapter.