
The Blind Son

<p>The fowl may want to listen and desist from bothering humans but the taste of a fowl will draw humans to it. that's a shared destiny!.<br/>(By Unknown)<br/><br/>perhaps, this was the true beginning of my life, the awakening. I won't bore you with what followed after I awoke alone in the forest, of wanting life but finding darkness, of my struggle to find my footing, of my journey through the forest, of my encounter with the beast that could have killed me, of how I finally made it out. It was a harrowing experience, every moment drew me closer to the path of self destruction but my mother's words kept on burning in my heart. I wanted death, I can't say I didn't sought for it, I did. I ran towards the direction I heard an animal coming from, hoping to be mauled to death, released from the never ending darkness I was in. But my callousness saved my life. the beast was frightened by my mock bravery and turned tail, running deeper into the jungle. I spent five days without food, I fumbled my way through the forest not sure if I was going deeper or making way towards the exit boundary of the forest. In those five days, I never met another human being but I was lucky to hear a group of them passing from a distance. It was their words that led me to the right direction out of the jungle. <br/>I thought emotions have left me but it wasn't that deep, it was merely shrouded by the pain in my soul. the days I spent in the forest ignited a rage that was tinged with insanity. I wanted blood. I craved the blood of all those who stole my eyes and left me to die. It was the only thing that filled my mind. I vow to get so strong even the heaven will become shallow. I know of course that it was the raving of a mad man but no man is entirely sane. <br/>The first step I took outside the jungle led me crashing into a lady. <br/>"hey, watch where you are going" she sounded polite as though she was scared of being misunderstood. <br/>"sorry young lady" I said as I groped for an anchor to lift my haggard body up. I soon felt her palms against my out reaching arms as she helped me up. <br/>"you are blind" <br/>I almost smiled. I wanted to see her, to know her age, to know why her hands seem so soft yet so strong <br/>"indeed, I am blind. sorry for crashing into you, I didn't know anybody was here"<br/>"The fault is mine. The few of us who can see must take responsibility when the eyes should be used and wasn't used. Come, you look worn out, my father will set you straight, he is an apothecary"<br/>without waiting for my reply, she dragged me with her. Now, it should be noted that I was feeling wrathful before I met her but within few seconds of hearing her speak even I can't recall my anger. <br/>she led me through throngs of people while screaming "out of the way he is blind". <br/>There was no mockery in her voice, just pure reminder for the crowd to create way for us. I had my head turned towards her the entire time, I was hoping for some miracle to happen, I wanted to see her. <br/>"Stop looking at me, it's spooky, the hole in your eyes is blood red and the wound is still fresh, you should close your eyelid since it's useless leaving it open".<br/>I finally smiled. It was me acting on a remembered reaction, the smile wasn't true as you would expect of any other person smiling. it was a decision I made after analysing the words she said and her tone. It was indeed right for me to smile. <br/>she released a pearly of laughter and told me my smile looked beautiful. I couldn't decide if to smile more or leave it at that and wasn't able to decide as she suddenly slowed down her step and led me into a house.<br/>"Here, sit, my father will be back soon. he will decide if you can eventually see again or not. I am also learning from father but I don't want to be an apothecary. it's a messy work for a lady, moreover I want to become a cultivator"<br/>I stared on, silent as I had nothing to offer. moreover, I was trying to deduce if I should laugh, frown or smile. she speaks way to fast for my reaction to keep up.<br/>"you know what cultivator is?, let me tell you. A cultivator is an immortal that's really strong and impossible to kill. if a cultivator loses an eye, they can regrow it. Father once said that even weaker cultivators heal from very severe injures in few days or weeks"<br/>I furrowed my brows and put on a face that's filled with questions. I wasn't really interested in what she was saying, I could hear a faint footstep coming towards the room we were in. <br/>It could be her father so I made sure not to ask any questions hoping the old man won't perceive the depth of my ignorance. It was unfortunate I still didn't manage to ask the girl her name, I atleast knew she wasn't much older than my present self. While I can't say for sure my age, I knew I wasn't any older than a six years old. <br/>"are you even listening to me?" she asked with no small irritation, "well, forget it, I guess you are in deep pain, father said if we speak of something interesting, it might trick the mind into forgetting our pain. I thought you would find cultivators interesting. ah!, I forgot to tell you, they can also fly". <br/>I came to myself as the footsteps stopped close to the entrance we came in from. <br/>"you can't be serious" I said, trying to make my voice shake and quiver as I hoped that's how shocked people sound. "they really do fly?"<br/>"you don't know anything, I have seen one immortal before, he was flying on a sword, he moved so fast all I could see was a streak of light."<br/>"wow" I replied making the word trail off as though it was a prelude to a deeper sentence. I couldn't tell her I once saw my grand father shuttling through space leaving cracks on the air. It was unimaginable and I already had feeling the martial power I saw then was beyond the scope of the few people I had seen in this world. <br/>Right about then, the door opened and a man entered, he spoke immediately he opened the door and his voice was rich with mirth. <br/>"Little Xiao'er finally brought home a man. ah, I didn't think this will happen this soon. Seems like I have to properly take a closer look at this my son in-law"<br/>"Father!. what are you saying. little..uhmm, what's your name?" she asked me<br/>I smiled and answered her in the thinnest voice I could manage, "I am Li Ming"<br/>"Oh, Li Ming" she turned to her father and continued "Father, I didn't even know his name, how can he be my husband?. I like Qin Fang and you know it already". <br/>The old man laughed. "Silly lass, let father look at your friend then, he looks like a fine man, you better consider marrying him".<br/>"humph" she snorted<br/>I felt the man's coarse hand touch my face and shivered. his hands were cold, like a metal. He brought out a powder and sprinkled it into my hollow eyes and it burned. I didn't so much as squint, the pain was still bearable. The man looked at me with high praises and said "young lad, you must have experienced great difficulties and it's also right you learn how to deal with pain but it's still you bottling your soul. you can cry if you want to". <br/>I didn't say anything, just stared back at him<br/>"Father, can he recover?"<br/>"Silly lass, if you had paid attention at all to our lessons, you would have known he won't recover unless he becomes an immortal. we can only implant animal eyes for him to use now. However, the enervation of his eyes is a bit unique, I doubt just any beast eyes will work. We need eyes from a demonic beast."<br/>"Demonic beast?" I asked as the word was a bit familiar yet not something I could understand. <br/>"Indeed, a demonic beast. Ordinary beast are the ones you know but a demonic beast is one which can cultivate. Here in Willow mountain village, it's nearly impossible to find a demonic beast". <br/>I nodded, atleast, there is still hope that I will be able to see so I didn't feel particularly disappointed.<br/>"don't worry little Ming, you will get your eyes once we leave here by next month". <br/>I wasn't going to complain at being called 'little' by someone I felt should be my age mate, moreover, my immediate concern was where to stay. As if he heard my thoughts, the old man came to the rescue. <br/>"If you don't have anywhere to go, you can stay here with us as my foster son. don't worry, I won't allow Xiao'er to bully you"<br/>I smiled and offered my thanks as Xiao'er protested in the background. My stay in the willow mountain village was uneventful and most importantly, no one asked how I lost my eyes or where I came from. they were questions I dreaded hearing but never heard and so I settled in completely as one of them and in them I learned to be human.</p>