
Chrono Charmer: A Timeless Harem Odyssey

At 19, Elias is the embodiment of a dreamer lost in a world of history. With soft hazel eyes that always seem to be pondering the mysteries of ages past, Elias carries an air of introspection. He's got that quiet charisma – the type you don’t notice in a crowded room, but in a one-on-one conversation, his depth and passion for history become infectious. Deep down, Elias struggles with finding his place in the modern world. He's emotional, sensitive, and deeply attuned to the feelings of others, which can sometimes be overwhelming in today's chaotic digital age. Yet, he's endearingly genuine. He’ll often lose himself in a history book, feeling the emotions and experiences of those who lived centuries ago. Main Plot: Upon receiving an enigmatic pocket watch from his late grandfather, Elias discovers its time-traveling capabilities. But the journey isn't just about hopping through eras; he encounters iconic women who become genuinely captivated by his understanding and respect for their times. Cleo: "You're not like the men of my time, Max. You’re... different. Also, what's this 'Netflix' you keep talking about?" Max: "Ah, it's like... the modern Colosseum? Entertainment for the masses. Also, yeah, I’m different. I mean, I wear sneakers and know what memes are." While Max's journey with the pocket watch starts as a mere curiosity, it quickly becomes a profound exploration of human history, love, and the fine line between observation and interference. What's with the novel you say -Harem but main point is human relations, story telling and charcter devlopment -The mc is not sigma, alpha but he is no beta or anything you describe....He won't let people walk over him and don't start worshipping women.....but he acts according to situations -Intellegent mc......one who is history nerd to be honest - The mc is not gary stu but he overcomes odd due to plain one one conversation skills and knowledge he has -Harem girls are very appealing and he has personal maids too -No ntr................And don't believe i will do it because i never did it

latheef_shaik · Fantasy
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10 Chs


The path to Hippocrates' home was lined with fragrant herbs and plants, each with its own medicinal properties. It was a silent testament to her dedication to healing. However, the atmosphere between Elias and Hippocrates was palpably tense. The earlier incident had left an awkward cloud over their interactions.

Attempting to break the ice, Elias inquired, "Hippocrates, may I ask about your family? You're such a renowned figure, but I've rarely heard mention of your personal life."

Hippocrates glanced at him, her guard still up but slightly less prickly. "Most of my family resides in Kos. I've been single-minded in my pursuit of medicine, which hasn't left much room for... personal entanglements."

As they walked, the silence became heavier, the weight of Elias's earlier indiscretion bearing down on him. When he finally mustered the courage to mention his ailment, Hippocrates glanced at him, her gaze analytical.

"Of course," she remarked dryly, "I suppose you thought that sneaking a peek at a woman would put you in her good graces and she'd be more inclined to help you with your ailment."

Elias cringed, regret evident on his face. "That wasn't my intention at all."

Hippocrates raised an eyebrow. "Intentions matter little when actions speak louder. Men always seem to believe that their desires come before respect."

Deciding to change the topic slightly, Elias ventured, "What about Socrates? I've heard she has unique perspectives on health and the human psyche."

Hippocrates hesitated for a moment. "Socrates and I share many ideals, though our methods differ. And no, I will not introduce you." She continued in a more reflective tone, "When we're together, our interactions are... different. There's an understanding, a bond. It's not bound by society's expectations or norms. It's pure, genuine. Two women, without the facade the world demands of us."

Elias felt a pang of guilt for having breached that sanctity earlier. "I truly am sorry for my earlier actions. And thank you for sharing about Socrates."

Hippocrates suddenly stopped in her tracks, her eyes narrowing as she turned to face Elias. "You're craftier than you seem, aren't you? Trying to charm your way through?"

Elias feigned innocence, tilting his head slightly, allowing his glasses to slide down his nose just a bit, revealing eyes that held

As they continued walking, Elias's demeanor subtly shifted. He no longer held the same rigid posture, and his voice took on a softer, mellifluous quality. Every now and then, he'd cast sidelong glances at Hippocrates, his eyelashes casting playful shadows on his cheeks.

Hippocrates, although initially resistant, found it increasingly difficult to ignore the shift in Elias's presence. She could feel an unfamiliar warmth spreading, her earlier indignation waning.

"You think you can charm your way out of this, don't you?" she finally remarked, her voice betraying a hint of amusement.

Elias gave a sheepish grin, "Is it so wrong to try and mend the situation?"

There was a palpable change in the atmosphere between them. Hippocrates, attempting to hold onto her earlier resolve, replied, "You have a certain... way about you. But remember, tricks and charm can only take you so far."

He looked into her eyes, his gaze soft yet intense, "I genuinely seek your help, Hippocrates. And I apologize for my earlier behavior. If there's any way I can make it up to you, please tell me."

For a moment, she was lost in his eyes, the world around them fading away. The magnetic pull was undeniable. However, with a start, she snapped back to reality, clearing her throat. "Let's discuss your ailment. But remember, no more games."

Elias nodded, the spark in his eyes still evident but tempered with genuine gratitude. "Thank you, Hippocrates."

I'm only helping you because your condition piques my professional interest, not because you tried to... charm me," Hippocrates declared in a distinctly tsundere tone. Her cheeks were slightly flushed, a stark contrast to her typically composed demeanor.

She pointed to a partitioned area, "In order to assess your condition, I'll need you to strip down."

Elias hesitated, caught off guard by the suddenness of the command. "Uhm, right here?"

She rolled her eyes impatiently. "Yes, right there. Don't dawdle."

As Elias began to undress slowly, Hippocrates, her patience running thin, stepped forward, yanking at his clothes. "This would be much faster if you'd just cooperate," she snapped.

His face turned beet red, both from embarrassment and the unexpected assertiveness from Hippocrates. "Easy there! I just wasn't expecting... this."

With a mix of impatience and curiosity, Hippocrates tugged at Elias's clothing, stripping him down to his undergarments. His lean frame, devoid of muscular definition, stood in stark contrast to the toned bodies she was used to seeing in Greece. His pale skin stretched over delicate ribs, and every bone seemed to be visible, evoking an image of fragility.

She hesitated for a moment, taking in his physique. Her fingers lightly touched a particularly prominent collarbone, her touch soft but probing. "How have you survived in a world that values strength? Your body... it's so fragile."

Elias met her gaze steadily, a hint of pride in his voice. "I've always relied on my wits rather than brawn."

Hippocrates's demeanor shifted dramatically. She leaned in closer, her breath warm against his skin. "There's something... enticing about your vulnerability," she murmured, her eyes raking over his form with a new intensity.

Perhaps it was the societal norms she was raised in, where muscular men symbolized power and dominance, but Elias's delicate form presented a refreshing contrast. She found herself drawn to his vulnerability, the raw honesty of his physique that didn't try to hide behind layers of muscle.

"I've seen plenty of strong, muscular men. But they're all the same... boastful and brash," she whispered, her fingers tracing the lines of his abdomen. "You're... different. Pure. Untouched."

Elias's heartbeat quickened. Her touch was electric, and her words, though unexpected, stirred something within him. The atmosphere grew thick with tension, both of them lost in a dance of curiosity and newfound attraction.

Hippocrates couldn't help herself. The allure of Elias's form was undeniable, and she found herself drawn in, enchanted by his unique appeal. There was an intrinsic sensuality in his vulnerability, a kind of raw honesty that she had never encountered before. In a world where men constantly showcased their physical prowess, Elias stood as an intriguing exception.

"I've never met someone like you," she murmured, her gaze fixated on him. Her voice had an edge of huskiness, the tone laden with unspoken desires. "Your fragility... It's captivating, like a forbidden allure that's impossible to resist."

Suddenly, realizing the impropriety of her actions, Hippocrates took a step back, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Clearing her throat, she stammered, "Ahem, I...I apologize for that unprofessional demeanor."

She straightened her posture, the healer in her taking over, albeit with a slightly flustered edge. "Now, let's discuss your condition," she said, her voice firm but kind. "Tell me about the symptoms, when they began, and any other pertinent information."

"It's my stomach," Elias began, with a hint of vulnerability in his eyes, "I've had Crohn's Disease for as long as I can remember. It's...debilitating at times. I can't partake in many physical activities that others do so easily."

Hippocrates, trying to understand, gently placed her hands on his abdomen, feeling for any anomalies. But as her fingers grazed his skin, she felt a sudden rush of heat. It wasn't just the novelty of the diagnosis; it was also the fact that she rarely had such close interactions with men in such vulnerable states.

"I've... I've never encountered this condition," she admitted softly, her voice slightly shaky. As she continued her examination, her fingers moved with a mix of professional precision and a slight hesitance, revealing her own inner turmoil.

"It's so different," she murmured almost to herself, her thoughts wandering, "A man's body... it's not what I'm used to. Women, we're... softer."

Elias chuckled lightly, his earlier tension easing, "You make it sound like you're exploring uncharted territories."

Her face turned a shade pinker. "In a way, I am," she whispered, momentarily getting lost in the moment.

The room was filled with a tangible electricity. Both were stepping into unfamiliar grounds, their interactions a mix of professional curiosity, personal interest, and unspoken desires. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation, uncertainty, and the thrill of the unknown.

Elias looked up at her, his brow furrowed with a hint of confusion. "You've been practicing medicine for years. Haven't you ever checked up on male patients?"

Hippocrates paused, her gaze distant as she contemplated the question. "In our society," she began, choosing her words carefully, "many men, especially those of higher standing, prefer to be treated by male physicians. It's a matter of pride and modesty for them. They believe certain ailments or conditions are best discussed and treated by someone of their own gender."

She sighed, her eyes reflecting the weight of societal expectations. "Additionally, women doctors are often relegated to treating women and children. It's not that we lack the skills or knowledge to treat men; it's just how the societal norms have shaped our roles in the field of medicine. My interactions with male patients are limited, and when they do occur, it's often in the presence of another male physician or with very specific boundaries set."

Elias nodded, understanding the complexities of the societal structure. "It must be tough, navigating such restrictions in your profession."

Hippocrates gave a rueful smile, "It's a challenge, but it's also what drives me to keep pushing boundaries and striving for better."