
Chronicles of the red eyed girl

Synopsis: The year 506 a.d. marked the 15th year of the second magical school in the world, Toadwits. Charlotte was one of it's older students and because of her special relationship with the founders she received a few special privileges, but none of her classmates would want to trade positions with her, as she was known for her inability to cast magic. To add to that, her red eyes and pale skin led many to believe that she was related to some dark creature, making her an outcast in school. See the world through her eyes as she struggles to find her place in a society full of prejudice. What to expect: First person point of view. Slice of Life story in a magical setting. Romance and Drama. Character development. Slow to medium pacing. Wide range of different characters. Scaterbrained MC. What not to expect: Fancy fighting scenes every five or ten chapters. Extensive Magic science beyond what is necessary. Harem. Murderhobos. Author note: I started to write the story as an experiment to test two things. Writing from the first point of view and writing from the perspective of a woman. In the end, I got carried away because it was so much fun to write, and I thought that maybe someone might have just as much fun reading the story, so I decided to upload it. The story itself is heavily influenced by British folklore, like King Arthur, Harry Potter, Roman History, Church History, the neverending story, and a few others but as far as I'm aware there should be no copyright or trademark issues. Still, most might see some parallels because when I started to write the story it was meant to be an exercise. Still, the story plays in a completely independent universe and is not related to any existing story.

Sergeantgreen · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 25

Before I could respond, his lips were pressed against mine, and he shoved me into the bed. I felt his hands gently, but firmly stroking my back. My entire body trembled at the sensation of the kiss and his touch, and I felt the same way I had earlier this day. A longing that was progressively growing. The emotion became stronger with each kiss he gave me, and his kisses gradually moved from my lips to my chin and neck. With each kiss, my heart pounded quicker. I was nervous. Would he descend any further? Did I want that? Every fiber of my being was screaming yes, but I wasn't certain. Would it truly feel that good? How far would he go? I knew where this might be going, and with each kiss, my hesitance was replaced with anticipation. I felt the soft fabric of my bra becoming more uncomfortable as my breasts became more sensitive, and my nipples almost hurt from how hard they were. Almost. I could feel how my body was heating up, and I slowly turned wet down there.

I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of his descending touch, not caring about the "consequences" anymore. But just when I decided to let it happen, he stopped right as he was about to kiss me right between my breasts.

I only realised I was breathing heavily when I noticed my breast moving up and down, almost touching his chin when I breathed in, as he glanced up at me. I wanted him to continue, but I didn't want to beg for it.

But instead of continuing, he moved back and kissed me on the lips, but it was considerably shorter and less passionate than any others he had given me today.

"What is wrong?" I sounded quite disappointed. Was I truly like this...? Charlotte, you aren't that type of girl, right? I didn't even ask for it; he simply misinterpreted my intentions. Okay, perhaps he didn't. What exactly is wrong with me? I'm not prepared for this, right? But it felt so good.

"We should stop here for now, Charlotte." He sounded resolute, but I didn't know why he wanted to stop. I wasn't even sure if I wanted him to stop. Had I done something wrong? Didn't he want to do something like that? Doesn't he like me? Didn't he say that he thinks I'm pretty? So why wouldn't he want to do it? Isn't it normal for people like us to do it? Even Edward did it with… Why am I thinking about him in this situation? Out of my head! … Will should be the only man in my head, especially now. Again, by the magic, what is wrong with me? It's just that idiot's fault. The date was going well until he appeared.

"Hey, everything is okay. I still love you. It's just… if we continue, I… I wouldn't… I wouldn't want to stop. But we shouldn't! We really shouldn't do something like that before we… you know… are at least engaged or something like that. And if we do it, I want to do it the right way."

Again, I realized that he knew me well, and his awkwardly embarrassed words calmed me down. Or at least my body was calming down. And, most importantly, he had said it again. He loved me. And he just wanted to be considerate, right? I mean, people are already talking behind my back, but I didn't want to give them even more gossip. Now that I think about it, Will is probably the only guy in the whole castle with that much decency. I'm sure anyone else would just have continued. I'm sure he would have wanted to continue and was just to… to nice. Sometimes I think he thinks more about what I want or need instead of what he wants. I don't want that. He should be happy too.

"Thank you." I didn't dare to look him in the eyes and looked down on his white perfectly fitting shirt, that didn't leave to much up to imagination. "You know, I wouldn't have stopped you. But I'm glad you did. I mean, you can be a bit pushier sometimes if you want something, but… but that… I don't know if I'm ready for it. But I like it if you are open about what you want."

I slowly raised my eyes again, not believing what I was about to say as I stared into his eyes. "So, if there is anything I can do to make it up for you…?"

I could see his eyes widen for a second before they wandered all over my face. I was blushing so hard that I feared that the color wouldn't go away anymore, but he remained silent.

Didn't he want me to… no if that was the case, he would have said no. That meant he wanted me to but was to shy to say it. Was it a mistake to want to "reward" him for his decency? Was I weird again?

We remained like that, staring at each other silently for what felt like an eternity, until I realized if I wanted to go through with this, I just needed to start. Damned, why did he give me so much time to think about it?

Okay, no going back now. I will do it. Everyone does it, so it shouldn't be so hard.

With a gentle kiss on his lips, I slowly guided him to change our position until I lied on top of him. He still didn't say a word, and his expression was frozen, but his eyes were following my every move, and I could hear his breathing getting heavy.

With a last peck on his lips, I sat up straight on his legs, just below his... member. I carefully began to open his pants when I noticed something moving there. Or instead of moving, it was… growing.

I could see my hands shaking a little. The only thing left now was to pull down his pants. But as I looked at him before, I was about to pull down his pants. He was still just silently staring at me, his eyes wide open, and I was unable to read the rest of his expression, and I began to have doubts. What if he was only going along with it, as I had been going along with it previously?

"Are you really fine with it? I can stop if you want."

"Yes. If you are really willing to, then yes. Definitely yes." He said and his expression seemed to relax a bit. Less tense.

I nodded. By now, I was almost as curious as I was nervous. "But it's the first time I'm doing something like that. If it hurts or something, you have to tell me."

He laughed; he really laughed at that.

"You know, this should have been my text."

If the red color on my face had receded even a bit, it was now back to fully red. But somehow, I was fine with that. I would do it. Now, no going back.

With a swift pull, his pants were down.

I wasn't sure what I had expected, but it still came as a surprise to me as his member bounced upwards the moment it wasn't confined by his pants anymore. I wasn't sure if it was big, but it certainly was larger than the long side of my hand. It was still swinging around a little, and I could see his balls moving along a little bit.

As I was studying his member, I could see from the corner of my eyes that he was staring at me awkwardly. Was he nervous? Shouldn't I be the nervous one? He just has to lie down. Or was he embarrassed? Was it because of his size? I didn't know how he compared to others, but it looked big.

I took a deep breath, focusing on what was before me, and carefully grabbed his dick with my right hand. I could feel the blood pulse in his dick, and I saw him close his eyes for a moment and inhale loudly. Was this a good sign?

I waited for a second before slowly moving my hand up and down his hard dick. I could feel the soft skin move along with my hand a little, covering his tip when I moved up and baring it when I moved down. The veins pulsed with each beat of his racing heart. It felt as if his dick was growing a little more in my hands.

His breathing grew even more erratic as I moved my hand more quickly. I enjoyed his delicate reaction to every movement I made. I liked seeing his face as I did it, how his stiff face was gradually giving way.

Seeing him like that made me loose up as well. This was… easy. He didn't need to tell me I did it right because I could see that he was enjoying it.

With my other hand, I started to fondle his balls. I wasn't sure if that was a good idea because, for a moment, he flinched a little but didn't protest it. I made sure to proceed extremely carefully, as I didn't want to hurt him.

His right hand was slowly creeping up my arm until he reached my face, caressing my cheek. Somehow, this made me want to kiss him, but I decided to keep focusing on his dick. For a short moment, I even thought about kissing it, but that thought vanished as quickly as it came. What if he came just when I was about to do it?

"Your hands feel so warm, so good. Please don't stop now." Was he about to? I could feel the legs under my butt tense as he started to groan. He even arched his back a little. For some reason, my heart started to beat fast too as the pulsing in his dick got stronger.

Hot white liquid was shooting out of his dick, hitting my dress, arm, and bedsheet, but that was of no concern to me at that moment. Following the initial burst, his sperm poured out in small waves, eventually drenching my still-moving hand.

It felt warm and sticky as I kept moving.

His dick was slowly softening a little but still standing upwards. But before I could ask him if I should continue or not, he pulled me down on him and kissed me. His dick and my sticky hand stuck between us.

"That felt so good, Charly. Thank you." He looked tired, but happy. It reminded me that it was already quite late.

"Don't thank me. Not for this. I'm glad you liked it." I said and returned the kiss while slowly trying to get my hand out from between us, as it was uncomfortable.

"Do you want me to… you know?" Despite the way he asked, it didn't appear awkward at all. It somehow felt natural, and I couldn't help but think about how Lorain described it. I was tempted to accept his offer, but after the whole evening, the running because of the dragon, and the one or two temptations in between, I had sweated a lot. And I wanted to be absolutely clean when he touched me there. My now sticky hand and dirty dress didn't help with the feeling of being unclean.

"No. Not today. Maybe next time." I already had an idea for our next "date." Maybe if we took a bath together… But maybe I was a little too enthusiastic about it now that we had our first experience. It was as if a barrier I didn't know was between us had shattered and a thousand new ideas were coming to my mind. Dirty ideas.

"Are you sure? I'd gladly do it?" I could almost see the eagerness in his eyes. Do guys like to do that? Or does he just want to be nice or return something? I mean I can't say I particularly disliked doing what I did. It was… nice to see his reactions.

"Don't tempt me. I will just cuddle you till you fall asleep now. You don't want to be too be tired to hear tomorrow's announcement. With Kate Winter here, I'm sure it's important."

"You are probably right." His words were giving me right, but his face indicated that he had different priorities. It was a strange feeling to see someone you liked so aroused just by imagining doing something with you. I mean, there had been a few perverted people in the school, and I never liked their glares, but it just felt different coming from him. It was as if receiving a compliment and a thought-provoking invitation at the same time.

"Good." Just because I noticed his look doesn't mean I can't ignore it, even thought it really wasn't easy. I stood up and began to undress, I didn't want to "sleep" in my dress. Even less with his cum still on my sleeves and skirt.

"What are you doing?" asked Will surprised. He had his pants pulled up again in the time I had stood up but I could still see the obvious budge in it.

"Getting ready to sleep? Or do you feel uncomfortable if I only wear my underwear?" I asked half teasing half serious. I mean, if it prevented him from sleeping, I would just wear a different dress.

"No, it's fine. I was just surprised. You look really beautiful, you know." I couldn't help but blush. I was a little weak to his compliments. I mean, I knew that one or two pounds more wouldn't hurt me, and my scar looked as eye-catching and ugly as always, but it still felt good to hear him say that. Even more so because he made me feel like it was really true.

After undressing, I wanted to climb into bed as soon as possible, as it was a little cold and I my nipples were still trying to piece through my underwear. But I noticed that my hand was still covered in cum. It was even stickier now than at the beginning. I don't know why I did it, but I tried to smell it. It didn't have a strong odor like I expected. On the contrary, it had just a weak, salty smell.

"I just hope mom doesn't ask to many questions about the dress." I said more to myself than to Will as I tried to clean my hand with the already ruined dress.

"Sorry, I will clean it up immediately." I actually forgot again that Will could use magic as well. No need to wait for mom to clean up after us.

I enviously watched how Will cleaned everything within a minute of swinging his wand around, we went to bed. We argued a bit back and forth about whether I should hug him or if he should hug me while sleeping, but, in the end, he insisted on being "the big spoon."

It was comfortably strange. I knew I was absolutely safe, and I still believed that I was the stronger one of the two of us, but being embraced like that made me feel protected, loved, and cared for. It was as if nothing in the world could hurt me now. It was pure bliss. At least until Will fell asleep. He snored a little. Not like Uncle Gregor, who snored so loudly that mother thought that silencing charms were a necessity on every bed in Toadwitz, but still loud enough that it was distracting me. Well, it wasn't really distracting as I wasn't doing anything besides being hugged, but it was still annoying. At least a little. I think I could bear with it for Will.

What was harder to ignore was that he got a bit touchier during his sleep. I had to stop his hand from groping me at least two times. I mean, if he were awake, I might have considered letting him do it, but like that, it felt just annoying. Even more so because my breasts were strangely sensitive today.

I spent the night doing what I always did at night. Reflecting my day and planning the next. I could have probably spent more time thinking about what Edward and Kate wanted in the school, but I was sure I would learn about it tomorrow, and it would just be a waste of time and nerves to try to figure it out today. Besides, I had too many problems focusing on anything at all because my thoughts were always returning to what I did with him. I also thought about what he meant to me, and the conclusion that I had was that he made me happy. Really happy. And I wanted to spend more time with him. But I also had doubts. I hadn't given him enough time to realize the drawbacks of choosing me, and I feared that he would one day wake up and regret it. So I would try to at least give him the time to think it through. And if he decides wants to marry me despite all of that, I would probably accept it. I couldn't imagine that someone else would make me feel that way and I think he likes me enough that I have hope.

Under his rhythmic snoring my thoughts wandered around, until about half an hour before we had to get up, I felt something in my back. Or my butt, to be precise.

Was this the famous morning wood? How should I react to it? Will it go away on its own? Would he need to… Should I help him with it? I should probably wait till he is awake and ask him.

"Good morning, beautiful." as if he had read my mind, I heard his soft groaning whisper in my ear.

"Good morning, Snuggle-Snore."

"I'm sorry. I hope it wasn't to annoying." He said still barely awake.

"It was… bearable, Snuggle-Snore."

"Be honest with me. How much time did you spent on that name?"

"An hour perhaps. Maybe two. Snuggles, Snoozy, Cuddly or Snory were the other options. But I liked Snuggle-Snore. Because you liked to cuddle me inappropriately in your sleep and kept snoring."

I turned around to him. Now that he was awake, I could do that without fearing he would wake up because of me.

"What do you mean inappropriately? I would never…"

"Your sleepy you isn't as well behaved as you are. That's why your sleepy you isn't allowed to touch."

I had thought a lot about if I wanted to say that or not. I somehow wanted him to get the implicit meaning and at the same time not.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable." He pulled me closer, giving me a kiss. His hands on my bare back felt much warmer and gentler now that I wasn't wearing my dress. "But I prefer Snuggles or Snoozy."

Apparently, he didn't get it.

"Wait. You don't get to vote on this." I said and touched his bare chest with my hand, pushing him a little away. I must admit, I like that he is in such a good shape and it was the first time a got to look at it for an extended period. The day before he jumped right under the blanked after taking it off. Did he get these muscles from the training he did for Uncle's classes. And the tan stripes on his arm and neck were probably because his training shirt didn't have long sleeves. I should probably go and watch him train sometime.

"But because I'm a good girlfriend, Snoozy is fine."

He couldn't stop himself from grinning widely. "You are the best."

"As much as I like your flattery, Snoozy, we should probably get ready, or we will be late for the announcement. Do you need to… take care of that, or will it go away on its own?" He blushed a little as I poked his still-erect tent with my finger.

"No…Ahm… It will go away when I go to the toilette." That was… interesting. I wasn't sure if he would need to… take care of it every morning. I wasn't sure if I would have been willing to do that every day. I mean, I had half prepared to do it again today, but it was good to know that it wasn't necessary.

"The toilet is in the corridor to the right. You should probably wear something. Occasionally a student gets lost and comes by this corridor, and I'm sure half of them are already on their way to the great hall, so you shouldn't risk it." I should probably really ask Uncle Severin if I could get my personal bathroom.

[author]Hello, my dear readers. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. 

I hope you are fine with the slow pace. I mean, I could have let them have sex, but I thought that in real life, except in a few rare cases, you also don't go all the way as your first experience. And yeah, I know that Will would die a virgin in modern times, but he will change as their sexual relationship progresses. Both of them will. 

Anyway, before that happens, we will have a bit of plot. [/author]