
Chronicles of the Demon Faction.

I dreamed of freedom all my life, but I lost it for a moment. She falls into her abyss, filled with despair at the freedom she lost before her eyes. “What is this fancy room? “What is this young body?” I feel strangely uneasy. Hey, it's definitely not that neighborhood, right? “Invincibility of religion, good luck to all gods.” “I wish you the best of luck in your recovery.” “… … God what?” Cheon Ha-jin, the secret weapon of the political faction alliance, is reincarnated as Seoliang, the three princes of the Heavenly Demon Church. “You have to jump out!”

Elor_Ch · History
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15 Chs

Episode 10. Face to face with the cult leader (5)

Episode 10. Face to face with the cult leader (5)


"… … ."


"… … ."

"excuse me… … "Oh, Confucius?"

The cherry blossoms were restless.

Three days ago, after returning from an audience with the religious leader, something about Confucius had changed.

He usually practiced meditation, ate well, and went to side meetings five or six times a day. He slept for three hours straight.

He literally ate well, swabbed well, and slept well. It was the ideal schedule for a healthy life.

But how is Confucius feeling now?

He sat on the bed and looked blankly at the window, with saliva dripping from his open mouth.

He didn't dare clean it without permission, so he left it alone, but it was threatening to cause a flood if he left it alone.

He doesn't eat much, and he may be sleeping. The number of times I go to the side is only two or three times. It's understandable since you don't eat much.

It's a good thing that you never forget to practice meditation.

But when the practice was over, he started drooling again in a daze. At this level, I was concerned that he might be seriously mentally ill.

While Cherry Blossom was stamping her feet, not knowing what to do, Cheon Ha-jin's mind was racing furiously.

'what? what? What is it? What? what?'

I don't know. I really don't know.

What on earth do the cult leader's words mean?

First of all, go back to your place and rest. It literally means rest, so there was no need to understand.

But no matter how hard I try, I don't know what it means to send someone after three days.

No, apart from that.

'Are you saying you're going to let me go or not?'

Shouldn't I just give a definite answer, saying if you're going to go, go, or if you're not going to go, don't? Was it really necessary to bother my head this much?

Cheonha-jin rolled his eyes endlessly.

Will you send it to me? Are you going to send it to me? You'll send it to me, right?

'Of course I will send it. You saw it, right? 'The disappointed face of that gomtaeng-like man, Lord Ma.'

I assure you, that is definitely not acting.

Martial arts skills do not improve acting skills. Rather, the weak are really good at acting. Because I have to survive by paying attention.

As a result, the leader is not only not a person who can act well, but is also in a position where there is no need to act.

Cheon Ha Jin clenched his fists.

'I'll be able to get out.'

Who knows, the student who was once lovely is going on a long journey, and maybe he's trying to fit me into some nice clothes.

It doesn't seem like luxury silk clothes can be made in three days, but it might be an equivalent gift.

I'm a human who needs money anyway, so what can't I do?

Yes, it will. The religious leader is also a human being, so there must be some affection for him.

Cheon Ha-jin, who was trying hard to rationalize, smiled.

"I guess you're right. "Oh, whatever."

But why am I so anxious?

It was when Cheon Ha-jin chewed his nails with his front teeth for a long time.


Startled, Cheon Ha-jin turned his head towards the source of the sound.

The face of Aenghwa, who mustered up the courage to speak out, turned slightly pale.

"W-what's going on? "Has anyone come?"

"yes? Oh, no?"

"Then why?"

"meal… … You should do it. "You even skipped breakfast."

Cheon Ha-jin rubbed his stomach.

Now that I think about it, I couldn't even think of eating because he was pounding my head so hard.

"Uh, let's eat."

"yes! "I will bring it."

After a while, a simple meal was prepared.

Thick, long chopsticks were constantly being passed between rice and side dishes.

Cheon Ha-jin, who was stuffing his cheeks with food until his cheeks were full, thought over and over again with an extremely serious expression on his face.

'Before I came back, the surrounding guards were completely eliminated.'

It was clear that the order had come from above. And that order must have come from the religious leader.

Why did they organize the bodyguards? Still, I guess he's a bit of a trifecta, isn't he?

'They say they will send it to you.'

Moreover, the doctor who used to come every two days stopped coming. This too must have been intervened from above.

'If you are an expert at the level of a religious leader, you can see my physical condition at a glance.'

Not necessarily a religious leader, but even a decent expert would know.

This body now requires no further treatment. There remains room for improvement, but it can be easily covered by individual efforts.

The guards were removed and the lawmakers were also blocked. In other words, the intention is to reduce manpower waste.

There is only one answer that intention points to!

"Nagangsu later…" … ."

"yes? Confucius, do you have anything to say?"

"ok? Ang… … gulp! No, there is not."

"Ah yes!"

He stirred the Wagu Wagu rice again.

He was encouraged by the hopeful and positive interpretation. There will be a lot of work to do in the future, so you need to eat well first.

After finishing his meal like that, Cheon Ha-jin sat cross-legged.

"Oops! shall we start."

Meals are nutrition, and nutrition is the ingredients that a person can obtain from outside the body to maintain life.

As soon as food enters the stomach, the five internal organs move more actively to absorb nutrients.

And what could accelerate that action was inner energy and mental techniques.

Let's take care of our bodies first. If people are busy, they can't do anything.

Cheon Ha-jin closed his eyes.

After a while.


A faint haze rose over his shoulders.

The cherry blossoms standing next to her pursed their lips.

'It's going to get stuffy.'

When Cheon Ha-jin used the mind method, the air always became stuffy. It didn't really smell, but the air was humid and heavy enough to make breathing uncomfortable.

'You said it's because it emits turbid air, right?'

A look of awe appeared on Aenghwa's face.

Although it is only about her self-defense, she is also a demon who has trained her mind.

She knew at least how difficult it was to drive out a large amount of dirty energy from a body with little internal strength.

Perhaps the improvement in Confucius' condition was not due to acupuncture or medicine, but rather to Confucius' personal efforts.

How much time has passed like that?


Cherry blossoms tilted her head.

'That's strange?'

I thought the air would sink, but that wasn't the case today.

rather… … .

'Child, feel refreshed.'

Cherry blossoms fluttered her nose without realizing it. The air was so clear that I wanted to take deep breaths.

When the cherry blossoms smile brightly at the unexpected refreshing feeling.


Cheon Ha-jin was inwardly surprised.

'what's this?'

Muae-gong's luck was different from usual.

To be precise, the level suddenly jumped.

'Samdanggong (三段功)?!'

Muae-gong is divided into stages from Idan-gong to Odan-gong.

Among them, it was not difficult to reach the third level if you persisted, but from the fourth level, the enlightenment of the non-awareness itself was special.

I was able to move forward one step at a time.

The level he reached in his previous life, when he was at his peak as the King of Death, was the end of Sadangong.

Considering his skills, which were considered one of the top ten masters in the world, I could see how troublesome martial arts Muae Gong was.

But now we have reached the end of the three stages. I felt like if I just had a couple more fortunes, I would be able to land on Sadangong in no time.

'How is this possible?'

It's absolutely absurd.

He said it wasn't difficult to reach the third ball, but he didn't say it was easy.

I was at a point where I thought it would take at least five years to achieve enlightenment.

The reason is that the degree of connection between martial arts and the body is more important than enlightenment.

Even if you've only been holding on to Muae Gong for three months, are you already trying to overcome Sadan Gong?

'no way… … .'

Cheon Ha-jin's expression became serious.

'Because I'm a genius?'

This is no time for jokes, man.

'I really don't understand.'


A pleasant sound emanated from his body.

When he inhaled, the fine turbid air floating around his room seeped into his body.

When he exhaled, the purified energy changed the air in the room to purity.

Cheon Ha-jin's expression brightened.

'It is used automatically even for purification and truth.'

Muae-gong's Jeong Hwa-gyeol.

The essence of Muae Gong is to expel turbid energy from the body and maximize chisang ability.

However, Muae Gong has a unique study called Jeongjeonggyeol, which literally purifies the surrounding air.

In contrast to the discharge of turbidity, it collects turbidity. Naturally, the air, free of unpleasant energies, was bound to become cleaner.

Wouldn't it be a burden on your body if you sucked out the dirt that wasn't enough to expel?

'at all!'

The remnants of dirty energy remaining in his body are shrunk and converted into internal power by the supernormal ability of Muae Gong.

Of course, it was only a very small amount, smaller than the size of a sparrow's eyelids, and the power gained from ordinary martial arts was much greater.

Nevertheless, the reason why purification and advancement were important was because of the virtuous cycle.

By purifying the air in the area and then accumulating true energy through other internal energy methods, you can obtain better quality energy than usual.

Naturally, the achievement of new skills is also faster and the body becomes stronger.

Even if it is not noticeable right away, a year or ten years later, there will be a jaw-dropping difference.

'What kind of windfall is this?'

I wanted to at least dance. After three months of clinging to Muae-gong with the feeling of vomiting blood, I received this kind of blessing!

'That's enough! You can get it back much faster.'

He estimated the time it would take to regain his former strength to be within three to five years.

Of course, this period was based on the assumption that the elixir would be taken at a safe house.

However, if you can use Jeonghwajingyeol, the period will be shorter.

'You said this body is twenty-three, right?'

If you can get it back in three years, at the age of 26, you will have the martial arts skills of a top 10 expert in the world.

'and… … At this level, you can really hear the greatest genius of all time?'

Cheon Ha-jin's expression turned greedy.

Even though he may have studied at a prestigious level, how can he not have a desire for fame?

Moreover, if this young body possesses martial arts skills of the highest level and shakes up the power, life will truly be the taste of the world.

Moorim will cheer for the appearance of a genius, right? Even women who aren't killers will pay attention to me at least once, right?

Since your reputation will increase, money will come in on its own, right?

'… … gulp.'

Cheonha-jin, who had been daydreaming alone, soon shook his head roughly.

'Stupid bastard. Don't you know what happened to me like that? 'Murim is not a place for people to live.'

Are you cheering for the emergence of a genius?

I will do it. They will be cheering and holding a dagger in their hands behind their backs.

Even women like it when they find a guy who will break their backs, but they won't truly understand me.

honor? Can I eat that? There's a lot of money inside.

Crucially, isn't he the same whether he's three or five years younger? You're such an easy person to be fooled just because the training period is a little shorter.

'Let's live by knowing the subject.'

Let's not ruin our lives with a momentary desire.

Half a day later.


Cheon Ha-jin stretched out.

The cherry blossom fell flat on its face.

"Congratulations, Confucius!"

"huh? what?"

"yes? no… … just… … ."

I couldn't say it was like this because I felt like I had accomplished something.

Cheon Ha-jin stroked Aenghwa's head.

"haha! Why are you so nervous? Anyway, thank you."

Aenghwa's body suddenly stiffened.

'… … Confucius stroked his head?!'

It's incredibly sad.

At the same time, I feel a bit glum.

'I touched it with care today… … .'

I worked hard for over half an hour to get this haircut.

But anyway, Confucius liked it, so it was okay. I just have to touch my head again.

A young man was crying with joy, and a girl was in such a complicated state of mind that she didn't know what to do.


Cheon Ha-jin's head jerked back to the window.

The main gate of the residence seen in the distance.

"This is a message from the Demon God's Palace! "Three Confucius, Xu Liang, open the door quickly and accept the sect's holy name!"

Cheon Ha-jin smiled broadly.

"Come on in! "Hey, come in!!"