

"Vikings!!!"; shouted Lan, who was mending his net by the sea early in the morning.

Lan was the only child of his parents. B'jorn and Hanika waited for thirty years before giving birth to Lan. His father died when he was still a baby so he has no memory of his father.

He was brought up by his mother in Lerthar. He started fishing at a very young age. He was the one responsible for the care of his mother who was already in her old age.

Lan was out to make his daily bread as usual when the unexpected event occurred.

Running as fast as his legs could take him to the gate of the palace to report what he had just witnessed. He was first denied entry into the palace by the guards due to the way he was trembling. The guards had to make sure he was calm before giving him the chance to narrate the whole incidence.

"Vik- vikings at the sea".

"Tell His Majesty"; said Lan.

The guards found it hard to believe his story because Lerthar has never being invaded by vikings. Vikings have only been mentioned in stories told by the elders to scare the little ones.

Meanwhile, as the guards were busy doubting Lan, the vikings were already raiding the kingdom. Men slaughtered, young girls getting raped .


Like a mad man did Rollo run to the palace drenched in blood. Crying and shouting that the kingdom is under attack by the vikings.

Rollo was a blacksmith. His father was a soldier before he died.Rollo had a wife and two children. Kain,Rollo's wife was a trader in the market. Sam and Tom, his two children were still little when the kingdom was attacked.

"Please don't kill me ".

"Take all you want ,but please don't hurt my family"; were the words of the people of Lerthar.

In the palace:

"Chief guard!!" .

"What is the commotion outside all about" ; asked King Cithal of Lerthar

"Its the people sire".

"They say we are under attack by the vikings". answered the chief guard.

" what!!!"; .

"ready the soldiers".

" we have a war to fight and a kingdom to defend"; ordered King Cithal.

"Your Majesty!!"; shouted Lan as he came running into the palace.

" I would like to fight alongside the soldiers sire"; Lan requested.

"me too Your Majesty".

" greeting Your Majesty " :said Rollo.

"I would also like to fight sire";said Rollo.

" but the both of you have no knowledge in fighting ";said King Cithal.

"I do Your Majesty ".

"I used to train with my father at home before he died";said Rollo.

Outside the palace:


" please have you seen my son ";Hanika asked Talon who was also a villager.

"I saw him on his way to the palace this morning" ;Talon answered.

"okay,tha- ahhh!! ugh!!";she was unable to complete her sentence.

A Viking pierced her with his sword at the back driving through to her heart and out of her chest.

" ahhh";shouted Talon, who took to his heels as soon as he saw Hanika's body drop to the ground lifeless.

In the palace:

"Okay, give him an amour ,a sword and a shield";said King Cithal to the chief guard .

"yes sire";said the chief guard.

" thank you Your Majesty ";said Rollo.

" I also know a little about fighting Your Majesty";Lan said.

" get him a sword also if he insists";said King Cithal.


King Cithal was addressing the soldiers before going to war.

"today the vikings dared invade our kingdom which has always being a peaceful place" .

"we will show them that they have stepped into the wrong place" .

"for Lerthar!!!!!".

" for Lerthar!!!";chorused the soldiers.


Some of the vikings had already gained access to the palace and started killing anyone unfortunate enough to cross their path.

"Laius" ; the queen called.

"yes my queen"; answered Laius.

"take Uthred with you and run far away from this-


"even if everyone is killed , the heir to the throne must be kept alive".

Uthred was five years old when vikings raided Certhar.

It was the noise of the vikings that woke little Uthred up from his sleep. Just then,Laius ran in and carried the young prince on his arm and started running.

They were almost at the gate of the palace when a vikings saw them and started chasing them. The queen,seeing this,ran as fast as her legs could take her together with two guards to protect the young prince.

The viking did not find it hard in finishing the two guards off with his axe.But,the queen,after being pierced with a sword by the Viking still held unto him firmly so as to buy some time for Laius to escape with the young prince.

Fortunately, Laius was able to make use of the little time in escaping with the young prince.

But unfortunately,the queen was too injured to move so the Viking killed her.

As Laius was about to reach the gate of the city they saw the king fighting with one of the vikings. Just as the king was about to land a heavy blow on the Viking another Viking landed the edge of his axe on the King's head. Blood came gushing out as his bode fell to the ground. Laius quickly covered the the Prince's eyes for him not to witness the the death of his father the king,but it was too late,because the Prince had already seen it.

Uthred was too little to understand what was happening so he did not cry as his father was killed before his own eyes.

Laius escaped out of Lerthar with the Prince safely on that day.

It was a very tough fight between the vikings and the Lather soldiers on that day. Many died. Hundreds were injured.

Unfortunately, Lan was among those that were killed during the fight.

Outside the gates of Lerthar:

Laius managed to run till he got to a faraway forest where he made a little fire to keep he and the prince warm through the night.

Just as Laius was about to fall asleep, he heared a sound behind a tree. Without wasting time he drew the little dagger he had out and moved closer to where the sound came from.

"who is there!!";asked Laius.

" I said wh-" ; he was unable to finish his sentence when the person came out from behind the tree.

"It is me"; answered the person.

" who are you ";asked Laius.

" my name is"...

Who was the person behind the tree?

Next episode coming real soon.

Watch out.

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