
Chronicles of the Artisan Nomad

In the sprawling realm of Eldoria, where artistry and magic coalesce, Lucius Evergold, a skilled artisan with an innate connection to mystical energies, embarks on a lifelong journey of creation, discovery, and action. Lucius's dream is to craft artifacts that not only captivate the senses but also serve as powerful tools of transformation and protection. Lucius begins his odyssey in the bustling city of Astralum, renowned for its artisans and enchanters. He inherits his family's ancient workshop, a place filled with forgotten knowledge and arcane secrets. Inspired by his grandfather's tales of the lost wonders of Eldoria, Lucius sets out to create artifacts that tap into the hidden potential of the realm. Lucius' goal is to not create one single artifact, but have his own collection of Lucius artifacts like his grandfather. His quest is to unlock the boundless mysteries of the world, one creation at a time. He seeks to craft items that resonate with the people of Eldoria, awaken their latent magical abilities, and empower them to face the challenges that threaten the realm.

Sydonay · Fantasy
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73 Chs

Chapter 29: The Price of Power

Lulith's red eyes glowed as she glared at us. She began to drool, much like a lion eyeing its next meal. We all slowly backed away, and Era was the first to speak, asking, "Lulith? What are you doing?" Without warning, Lulith charged at us, her fingers transforming into sharp claws as she attempted to skewer Era. Luna jumped forward to protect Era, sacrificing her arm in the process. Lulith growled like a beast, getting on all fours and ready to pounce again. Quinn yelled, "Syravella, her bloodlust must have momentarily taken over her mind. We need to get out of here!" In response to that, Lulith charged at Quinn, her nails digging directly into his neck. To anyone else, that would have meant instant death. Instead, his body collapsed in front of Lulith, transforming into a slime that slithered away. He was clearly wounded, but thankfully, his neck didn't seem to be a vital point since he was not human.

We stood weakened and bloodied, having just taken on one enemy only to be thrust into another battle. The situation looked dire. I quickly assembled a new combination of runes, but I felt myself growing weak. My magic had been low, and I had been using it all day. This was truly the last rune spell I would be able to cast for the day, and I had to make it count. I had one more rune that my grandpa had left for me. I had never felt like I could rely on it before, but right now, I needed all the help I could get. I inserted two runes into my gauntlet quickly, one that I had to extract directly from the book my grandpa had given me. Chanting in a hurried manner, I said, "Alaxtrea! Nautrium!" I summoned all my remaining strength and exclaimed, "Golden Card: Cascade Barrage!" Lulith shot forward, ready to put an end to our party for good, but before she could reach us, she was intercepted. A wave of liquid gold shot directly from my gauntlet towards Lulith, striking her head-on and knocking her back into the front wall. The second rune that I had used was the luck rune, combined with my water rune this was the result.

The liquid gold pounded her relentlessly. Once it was done, she was covered in gold, which, perhaps due to the rune, began to quickly harden. Almost as if it were born from my need in this dire situation, she couldn't move and screamed out like a beast. I tried to regain my position, but I almost passed out from exhaustion; I was so thoroughly drained. Era and Quinn appeared to be in similar states, having used up all their energy. The ground began to shake again as Lulith's eyes turned an even deeper shade of red. The liquid gold that had been holding her against the wall began to crack and shake as her muscles pulsed. She ripped the wall apart with the liquid gold still glued to her arms, grunting and foaming at the mouth. We watched in horror as she began to tear the gold off her body, revealing herself to be an unstoppable and monstrous force.

Her arms now free, she did the same with her legs. We froze in place; this truly was it. If she was freed, we would have no means to defend ourselves. Footsteps could be heard from the corridor, echoing down the hall with a light humming as the person walked. Once Lulith had freed herself, she looked at us with fury in her eyes, her bloodlust evident. The person in the hall entered, and it became clear who it was. Lulith jumped at me, her claws ready to pierce my throat, but before they could reach me, a light barrier formed around her face. She slammed into the barrier, letting out a roar of pain, as more barriers formed around her, holding her in place. The woman in front of us let out a puff from her pipe and said, "Ah, so she was the one making all that racket. I could hear you from the school, dearie."

The woman in the doorway was Altaria, with her gray hair neatly tied back. She wore the same gowns as before, looking rather pleased with herself. She noticed us in the room and smiled, saying, "I see you took my advice, young man. Liquid gold, eh? Not bad." She added, "However, please do inform me what exactly is going on. I think I remember sending you on a scouting job." I stood up, the tension leaving my body; we had been saved. I began explaining the full details of what had happened since we had parted from Altaria. Once I was done, she nodded and talked a little louder since Lulith was currently banging on the barrier and yelling out. Altaria gave a stern look and said, "The king is being controlled by the covenant? Yes, I have heard of them. They worship the god Aerolus, if I am not mistaken. I have gotten word that they hate the goddess Azura for casting Aerolus out of the heavens and consider him their true creator."

She added, "You say they contracted with one of the old gods to do so? That would make sense; they do not practice magic in any form unless it's directly from other sources. I think I have a way to dispel this kind of magic, though." I suggested, "We defeated her and collected her book, but then Lulith decided to contract with one of their gods to gain power." Era added, "The goddess of blood, which made her go berserk and attack us." Altaria gave a wry smile and said, "Yes, I can see that. I told her to give up frontline fighting. I said that for her own good, but I never imagined how deeply her drive was to gain power. Nothing for it, then; I guess I will have to put an end to this girl." The tension returned to my body; Lulith had been mean to us at times, but I still considered her one of my allies.

Altaria laughed and said, "Kidding, kidding. I was just testing you. I can see you do care for the girl, so since I feel partially responsible here, I will personally see to her rehabilitation." I relaxed again and asked, "Jeez, don't do that. I can't tell if you're kidding or not. Will she be... you know, okay?" Altaria sighed and replied, "Honestly, sonny, I have no idea. I haven't seen a case like this before. I have seen those bound to elder gods, but never one so bloodthirsty before. She will need to conquer her new bloodlust. I am afraid if she doesn't, she will lose her sense of self forever." I gulped and asked, "What can we do for her, then?" Altaria lost her smile and said, "I will have to kill her." I questioned, "You joking again, right?" Altaria responded, her eyes appearing darker, "No, I am afraid not. As she is now, she is a danger to both herself and anyone she is around." Then she smiled again and added, "Don't worry, though. Trust your friend here, and have trust in me. I am a grand mage, after all."

Surprise follows, and Era exclaims, "Grandmage? Really?" Altaria laughs and replies, "Yes, child, they don't just let anyone have their own school like I have in this big city. I can get your friend back to her senses; just trust me." Quinn chimes in, "I think if anyone can do it, she can, Lucius. In my time, I remember grandmages were heralded as people closest to the gods. I have only met two grand mages in my life, including this woman. I just wish I had known more about these elder gods before offering my advice. I apologize, my friends." I smile and say, "No worries. If Altaria says she can do it, I believe her I have seen her power firsthand. Is there anything you need us to do with the king or with Lulith?" Altaria waves her hand and says, "No, you young folks have done enough. Go get some rest. Once the girl is healed, I will drop her back off with you. You are staying at the Dusky Dawn Inn, correct?" I affirm, "Yes, that is where we are staying for right now. Please take good care of her. She is a bit jaded, but she has a good heart."

We exchange goodbyes, and our party heads back to the inn, completely beaten from the day we just experienced. Era says sadly, "Luna is in pieces again; I will have to repair her once more." I try to cheer her up, "Hey, this could be good practice. Fixing her up could be good experience." Once we get back to the inn, it is late, and Aurelia seems to have fallen asleep while looking over Lysandra. We tuck her into the second bed in the room, and Quinn offers, "I don't need sleep. Let me look after the girl just in case Lysandra decides to wake up." In a tired manner, I weakly approve, "Yeah, thanks, Quinn. That will be for the best." I leave them to rest, and Era and I head back down to the lobby to get another room on the same floor where we could both sleep. Our mints weren't that bad yet, but I figured we should start doing what we came here to do: selling our wares. We'd leave this saving-the-town stuff to the real adventurers.

I yawn as Era and I head to bed, both sleeping in the same room in separate twin beds. The implications of a boy and a girl sleeping together briefly cross my mind, but in my sleepy state, I just collapse into bed anyway. We both get a long-awaited sleep, and I dream of the way my mom would comfort me when I was hurt as a child. I feel well-rested when I wake up, and as I look around, it seems I really slept in again, feeling the sun on my face. I glance at my small pocket watch; it's already 9:00 am, and I've overslept by a few hours. I look at Era's bed, but she's already gone. I guess she went to check on the other room, maybe to see about Lysandra. I decide to put on a new outfit I brought from home instead of the well-worn one I had been wearing. I feel pain as I stand up; it seems like I really pushed myself yesterday, as my sides roar out in agony. Suddenly, a painful knocking starts on my door, and I jolt up more awake now. Cries from outside can be heard as Aurelia bangs on my door, "Big bro! Big bro! Please wake up quickly; we've got big problems!" I sigh in frustration; I just wanted to make some money on the road as a merchant. With a heavy heart, I know that my peaceful merchant's life is slipping away.