
Chronicles of the red eyed girl

Synopsis: The year 506 a.d. marked the 15th year of the second magical school in the world, Toadwits. Charlotte was one of it's older students and because of her special relationship with the founders she received a few special privileges, but none of her classmates would want to trade positions with her, as she was known for her inability to cast magic. To add to that, her red eyes and pale skin led many to believe that she was related to some dark creature, making her an outcast in school. See the world through her eyes as she struggles to find her place in a society full of prejudice. What to expect: First person point of view. Slice of Life story in a magical setting. Romance and Drama. Character development. Slow to medium pacing. Wide range of different characters. Scaterbrained MC. What not to expect: Fancy fighting scenes every five or ten chapters. Extensive Magic science beyond what is necessary. Harem. Murderhobos. Author note: I started to write the story as an experiment to test two things. Writing from the first point of view and writing from the perspective of a woman. In the end, I got carried away because it was so much fun to write, and I thought that maybe someone might have just as much fun reading the story, so I decided to upload it. The story itself is heavily influenced by British folklore, like King Arthur, Harry Potter, Roman History, Church History, the neverending story, and a few others but as far as I'm aware there should be no copyright or trademark issues. Still, most might see some parallels because when I started to write the story it was meant to be an exercise. Still, the story plays in a completely independent universe and is not related to any existing story.

Sergeantgreen · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 22

Knock knock.

"Oh, I think he's here, mom." My heartbeat quickened as I spoke. "Give me a minute, I'm on my way!"

I locked my gaze on my mother once more before asking, "Do I look good?"

My mother smiled as she looked at me. I knew she'd lie if she thought it would make me happy, but with my preparation, I was confident she wouldn't have to.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, Charlotte. And now, don't make him wait any longer, and don't forget to have fun."

Fun? I'm not sure about that. I mean, I kind of hoped it would be fun, but shouldn't my priority be to get to know Will better? I mean, I don't have too much time left, right? No matter how much mother emphasised that she would take care of that, if needed.

Before I opened the door, I checked if my dress was sitting right. Especially in my chest area. The dress was perfect for this date because it allowed him to see without actually seeing anything. Not that he didn't already see everything, but I couldn't deny that I liked how the dress was making it look like I had a bit more than I actually had.

I opened the door and saw a blushing Will in an elegant white shirt with intricate weave patterns that fit so perfectly that I was sure it was woven specially for him. He had combed his hair to a center part, which looked a bit unusual compared to his usually a little unkempt hair, and I couldn't decide yet if I liked it or not.

When I stopped inspecting his clothes, I saw that he was still staring at me.

"Y-You look absolutely stunning, Charly." It seems like all the effort and preparations have been worth it. Just from his widened eyes, I could see that he truly meant it. But that reminded me that I should give him a compliment too, right? Think, Charlotte, think. Say something nice.

"Ahm, you look really handsome as well. I didn't know you had such a nice shirt." Good, that was acceptable. No wait. Did I just say that I didn't believe he had nice clothes?

"Haha, thank you. I don't usually wear it, and it is usually part of a whole set with a robe and everything, but I didn't want to look like one of the stuck-up noble idiots." That was definitely a wise choice. I think if he had turned up dressed like one of the "prestigious" idiots, I would have laughed at him. I don't really know if they really believe that it looks good or if they just want to flaunt their wealth, but in my opinion, wearing such clothes anywhere outside of a formal event is just stupid.

He offered his hand with a small grin and said in a voice that was exaggeratedly formal. "Dearest Lady Humblehill, with the utmost reverence and profound deference, may I humbly beseech your esteemed presence for a momentary sojourn to a locale with a more fitting ambience?"

I had to suppress a laugh at that and try to think of an appropriate answer. I wasn't exactly used to such formal speech. But somehow, it was a nice way to break the ice.

"It would be my profound pleasure to embark upon this refined sojourn with one as distinguished as yourself. Lead on, kind sir, and let the splendors of our chosen destination pale in comparison to the radiance of your chivalrous spirit."

As soon as I took his hand and thought he would lead me somewhere, he pulled me close, giving me a small kiss on the lips, but because we were both grinning from ear to ear, it felt a little weird, and for some reason, he tasted like mint.

"It will never get boring with you, won't it? Come I will lead the way." What was that about? Wasn't he the one who started it? Shouldn't I say something like that? Well, I will take the compliment for now.

"So, where will we go now?"

"To my favorite place." I pouted at him. And this time, not by accident. Was there really a need to tease me like this when we were already on the way? It seemed like it was, as he led me outside the castle, but instead of aiming for a place outside the castle grounds, we walked along the castle walls for a few minutes and arrived at a place I hadn't visited for five years.

"Really, the training ground for Uncle's classes?" I wasn't sure what I should think about that. Would it hurt him if I asked him if he was serious? I mean, I really wasn't sure he was serious, so he couldn't blame me, right?

"Yes. It is my favorite place. I know it isn't the most romantic place and doesn't have the same fantastic view as your most favorite place, but this place is special to me. I will tell you in a minute why, but let me prepare the blanket to sit on. I don't want your dress to be ruined just because I brought you here."

"Well, you mean my second favorite place. But now I'm interested in why you really think that place is special."

"Right. Sorry. The second one Come, let's sit down. If you want to drink something, I have brought a bit of… water." Oh, that was surprisingly thoughtful of him. I knew that it was custom to drink wine during events like that, but with my recent whiskey experience, I was glad I was spared from having to experiment with it again.

As I sat down, I noticed that the moon was covered by the castle, but before I could ask Will if it wasn't too dark for him, he ignited a few candles with his wand. The weak candlelight showered the area around them in a warm light, and I had to admit that it compensated somewhat for the lackluster atmosphere the place offered.

As soon as he finished preparing everything, he sat next to me. So close, in fact, that he would need to sit on my lap if he wanted to come any closer. He then leaned over to kiss me. It was a softer and much gentler kiss than usually, and I couldn't help but blush. It felt nice, and yet I could feel that he was far from as calm as the kiss could have led me to believe. It was as if he was trying to hold back.

I remembered my talk with mom and could feel how my body heated up. Was it my dress that made him act like that? Was it too revealing? I mean, it certainly did have more cleavage than the dresses I usually wear. Should I feel happy that he felt like that? What should I do now?! Was it even the reason he was like that? What would he think of me if I just misunderstood the kiss?

"Charly, it's really nice to be here with you. You know, even if this is our second date, it's the first one you agreed to because you wanted to spend time with me. It just feels so much better." I felt a little ashamed. I hadn't even thought about how he might have felt during the last date. Looking back at it, it must have really hurt him, that I only accepted because he promised to leave me alone after it.

I didn't know what to answer him at this moment. Should I apologize?

"So, you wanted to know why it's my favourite place right? Well as you probably guessed it's not because of the great view or even the dusty hard ground we sit on." I apparently waited too long as he tried to change the topic back to this place. But could I really let something like that stand between us and pretend it didn't happen? What if he thought I didn't like being on this date, too?

"Wait a moment, Will. I… I really like spending time with you," I hugged him, I wanted to let him feel that I meant it. "And I'm sorry that I made it so difficult for you. I'm just… I never… I'm sorry if I hurt you. Can you forgive me?"

I could feel how he put his hand around me to pull me even closer before he whispered in my ears.

"I'm not angry, Charly. There is nothing to forgive, and I'm just glad that you changed your mind."

As he spoke, he leaned back until we both lay on the blanket, with me almost laying half over him.

"And despite everything, I still ended up with the most beautiful, eccentric, and lovable girl in my arms, so isn't that a happy end everyone would be envious of?"


"No, buts, Charly. I like you, and I'm happy we are here together now, and we shouldn't ruin the evening by dwelling on the past. What is the need to talk about what had been or what could have been if we can't change it anyway."

If that was really how he thought, I won't press any further. It would be stupid to demand that he should be angry or dissatisfied with how things turned out if we are both happy at the moment.

I snuggled into a more comfortable position in his arms, which were more muscular than I had expected.

"I'm not…"

"You are, and I love you for it."

Can't he even let me finish? Did he even know what I wanted to say? Okay, considering what he said, I guess he knew, but how? But was I really so eccentric that he needed to mention it? I mean, yes, I wasn't exactly like the other girls, but still... Well, at least he said I was beautiful and loveable, so I guess I can overlook it this time. And he also said he liked the way I am, so why do I even care?

"What's with that smug grin?" Was he so proud of himself that he guessed what I wanted to say?

"Nothing. I just realized how honest your expressions are. It's cute."

Honest expressions? Really? Well, maybe because I didn't try to lie to him. I guess if he told mom or uncle that I have an honest expression, they would laugh till they were old and gray.

"Anyway, as I was about to say before my precious, cute, but rude girlfriend interrupted me, I like this place not because of its looks." Should I protest that he called me rude? No, from his grin I knew he was just waiting for it. I don't want to give him the satisfaction. Maybe I get a little revenge later. Hihi.

"You remember the time I told you about when I was… not really popular?"

"You mean that you were bullied? Do you want me to get revenge for you? I will beat them up. I know places in the castle where even Uncle wouldn't search after them." Even if I meant it as a joke. Maybe a little revenge really couldn't hurt. But were there others besides that Windsor guy and his Friends?

"No, please don't. I think I got my revenge. One way or another. I mean, we still aren't friends, but besides a friendly competition in a few courses, we have sorted everything out. But that's the point I just wanted to talk about. After realizing that fighting back was more effective than just taking a punch due to your actions, I began to train a lot harder. Every day, for the next three years, I went here and trained here for an hour. The lessons here, which previously felt like torture, turned into my favorite classes. You know, the feeling if you fight against someone and the only thing that matters is you and your opponent, the feeling of your senses sharpening so that not even the smallest twitch from the enemy escapes your attention, the heart that beats rhythmically like war drums, and the feeling of winning a fight. It's just amazing. I don't know how to describe it any better, but in a sparring match, in those short two minutes that feel like a whole lifetime goes by, I feel more alive than at any other moment."

Oh, no. Will was a combat fanatic like Uncle Gregor. I don't want him to be like Uncle Gregor. Okay, Charlotte, calm down. What would you think about it if Uncle Gregor didn't exist? Should I be supportive? But what how can I be supportive of battling? But he seemed so happy when he talked about it.

"Do you really like it so much? Is it really so great?"

"For me, it is. Its freeing. It's as if all the responsibilities vanish for that short moment. No thoughts about taking over the family business, no thoughts about taking care of my brothers, no thoughts about my grades, no thoughts about the future. For this short moment, the only one that counts is me. Have you never felt like that?"

I thought about it for a moment. His previous description reminded me a little about the state I am in when drinking blood, but in that case, everything seems to revolve around that instead of really me. But after thinking about it more, I realized something.

"You know, when I was little, I thought that everyone had huge expectations for me. And when it turned out that even after finally getting a wand, I couldn't cast magic freely, it felt as if all those expectations had vanished. But it wasn't a good kind of vanishing. I was frustrated, I was angry, and I was sad because I couldn't fulfill these expectations. But after some time of studying like crazy in an attempt to somehow reach these standards, I had to admit to myself that it was impossible. From then on, I did what I wanted. I played around, played some pranks, the usual things. But without anyone having any expectations of me, the only moments I really feel that I do something for myself are when I use magic. Something I dreaded when it was expected of me. It's silly, really. But the moment before I feel the backlash—the moment I use magic even for something as silly as transfiguring a bread knife—makes me feel so alive. That's the reason I sometimes do it, despite knowing the consequences."

Maybe I said too much, as it felt like I had a lump in the throat at the end. Why did I have to ruin the atmosphere like that? It's not like me to reveal my vulnerabilities so easily. What if he thinks I'm just seeking sympathy? Why am I always oversharing things when I'm with him?

Will remained silent for a moment, absorbing my words. When he finally spoke, his tone was gentle, understanding. "It's not silly, Charly. I can't imagine what it's like to not be able to do what you love. So if you really want to… I mean, we can carefully test it, but if magical blood could really…"

"NO! NEVER! I'm not some kind of monster that would drink blood to play around a bit. Never. Do you understand me?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean too. I just wanted to… to make you happy."

He looked shocked at my outburst, and I immediately knew that I overreacted. Just like mother, he just wanted to help.

"Thank you, Will. I really appreciate the gesture, but I really, really don't want to drink blood if it is not absolutely unavoidable. But if you really want to help me, you can, maybe, stay with me when I practice."

I was a bit embarrassed by my suggestion. Even my mother rarely stayed with me when I practiced. I didn't want to waste her time, especially since I knew that she would probably reduce her sleep time even further to make time for me. But Will was different. Not that I wanted him to waste time, but he was far less busy than mother and he was also my boyfriend, so maybe I could even enjoy the time I would need to recover if we cuddled a bit or if he fed me. Yes, that would definitely be nice.

"I will. Definitely."

It was a simple answer, but his reassuring smile and the kiss that followed told me more than a grand speech would have. I was sure I could have asked him for anything in that moment, and he would have promised it to me. But at the same time, it didn't feel like pity.

"Thank you. And if you want to, I can even spar with you if that makes you happy."

I wanted to give him something back, and while I couldn't really use magic, a stone thrown by me had enough firepower to count as a deadly spell, and my speed was also an unfair advantage in close combat.

"Charly, you don't need to try to give something back. Our relationship isn't some kind of trade where everyone should get something out of it. At least I don't want it to be. So, it's okay if you just accept things I do for you or give you, and I will do the same, but there is no need to always think of making up for everything at any given time. Besides, I don't want to hurt you."

"It's sweet, and I agree about the first part, but do you really think you can hurt me?"

Maybe I shouldn't have said that. He was a man. He would naturally want to be the "strong" one. And even if I were stronger than him, does that really matter?

"We won't fight it out, but Charly, I think you seriously underestimate what a wizard can do in an open field. And with enough distance between you and a wizard, your speed alone won't be enough. Especially if you fight against anyone in the sixth grade and above, where they start to learn how to affect the whole terrain."

I agreed that we shouldn't fight it out, but somehow I still felt curious.

"I will come and watch one of your sparring matches then. And you are right. I also don't want to fight against you."

"I don't think Professor Lionheart would… No, I forgot who you are. He would definitely let you watch the lessons."

I almost forgot that Uncle Gregor was forced to prohibit spectators from watching the sparring matches as the huge audience led to people trying to show off or humiliate other people. The other founders thought that sparring should be a training exercise where the focus should be on improving yourself and not on showing the flashiest magic or finding the most embarrassing way to eliminate the opponent.

Uncle Gregor initially rejected the idea of banning it because, in his opinion, the humiliation could drive people to try harder, and that wanting to show off would be a motivation to study new spells, but he was outvoted by the others. But this limitation was only limited to sparring and not dueling. Anyone could go to a professor and request a non lethal duel with another student. Technically, with the agreement of both parties, their guardians, and all four founders, even a duel to the death was possible, but so far that has never happened. Even though one time was really close because one pesky noble brat thought it was fine to pressure the fiance of someone else into leaving him with his family's influence. The only people who disagreed with the duel were the parents of the noble.

But if I remember correctly, the noble idiot and his whole family were banned from Toadwitz for the next three generations.

I was ripped out of my thoughts when Will waved his hands in front of my face.

"Hey stop that."

"Sorry. Am I so boring that you drift of while talking with me?"

He pretended to be hurt, but I could tell from his expression that he wasn't really bothered by it. He looked more curious than anything else.

"Well, I thought about when you would give me the surprise you promised me for teasing me with the gossip from your friends."

I tried to redirect my attention toward him. I could reminisce about the past another time; now was date time.

"Oh, I see. Well, I wanted to wait a little longer, but if you ask me about it now..." he said, shifting our position carefully. Now I was lying on the blanket, and he was on all fours, leaning over me.

I could feel my face blush a little when I noticed how close his face was to mine.

"And what exactly is the surprise now?"

I was quite proud of myself for how calm I sounded, because I certainly didn't feel that way.

"You know, after our first quarrel, I thought that the reason we even had that quarrel was because we didn't trust each other yet. And what I want to give you now is my trust."

"How can you give som…."

I felt how his lips pressed on mine before I could finish the sentence, but unlike usually, I felt his tongue carefully entering my mouth. I was surprised and shocked, but quickly opened my mouth a little more to make sure his tongue would definitely not get accidentally hurt by my fangs. Our teeth touched for a moment, creating a brief, awkward pause, but his tongue soon began to carefully explore my mouth.

I felt my heart starting to race, and I felt so flushed that I was almost sure that my body must be glowing. I didn't know what to do and decided to mimic his movements. My tongue intertwined with his, and it felt like a warm, intimate dance.

He gently caressed my cheek with his hand, and my skin tingled where he touched it. His hand slowly slid into my hair on the back of my head as if to guide me to come even closer, as if that were even possible.

I could feel a tingling warmth rush from my lips, from my tongue, through my whole body. A mix of excitement and intimacy. I was sure I never felt so connected to someone as I felt to Will in this moment, and I closed my eyes to enjoy the moment.

My body felt strangely sensitive; everywhere he touched me, it tingled, and each tingle was stronger than the previous one. I could even feel my nipples becoming slightly hard, and a strong desire was building up within me. My breath quickened, and any thoughts of doing something wrong or inadvertently hurting him vanished as I returned the kiss with even more excitement.

My tongue slowly entered his mouth, and the taste of mint intensified, but I was more focused on the warmth and passion I felt from him as his tongue started to move around mine again.

After what felt like a blissful eternity, our lips slowly separated.

I still had his lingering taste on my tongue as I reopened my eyes and gazed into his beautiful blue eyes.

Before I could say anything he gave me another quick peck on the lips and whispered the three magical words into my ears.

"I love you."

Without thinking about it, I pulled him closer into my embrace and whispered back.

"I love you too."

I could feel him stiffen for an instance at that. Had I said something wrong? Or did I just imagine it?

Author Note: 

I hope you enjoyed the kissing scene.

By the way, I edited a few of the previous chapters and cut out the scenes with Luis the badger and Simba the snake. The plot I had planned for them wasn't worth the whole drama about them.

Some scenes were adjusted because of that, so in the first chapter we see Percival's room instead of Luis, and in a later chapter Charlotte trains her magic (By controlling the flame of a candle) instead of feeding and talking to the snake.