

Beginning of the First Age, year 0

I awoke to a silent world.

The salty sea breeze tickled my snout, rousing me from whatever slumber I had found myself in. Slowly, I rose from the ground and took in the sights that welcomed me. An azure sea stretched out far beyond the eastern horizon in front of my eyes. Its picturesque coastline of coral sand extended far to the south, where it eventually turned into far off mountains. Turning around, I discovered an immense, lush jungle that was bursting with color, its myriad of scents calling out to me.

Turning back to the sea, I began clumsily walking my way towards the waterline. I wished to see what I was, so by using the reflection in the water, I inspected myself. I appeared to be a canine of sorts; however, I was much to hulking and heavy to be considered your average dog or wolf. I appeared to be almost boar-like; my general shape would seem to suggest that at least. However instead of a pig's head, there was a wolfish one. My eyes were amber, and my fur was the color of the night sky. A bright blue mane stretched down the length of my back like a flame, eventually fading into a long tail, and I had a large ivory spike adorning my forehead, no doubt meant for charging. My legs were large and powerful, and each one ended in vicious looking set of claws that completed my terrifying appearance. Satisfied, I turn back to my resting spot. Now used to my legs, the clumsiness has somewhat faded, and I swiftly return to the edge of the jungle where I initially woke up. Out of habit, I began to tidy up my sleeping area, making your bed is important after all…


Making your bed?

What's a bed? No, beyond that, why do I know that I can be classified as a canine? The haze of my animalistic simplicity began to lift from my muddled mind as I ask myself these questions, and soon enough I start recollecting fragmented memories. Memories from a place that is very obviously not here, a past life perhaps. I focus harder on these washed out memories, trying desperately to form an answer to my endless questions. Who am I? What am I? Where am I? I'm obviously not a human anymore, but was I even human in the first place? The memories, which are my only source of answers, are unreliable. Much too broken and scattered, like the last embers of a dying fire. I look up, staring at the bright blue sky, I begin to try and calm myself.

Does it even really matter if I can't remember who I was? My memories are so faded it's hard to say they can even affect who I am in the present, and from what I can make out from them, there isn't really any lingering regrets. In fact, I get the feeling that whoever I used to be was satisfied with who they were.

Indeed, there is no point in contemplating on this. This is a new world, one different from my past self's. As such, I am a new me.

I breath out, once again regaining my composure. I gaze out at the landscape surrounding me once again. Whatever lies in this world will surely be dangerous, and the knowledge that came with my memories will be crucial in guiding me through it. Returning my gaze back to the jungle, I make a survival plan. First off, I'll need water. The ocean isn't a good source of the stuff because I don't have the capabilities to boil it, so going inland in hopes of finding a freshwater stream or spring Is really the only option. On top of that, I'll need to find food and shelter. With the specs of my body, I shouldn't have a problem in hunting for my food in the jungle, and with the dense greenery in the jungle, it shouldn't be too hard to find a sufficient spot that shields me from the elements. As I look out into the vast expanse of trees and shrubs, an inexplicable and overwhelming sense of excitement takes over my mind. What could possibly be in this jungle? What's beyond it? How did I come to be in the first place? Perhaps my past self was an adventurous type, because despite my circumstances, I don't feel at all scared. My curiosity begins to burn within my heart, its heat matched only by the sun blazing above me. What secrets does this world hold for me?

They say a goal is always good to have, something to strive for so you don't give up early.

Then I'll make this mine.

I will find out everything about this world, and I won't let anything stop me.

Fueled by the fire in my heart, I step into the green expanse, fearless of what's to come. Whatever this world throws at me, I will take it, and then, I will learn about it.

I can't wait.