
The Prelude of an Incident

It was the third and final day of the exam when the unexpected happened. It was also an unforgettable day for those in Mt. Tala Island.

Freya and I were down with one task left; harvesting ten fruits of the mutated fire treant.

Now usually, wood-type monsters were weak against fire, but this treant got mutated for unknown reasons and it was currently a C-Class monster. It wasn’t a rare case, but it was definitely uncommon. From what I knew, fruits harvested from a fire treant can be used as the main ingredient of a fireproof potion.

-Wow, the Alchemy Department will definitely have a field trip after this. Maybe I can make some of my own too.

Both Freya and I were crouched on a nearby bush, just outside of the treant’s detecting range. We had already discussed what we had to do prior and the two of us had completely understood that the two of us needed the utmost cooperation if we want to perform with flying colors for the exam.