
Chronicles of the Demon Faction

I dreamed of freedom all my life, but I lost it in an instant. She falls into her abyss with despair at the freedom she has lost in front of her eyes. “What is this gorgeous room? What is this young body?” I am very anxious Hey, maybe it's not your neighborhood? “Invincibility of religious beliefs, omnipresence of demons. I congratulate you on your recovery." “… … god what?” Chun Ha-jin, the secret weapon of the Alliance of Politics, is reincarnated as Seo-ryang, a member of the Three Gongs of the Heavenly Demon Church. “You have to bounce!” [This is a novel i am translating] [And by the way it's having a manhwa ongoing ]

Arnnok · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Episode 12. God bamboo forest (2)

Two days passed.


"… … ."

"I brought water."

There was still no answer coming back.

Ma Dong-pil sighed inwardly.

'Maybe he was shocked by something.'

Two days ago, the Three Gongjanim, who entered the residence in Gojukrim, stopped eating and drinking and sat on the bed and stared at the window from afar. I wish I could sleep at least, but I was awake all night.

It wasn't that I just sat idly by.

He seemed to be looking for something with a serious face, but I couldn't figure out what it was.

'You'll get hurt.'

There is nothing you can do. It's not like you can't forcefully touch the body.

It was time for Ma Dong-pil, who eventually gave up talking to him, to turn around.

"hmm? it's morning?"

Surprised, Ma Dong-pil looked at Cheon Ha-jin.

Chun Ha-jin rubbed his face with both hands as if washing his face.

Ma Dong-pil suddenly knelt down.

"Have you finished thinking?"

"uh? Well, that's right. I didn't know it was already dawn."

"It's not as bad as the sun, Gongja. Two days have passed."

"Two days?!"


"Somehow, Shiba, I heard that the skin on your stomach is completely gone."

"I apologize."

"What are you always complaining about... … ."

After not sleeping or drinking water for two days, his face was as emaciated as that of a sick person.

"Do you have water?"


Ma Dong-pil handed over the gourd that was on the table.

Chun Ha-jin poured the water from the gourd directly into his mouth.

"Gulp! gurgling!"

With a gulp, cold water poured into his mouth like a waterfall.


Ma Dong-pil's complexion turned pale.

I didn't know that he would drink that much cold water like a big drinker. Having emptied a bowl of cold water with her exhausted body, it was clear that her stomach would upset quite a bit.

but… … .

"Fuck! Siwonta."

"Go, Gongja!"


"… … Are you okay?"

Chun Ha-jin tilted his head.

"What else is not okay? Anyway, the water tastes good here. Can I ask for one more thing?"

"No, of course."

"Please warm it up a little this time. It looks like the corn is going to break."

"I take orders!"

As soon as he jumped out like an arrow, Chun Ha-jin fell flat on the bed.

"Um, yes. Now my thoughts are a bit clearer."

Unlike his relaxed body, his face was frighteningly stiff.

"I can't go out."

Right now, I missed the word, but... … well anyway

He looked up at the ceiling and smiled.

"Even if I use energy and use evil, I can't get out."

At this point, all I could do was laugh.

I was amazed at myself for spending two days trying to sort out that obvious thought. From the time I woke up, it's been over a hundred days.

no more shaking Don't waste your time with useless thoughts.

There was no time for that.

'The military department? demon palace? It didn't make any sense. It wasn't possible from the start.'

I realized the root cause of why I was more anxious than necessary and why I was obsessed with the idea that I had to run away right away.

dream? no.

Prejudice against the Demonic Cult? Not even more.

The real reason why I thought I had to run away immediately as soon as I knew that this body was a member of the Three Gongs of the Heavenly Demonic Church.

"… … Because it was uncomfortable."

And what created that discomfort was a subtle ominousness in the air.

'It's too late to realize.'

When he was called the Sal King, he acquired the gift of super senses.

It wasn't something I was trying to get. It was an ability that was acquired spontaneously after experiencing the threat of death every moment, so to speak, that bloomed through the combination of innate talent and acquired environment.

And he invented a martial art called Cheonra Yuktongsik that amplifies the super senses and became a legend in the assassination world.

'Super sense is not martial arts. Just like I felt when I met the religious leader, this is a feeling engraved in my soul.'

Chun Ha-jin laughed bitterly.

'Since when have you been mistaken for martial arts?'

If I hadn't misunderstood that, I would have been able to see through the essence of the situation more easily.

"No, maybe it could have been more confusing. shit! Is this a useful skill or a bad skill?"

The death Kang Ho-in encounters and the death Sal-su encounters are different.

Kang Ho-in fights with a spear, but Sal-su fights against time called 'moment'.

For one perfect moment, Salsu perseveres and concentrates. Whether it's three days or ten days, you only see that.

And how well you capture the moment and how much concentration you can maintain determines your talent as an assassin.

Chun Ha-jin was a genius. At least when it came to assassination, he was a genius who could be said to be the best in the world.

Uicheonmaeng threw such a genius into the swamp of death every moment on the subject of not properly managing it. At worst, there were times when he went out to assassinate three times a day.

A waterspout that has eliminated more targets than anyone in history.

Murder has been in contact with 'death' for a longer time than anyone else in history.

Chun Ha-jin's super sense was a skill he deserved, considering the adversities in his life.

And now.

Chun Ha-jin, who did not fully realize who he really was, completely regained his identity as the Killing King.

"Anyway, it's okay to get out of here. But right now it is impossible."

Face the essence, understand the situation.

"Then, for the time being, I have no choice but to live as Xu Liang, the Three Gongja of the Demonic Cult."

Acknowledge reality, then design.

"What overlaps between my desire as a trio and my desire for the future?"

Cross-validation, and… … .

"I must be strong."

drawing conclusions.

Chen Ha-jin's eyes shone.

"You have to be strong. Being strong is more important than anything else."

A world where the weak are weeded out.

And the Cheonma Shinkyo was a group that strictly adhered to the law of the jungle, more than any other force in Murim, with strong self-respect.

Since the passive way of waiting to be weeded out and kicked out was not a consideration in the first place, he had to become strong in order to live here as Xiliang.

The same was true when looking at the future of Chun Ha-jin. I'm thinking of leaving Gangho, but I don't want to give up martial arts. Isn't it the world's job not to know how to get back? Even for a safe life, martial arts were necessary.

In the end, whether he dies or lives, there is only one path he must walk.

It was Wu.

'I don't wear hair anymore. I go out confidently with my own feet and with my own ability.'

Just when he made up his mind, the door opened and Ma Dong-pil entered.

"Confucius, I brought you some water."

"thank you."

Chun Ha-jin said after emptying the moderately lukewarm water as it is.

"Mr. Ma."

"Yes, Gongja."

"Please call me Gongja when you call me from now on."

"… … yes?"


Chun Ha-jin looked up at Ma Dong-pil without a word.

For an instant, Ma Dong-pil felt goosebumps all over his body.

The eyes of the three Gongja who were looking at him were extremely transparent. As if it were a human or a ghost, the ambiguous light in the eyes evoked terrifying fear.

Ma Dong-pil hurriedly lowered his head.

"I accept your order, Confucius Seo."

Chun Ha-jin nodded.

'From now on, I am Xu Liang.'

Until I get out of here, until I feel proud of my own life, I will live with the name of Seoryang.

"hungry. Let's eat."

"I will prepare right away."

After half-time, Chun Ha-jin, upset by excessive drinking and overeating, was exhausted with stormy diarrhea.

* * *

My resolve to confidently go out with my abilities became stronger as time passed.

It was the fifth day since I entered Gojukrim.


Chun Ha-jin, no, Seo-ryang clenched his fists with a shriek.

"I am completely healed."

It became perfectly normal with no place to add or subtract.

There were no internal wounds left, and the muscles of the whole body were full of vitality. The tattered blood vessels were also smooth and smooth, and the function of the five organs became healthy and active beyond my age.

Muae-gong's growth was also encouraging.

'The Satanist!'

Muae-gong broke through Satan-gong. Thanks to this, the work of extracting takgi from the body has become several times faster, and the purification ability of Jeonghwajingyeol has become much stronger.


A look of pride spread across the sage's face.

'Now the proper foundation has been established.'

This is the beginning of true martial arts. If you put the enlightenment you gained while living as the Killer King into a body full of talent, you will be able to become stronger in a short time even without an elixir.

and… … .


Seo Liang closed her eyes.

A strange echo that rises from the depths of the body.

I could see the world without opening my eyes. It felt exactly like what it looked like.

The chirping of birds, the sound of flying insects flapping their wings, and even the wriggling struggles of earthworms were vividly felt.

Cheonra Yuktongsik .

It was a study to open the eyes of the mind by maximizing one's super senses. It's hard to use half and half angles now that my inner strength is low, but where is it that I can use it?

"good! Where should I fly!"

Muae-gong, Cheonra Yuktongsik, and Amyeonggi.

He was also full of knowledge about other killing methods and martial arts from his mother's family, but those three martial arts were the fundamental martial arts that created the legend of the killer king.

You can use Muae Gongdo and Cheonra Yuktongsik. Now, if you learn only the dark shadow made by collecting the visions of the Gupailbang, you will be able to get stronger soon.

Seo-ryang, filled with dreams and hopes, began to memorize the precepts of the Amyeonggi of joy, pleasure, and pleasure.

After a while.

"for a moment."

Xi Liang's eyes bulged. He ran into an unexpected difficulty.

"Darkness… … Can I learn?"

This is the Heavenly Demon Church.

And I'm a thousand... … No, it's the Three Princes Xu Liang.

There must be a magician that Xi Liang originally knew. He must have been wearing the magic technique taught by the headmaster himself.

but i don't know what it is

'This is Shiva!'

What the hell are you so clumsy about!

Xu Liang shook his head once and screamed loudly.

"Miss Ma! Hey hey!"

After a while, Ma Dong-pil came out from somewhere in the bamboo forest. His body, rolled up to the sleeves, was quite messy, as if he was working on something.

"Did you call, Gongja Seo!"

"I want to ask you something."

"Come to Xiamen."

"The teacher's disciples, that is to say, among the brothers and sisters with me."


Seo Liang swallowed his saliva.

"Is there anyone who hasn't mastered magic arts?"

As if not understanding why, a small wrinkle appeared between Ma Dong-pil's forehead.

"Could that be? All of them are training powerful demons bestowed directly by the headmaster."

"… … ."

"Doesn't Confucius Seo have a magic trick that he learned before he became a priest?"

"Oh, you know! Cancer, you know!"


"… … ."

"… … ."


"Come to Xiamen."

"If, very if."

She asked in a tense voice.

"What will happen if the teacher's disciple learns a martial art other than magic?"

"… … yes?"

It is Ma Dong-pil who does not show this kind of reaction for a while. I could see how bewildered he was by the question just now.

"I don't know what Confucius Seo meant… … I apologize."

"It's just literal! What will happen if you don't master magic arts?"

"That, that… … ."

It was something I had never thought about. You're a demon, but you don't learn magic skills? Can you call it a demon?

Ma Dong-pil stuttered.

"Such a thing… … I would like to be able to... … ."

Xi Liang was completely in despair. Looking at Ma Dong-pil's reaction, it was clear that he regarded those guys as bastards who didn't deserve to be called Mine.

Yeah, to be honest, it doesn't matter even there. If you get kicked out because of that, that's also not a bad thing.

the problem is!

"I don't know about anyone else, but I dare to predict that if the Confucius and the princesses don't master the magic arts, the teacher will be very displeased... … Try it."

"… … ."

"I apologize."

Seo Liang bowed his head.

Ma Dong-pil was taken aback. He couldn't understand why Confucius was doing this again.

how much time has passed like that

"Mr. Ma."

"Yes, Confucius Seo."

"Give me all the magic skills that can be rented with the authority of the Three Gongja."

Seo Liang raised his head.

Ma Dong-pil, who opened his mouth, was startled.

A single tear streamed down from Xu Liang's bizarre expression, as if laughing or crying.

"… … Please hurry up."