
chapter Two

     "The Evil Queen," Meira whispered, her eyes wide, standing frozen for a moment before slowly leaning over to get a better view of the scene. The alley revealed a tableau of fear and tension among the people, some running in panic while others stood still, paralyzed by the presence of the queen.

     Meira glanced over at Hook, taking note of the way he scanned their surroundings. "We have to get out of here. I need to focus on finding my way home," she told him, urgency lining her words.

     Hook nodded, recognizing the gravity of the situation. Without a word, he gestured for Meira to follow as they retreated cautiously from the alley. The distant echoes of what was unfolding lingered behind them as they navigated the shadowed paths. Meira couldn't shake the weight of the Evil Queen's presence in the village. As they walked, keeping to the shadows and trying to stay out of sight, Meira couldn't help but glance over her shoulder every few minutes, just making sure no one was following until she suddenly felt herself run into the pirate's back and frowned, looking to peer around him seeing a couple of guards in their path.

     Hook's sharp gaze locked onto the approaching guards, and a silent understanding passed between him and Meira. In a swift motion, he pulled her into a concealed alcove, the shadows providing a temporary refuge. The muffled sounds of the guards' footsteps drew nearer, and Meira held her breath, heart pounding in the stillness. Hook's eyes met hers, conveying a message of caution and patience.

     Meira strained to listen for the sounds, attempting to discern if the guards had passed. Their footsteps were deliberate and slow, creating an unsettling rhythm. As Meira listened, the conversation between the guards reached her ears. "There were a couple of people just now. The Queen won't be happy if we let anyone escape," one of the guards said, their words echoing with a sense of urgency.

     In the hushed alcove, Meira and Hook exchanged silent glances, each aware of the risk. The guards' words lingered in the air, a reminder that the Queen's pursuit had intensified. As the footsteps gradually faded, Hook gestured for Meira to stay close as they cautiously emerged from their hiding place.

     Meira followed after the pirate, her body tense, knowing guards were looking for the two of them. She caught glimpses of guards grabbing villagers who had tried to run, forcing them back into the fold. Despite the urge to speak, Meira remained silent, wary that any sound might betray their presence. Suddenly, a shout pierced through the air, "Get them!" One of the guards pointed directly at her and Hook, plunging them into a state of urgency as they darted into the shadows, weaving through the paths.

     Meira followed after Hook as they broke into a run, the urgency of escape propelling them through the twists and turns of the village. Skidding to a stop, Meira's breath caught as she saw their path blocked by guards. Panic flickered in her eyes as she glanced around, searching for an alternative route. "What now?" she asked Hook.

     Hook's eyes scanned the surroundings, a calculating expression on his face. "We need a diversion," he said, his mind working swiftly to find a solution. Just as Meira opened her mouth to respond, a distant crash echoed through the village, drawing the attention of the guards. Hook seized the opportunity, pulling Meira into a narrow alley as chaos erupted behind them. The diversion created a window for escape, and they slipped away from the guards' grasp. The village echoed with confusion, and Meira's heart raced as they navigated the shadows.

     "Think they'll realize we escaped and come after us?" Meira asked as they slowed to a walk, while also keeping caution but it gave her time to catch her breath and to slow her heart rate.

     Hook glanced at Meira, his eyes reflecting a mix of caution and determination. "They might," he admitted, "but we'll keep moving, stay off the main paths. We'll make it harder for them to track us." Meira nodded, a sense of gratitude for Hook's experience in such situations.

     Meira walked in tense silence, the quiet exchange between her and Hook echoing the gravity of their situation. The dim light of the Enchanted Forest cast long shadows, and as they neared the docks, a sense of cautious relief washed over Meira. However, before she could voice her thoughts, her arms were suddenly grabbed, jolting her from her thoughts. The air around them crackled with tension once more, and Meira turned to see who had seized her.

     Meira's breath caught as she saw a guard standing before her, his hand gripping her arm with an iron grip. She attempted to pull away, but the guard's hold remained unyielding. Hook, standing nearby, eyed the situation with a discerning gaze, ready to act if the need arose.

     The guard's expression revealed no sympathy as he scrutinized Meira and Hook. "Trying to slip away, were you?" he sneered, tightening his grip on Meira's arm so she wouldn't be able to slip away. She winced, feeling the pressure, but kept her gaze steady. Hook, assessing the situation, calculated their chances.

     As the guard maintained his grip on Meira, a sudden commotion echoed through, drawing his attention. Seizing the opportunity, Meira pulled herself free. However, another guard appeared and grabbed Hook, preventing him from intervening.

     "Let us go," Meira demanded. She felt the guard's hand on her shoulder, and as she glared up at them, she closed her hands into fists. Her eyes shifted from the guards to the pirate, who was attempting to free himself from their grip but struggled. Whether it came to a physical confrontation with her hands or her magic, Meira steeled herself for whatever was necessary in this tense moment.

     Meira channeled her magic, a subtle glow emanating from her hands. The guards, momentarily taken aback, hesitated. Seizing the opportunity, Hook delivered a swift elbow to the guard restraining him. Meira briefly closed her eyes before opening them, raising one hand to unleash a blast of magic at the other guards, forcing them back. Aware of the consequences, Meira knew they would be pursued, but this was their chance to escape. Hook, gripping Meira's elbow, guided her as they navigated through the forming crowd. His hand slipped from hers, but Meira kept pace, her gaze focused as they ran through the trees, eventually circling back to the docks. Hook's speed increased upon seeing his ship, and as he climbed on board, he extended a hand to help Meira up. Once both were aboard, and the anchor raised, Hook took his place behind the wheel, steering them away from the harbor and out to sea.

     Meira bent over slightly, hands on her knees, working to catch her breath before straightening up. "Are you okay?" she asked the pirate.

     Hook cast a glance at her before his eyes returned to the sea. "Aye, I'm fine," he said. "I've weathered worse storms than a scuffle with a few guards." He shrugged. "Did you plan on telling me about your little... magical ability there?" he asked, his tone carrying a mix of curiosity and amusement.

     Meira hesitated slightly. "I was... but it's something I don't like sharing with others. I never know how they will react," she explained. Killian simply nodded; he wasn't a fan of magic but could understand, sighing a little.

     Meira sat down on the deck, grateful for a moment to catch her breath. She contemplated the unexpected turn of events, realizing that going back in time had brought challenges. However, finding herself in the company of Hook offered a glimmer of reassurance.