
To Save Kai

Kai jogged at the entrance of the northern forest. They agreed to meet there and head inside together since Luna was the only person that could hide their presence.

“Hmm? Am I too early?” he wondered since nobody else was there.

He remembered that Thomas stayed behind in their specialization class since he had to talk to their professor. The earth magician just told him to head first which he did.

‘I mean, nothing has happened for a long time.’ he thought. ‘So everything’s fine now.’

Kai decided to wait for his friends. But two minutes later, he felt the hairs of nape stand up and goosebumps grew on his body. There were only two reasons he would feel such a thing; one is when he’s in danger and the other is if there’s someone powerful nearby.

In the future, he would manage to strengthen such instincts and be a fearsome warrior and leader.

Kai felt uneasy. It wasn’t just one reason, it was two. He cautiously walked away from the spot he was just occupying and retreated to the path that led back to the main academy grounds. But all of a sudden, two figures in dark green vest and black cloth that covered their faces cut off his path and Kai involuntarily stepped back. He reached for his necklace where his bow sat transformed as a gold crescent moon pendant. Once it had transformed, he aimed an arrow made of solidified light to the suspicious figures.

“You don’t look like students.” Kai inquired. “Outsiders are not allowed inside the academy grounds.”

One of them, the female one, scoffed. Meanwhile, the other one, a male, just sighed.

“Technically, we’re not outsiders.” said the male.

“White hair, sea-green eyes and can produce a magic arrow made of light.” the female smirked under the cloth that hid half of her face. “It’s him. Grab him.”

“What do you mean ‘grab him’? Who are you?”

“Ugh! This is why I don’t like picking up kids.”

In a blink of an eye, the female kidnapper was suddenly in front of him and delivered a kick to his side. Luckily, he managed to stop it with his elbow and made a slashing motion of his bow. The female swiftly back-flipped and landed a few meters away from him.

‘Eh? Where’s the other one?’

A pair of strong arms suddenly wrapped him from behind. He was squeezed so tight his arms became numb in mere seconds and his bow clattered to the ground, transforming back to its pendant form.

“Who… Let go of me!” Kai yelled and tried to get away from the man who was giving him quite a dangerous bear hug.

“Shut up.” said the female in an annoyed voice.

A handkerchief was suddenly placed in Kai’s face. He could smell a pungent scent and somehow, he was starting to feel weak. He tried to struggle ‘til the last minute but it only made him get tired faster. Seconds later, darkness finally consumed him and he lay limp on his kidnapper’s arm.

“Well, we got him. Let’s go.” ordered the female. The male slung Kai over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and they entered the northern forest, the magic pendant lay forgotten on the grass.

Unknown to them, someone saw the whole thing. She was hiding behind a tree, trying her best to conceal her presence and hold herself from running to Kai and probably get herself taken as well.


Thomas, Andrea and I made our way towards the entrance of the northern forest. The three of us met just a while ago and decided to come together. We caught up with Bernard, Peter and Charles who were only ahead of us by a small margin. In the end, we all arrived at the entrance together. But…

“Where’s Kai?” I asked and looked around the area for the white-haired prince.

“I thought he and Thomas are coming together since they have a specialization class today?” Peter answered and pointed to the earth magus knight.

“He said he will be going ahead since I was summoned by our specialization professor.” Thomas also answered.

Upon hearing their answers, I immediately felt something was off and started to worry. If what they said was accurate, then Kai would be the first person to arrive at the entrance and would probably be waiting for us.

I immediately extended my senses and made a sweep of energy in the area, but I was unable to find Kai’s energy signature which made me worry even more. Although, I found the energy signature of someone else.

“Sshh.” I warned the others.

I gathered some energy on my index and middle fingers. I imagined it lengthening like a string and threw it to the direction where I sensed the familiar energy. Once I made sure that my energy string caught someone, I pulled it. Everyone gasped at the sight of a familiar wind magic user whose fear was written on her face.

“”Freya?”” everyone called.

“You- you-“

“What are you doing here?” I asked her and helped her stand up. I could feel her shaking which I wondered why.

“I- I-…”

“Freya!” I called. “Breathe… Now, tell me what you’re doing here?”

“You guys have been very weird lately. And besides, I caught you researching about this place. Don’t think I wouldn’t know you have been cancelling our sessions just to investigate the northern forest and the old alchemy building!”

I mentally winced. Freya really was smart for her own good sometimes.

“I don’t think I-“

“Luna,” she interrupted. “Kai is in danger.”

All of us immediately eyed each other. I asked her what she meant and then she showed me a golden crescent moon pendant on her hands. My eyes widened upon recognizing the pendant.

“That’s Kai’s magic bow.” I heard Peter mutter. He immediately got closer and snatched the pendant from Freya. “Where did you get this? WHERE?!”

“I retrieved it here!” Freya exclaimed, her breathing getting shallow. She was probably angry and afraid at the same time. “I was hiding back there, waiting for you guys to show up and report you to the teachers, when Kai showed up.”

“And then?” Bernard asked.

“And then, two figures in black showed up too. One was a woman while the other was a man. Kai tried to fight back using his bow and magic, but he got overpowered. They abducted him! They brought him inside the forest!” she answered. “He dropped the pendant so I picked it up once they left. I had been hiding behind a tree ever since then.”

All of us immediately held looks of worry and disbelief. For months, we had been keeping an eye on Kai so he wouldn’t get assassinated or abducted, but he actually got abducted!

“We have to save him.” I stated and looked at my friends who all nodded in agreement.

“Wait!” Freya interrupted. “We should report to a teacher or a member of the disciplinary committee!”

“The main campus is so far away from here.” Thomas replied. “We don’t know where they took Kai so if we go back to the academy building now, it will only be too late.”

“Thomas is right.” Peter seconded. “My cousin will only be in further danger.”

“How about you report it Freya?” I suggested. “You return to the main building and report what just happened. Ask them to send some help. We’ll go inside the forest and try saving Kai.”

“You’re crazy.” she said in disbelief. “Those people that took him were strong, I can tell. They’re not people you can deal easily Hysi.”

“There’s no point in arguing here.” I stated. “If you don’t want to come with us, then go back to the academy grounds and tell someone.”

Without even waiting for Freya’s response, my friends and I already entered the forest, hoping we weren’t already too late and that Kai was safe.