
Chronicles Of The Celestial Martial Inheritor

"In the enigmatic tapestry of destiny, Zhou Fan, a Warrior once dismissed as talentless, emerges as an unforeseen hero. Bestowed with celestial blessings, he leads the illustrious Heavenly Dragon Legion against threats that loom over the mortal realm. Betrayed by a trusted comrade and martyred in battle, Zhou Fan's soul embarks on a transformative journey, gaining the Heavenly Martial Emperor Inheritance. Armed with the power to master martial arts in a heartbeat and a resilience that thrives on adversity, he is reborn to vanquish the malevolent Shadow Dragon Sovereign, ushering in a saga where destiny wields the mightiest sword."

Satsui_sama · Action
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21 Chs

Chronicles Of The Celestial Martial Inheritor, Martial Trance

Chapter 19:Martial Trance

In the heat of battle, a brutal punch struck me square in my skull. The sheer force of the blow momentarily stole my consciousness, and I was plunged into a realm of chaotic frenzy. My martial trance, a state I had experienced only a few times in my life, had descended upon me.

As I awoke to this madness, my perceptions altered drastically. The world around me became a swirling whirlwind of blurred shapes, my own movements fueled by instinct and a strange, almost inhuman awareness. My body moved in a primal dance, reacting to threats with unpredictable swiftness.

The Platinum Puppets became mere blurs in my vision, and I engaged them with wild, unpredictable movements. My strikes were frenetic, driven by a bizarre combination of fear and exhilaration. It was as though I had tapped into a well of energy beyond my own understanding.

The madness seeped into my speech as well. Amidst the chaotic battle, I yelled and shouted with a fervor that was utterly alien to my usual calm and calculated demeanor. My words were a frenzied chant, a deluge of gibberish that echoed in the chamber.

"Rip! Tear! Crush!" I cried, each word punctuated by a furious attack. "Break! Shatter! Devour!"

It was as if I had become a whirlwind of violence, a force of nature, and the puppets fell before me like wheat before a reaper. I had embraced the madness, and in doing so, unleashed a primal power that transcended reason and restraint.

As the battle raged on, I was aware of a growing, terrible beauty in the chaos. The frenzied movements, the wild strikes, they all coalesced into a deadly ballet. In this state, I was a force of nature, a storm of blades and energy.

But I knew that I couldn't remain in this state forever. The martial trance was unpredictable and uncontrollable, and I had no way of knowing how long it would last. I needed to end the battle before it wore off, or risk becoming vulnerable to the relentless puppet onslaught.

With each strike and shout, I fought with all the fury and power the martial trance had granted me. My body moved with an otherworldly grace and speed, striking the Platinum Puppets down with ruthless efficiency. But even as I reveled in the exhilaration of the trance, I couldn't help but wonder what price I would pay for embracing the madness.

My consciousness continued to spiral in the tumultuous maelstrom of madness. The pandemonium that had ensnared me was evolving into a tempestuous symphony of chaos. With each passing heartbeat, my physical movements grew ever more unhinged, my cognitive faculties succumbing to the unbridled mayhem, and my dialogues becoming grotesque tapestries of incoherence.

As I continued to grapple with the Platinum Puppets in a cataclysmic dance, the savage rapture of this unfolding experience could not be overstated. The unrelenting ferocity with which I met my adversaries transcended the boundaries of any previous encounter. My strikes became erratic and capricious, embodying an indomitable maelstrom of unrestrained vehemence.

The pain that permeated my being was nothing short of excruciating, a symphony of torment that reached its zenith when I felt the sickening snap of my jaw dislocating. Blood, as dark as night, welled up within my mouth, yet even this gruesome injury could not deter the raging tempest within. I had transformed into a berserker, a combatant possessed by an insatiable bloodlust.

Remarkably, my corporeal vessel demonstrated an uncanny resilience. As I expelled the blood that had pooled within my oral cavity, I bore witness to the grotesque spectacle of my dislocated mandible slowly, agonizingly realigning itself. The regeneration, while undeniably astonishing, served only to exacerbate the relentless madness that had taken root.

My surroundings metamorphosed into an incoherent whirl of distorted shapes and hues, while the metallic resonance of combat blurred into a deafening cacophony of cacophonous dissonance. I found myself continuing to shout and shriek, my utterances devolving into an unintelligible morass of derangement. The torrent of my incoherent gibberish assumed an ever-escalating level of mania.

"Unravel the fabric of existence!" I shouted, my voice echoing with eerie authority as I struck the Platinum Puppets with a series of blinding blows. "Witness the dance of chaos! Embrace the void!"

My own words sent shivers down my spine, as if they were a part of some long-forgotten prophecy. It was as though the madness had unlocked a hidden reservoir of martial wisdom within me, and I wielded it with the ferocity of a master.

"Flow with the currents of time!" I continued, my movements taking on an almost ethereal quality. "Seek the harmony in chaos! Transcend the boundaries of flesh and blood!"

As the martial trance slowly began to fade, I found myself battered and torn, a testament to the frenzied battle I had unleashed. My internal organs lay exposed, my skull and ribs were broken and blood flowed freely from my wounds. Yet, the astonishing speed of my healing factor began to work its magic once more.

In that blood-soaked chamber, I found myself teetering on the edge of an abyss. I had reached the mastery level in swordsmanship, my connection to my blade complete. The sword felt like an extension of myself, a part of my very being.

As the last traces of madness left me, my mind became clear and focused. The chaos was replaced with calculated precision, and I was no longer a beast in battle, but a master of the blade. My movements became fluid, each strike and parry executed with a grace that belied the brutality of my prior rampage.

I parried the Platinum Puppets' relentless attacks with ease, my sword moving in perfect harmony with my opponents' movements. My injuries, once life-threatening, were now merely minor inconveniences. My healing factor had grown so potent that wounds that should have taken weeks to heal were now mending in moments.

With the surge of power I had experienced, I had transcended the limitations of my previous state. I was no longer the frenzied fighter dancing on the precipice of madness. Instead, I was a master swordsman, cool and collected, wielding my blade with precision and skill.

As I engaged the Platinum Puppets once more, I felt the confidence of my newfound mastery. Every strike was a testament to my skill, every parry a reflection of my expertise. The battlefield, once a whirlwind of chaos, had transformed into an arena of discipline and control.

The Puppets, once formidable adversaries, now found themselves outmatched. With each calculated strike, I dismantled them with a ruthless efficiency. I was no longer a storm of blades, but a master of combat.

But even in the midst of my newfound mastery, I couldn't shake the sense of foreboding that had accompanied my descent into the martial trance. I had harnessed a terrible power, and the price I would pay for such recklessness remained unclear.

As I continued my battle with the Platinum Puppets, I couldn't help but wonder what other secrets the Reaper's Tomb held, and how many more trials lay ahead on my path to glory.

With my newfound mastery of the sword, I unleashed the full power of my ultimate sword technique, the "Phoenix Graceful Fury." This technique consisted of twelve distinct forms, each more devastating than the last.

In the first form, "Ignition," I summoned the incandescent power of the phoenix. My strikes ignited with a fierce blaze of crimson fire, leaving nothing but scorched earth in their wake. Each slash sent waves of intense heat and fury toward my adversaries.

As I transitioned into the second form, "Rebirth," the injuries I sustained were inconsequential. With every strike, my body rejuvenated itself, healing wounds instantly. It was as if I had harnessed the legendary power of the phoenix, rising anew from its own ashes.

The third form, "Inferno," saw my strikes take on the qualities of a wild and chaotic maelstrom. My swordplay became an uncontrollable blaze, disintegrating enemies in its wake. The air around me crackled with intense heat as I danced amidst the flames, unleashing a torrent of searing destruction.

The "Soaring Flames" form brought an aerial quality to my attacks. Each strike felt as though I were a phoenix taking flight, leaving a trail of fiery arcs in its wake. I moved gracefully through the battlefield, swooping down on my foes with relentless fury.

In the "Incineration" form, my sword radiated an intense, all-consuming heat. My strikes reduced adversaries to mere ashes, leaving nothing but a scorched earth in their wake. The ground itself smoldered from the intensity of my attacks.

As I transitioned into "Eternal Fire," my swordwork became a reflection of the phoenix's eternal existence. Strikes were relentless, like the eternal flames of the mythical bird. With each swing, I embodied the unquenchable spirit of this majestic creature.

"Blazing Wrath" encapsulated a sword that blazed with fury. The energy of anger and vengeance coursed through each strike, burning brighter and hotter with every attack. I channeled my emotions into my sword, turning my fury into a weapon of pure destruction.

In "Celestial Blaze," I felt like a celestial being, wielding a sword of pure, celestial fire. My attacks carried the weight of the heavens, their brilliance blinding to all who dared face them. The ethereal radiance of the sword illuminated the battlefield.

The "Solar Flare" form harnessed the very power of the sun. With each strike, I radiated intense brilliance, and my foes were blinded by the sheer luminosity of my sword. It was as if I had become a walking sun, with the power to incinerate all in my path.

"Dawn's Embrace" brought a sense of renewal to my strikes. My enemies were swept away in a cleansing fire, as if a new day had dawned, washing away the remnants of the old world.

With "Phoenix's Ascent," I embodied the majesty of the phoenix as it soared into the sky. My strikes were swift and graceful, carrying with them the regal aura of the mythical bird. The battlefield became my domain, and I ruled the skies with each stroke of my sword.

The ultimate "Immortal Flame" form channeled the phoenix's immortality and its power over life and death. Promising rebirth or annihilation with every strike, my swordwork reached its apogee. It was as if I held the very essence of the phoenix in my hands, and the fires of immortality surged through my blade.

As I unleashed the twelfth and final form of the "Phoenix Graceful Fury," I felt an immense surge of power and fury that was almost overwhelming. My strikes were unparalleled, and the flames of the phoenix consumed all in their path. The Platinum Puppets, once formidable opponents, were reduced to nothingness in the face of this overwhelming force

Exhausted and drained, I stumbled back to catch my breath, my heart pounding from the intensity of the battle. I couldn't help but marvel at the devastation I had wrought. The battlefield lay before me, a charred landscape bearing testimony to the formidable power of the "Phoenix Graceful Fury." The puppets were reduced to smoldering remnants, their once pristine forms now reduced to ashes. Each form I unleashed was like a phoenix reborn in a furious blaze.

As I sat amidst the remnants of the battle, I could feel my muscles quivering with exhaustion, and my internal energy reservoir was nearly empty. I whispered to myself, "First form, Ignition… Second form, Rebirth… Third form, Inferno… Fourth form, Cataclysm..." The words served as a reminder of the flames I had wielded, and the cost they had exacted from me.

With deliberate focus, I began to circulate my energy through my body, harnessing my internal breathing techniques to accelerate the healing process. I glanced down at my broken ribs, each of them steadily going back to their original form,my exposed organs returning to their rightful places and my skull mending it self.It was remarkable how my healing factor was evolving with each intense battle, allowing me to recover from injuries that would have been fatal for most without it I would not have come here this early

Sighing heavily, I contemplated the limitations of my current approach. As efficient as my internal martial arts had become, I couldn't rely solely on them. I needed to broaden my skill set, including learning external martial arts. Speaking aloud to myself, I pondered, Next time I'll learn an external martial arts, enhancing my physical strength, durability,speed and agility with only internal energy and body tempering is not enough. My reliance on internal energy is both my strength and my weakness."

The future was a vast unknown, and the path I walked as the Unyielding Dragon was a treacherous one. But I knew that with every challenge I faced, I would adapt and grow stronger. My internal energy and martial arts were the foundation, but external martial arts would provide the versatility I needed. I was determined to seek them out, eager to face the obstacles and adversaries that awaited. As I recovered, I contemplated the journey that lay ahead, ready to embrace the unknown with every ounce of my being.