
Chronicles of Sky Raid

Some say he's the rat's droppings in the cultivation world, disrupting righteousness and order, causing chaos among the Dao sects! Some say he's the biggest scum in Southern Zhanbu Province, colluding with demonic forces, deceiving and committing all sorts of evils! To all the slander, Fang Xing responds: 'That's right, I'm indeed that legendary rat's droppings. Any issues with that?

Vincent_Gu · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Black eating black

After seven days, the agreed time arrived.

Fang Xing disguised himself as a young road disciple and made his way to Hua Qianzhi's place. He retrieved the 'Stone Spirit Powder,' but Hua Qianzhi was still thinking about the remaining twenty pieces of spirit stones. Fang Xing told him that the Stone Spirit Powder would be taken back for inspection. If it was seventy percent similar, he would receive the remaining twenty pieces of spirit stones. However, if it was too easily detected as fake, he could forget about the spirit stones and wait for everyone to be interrogated by the Daoist sect together!

These words startled Hua Qianzhi, who immediately sent Fang Xing away and returned to his room to make preparations before coming back.

After leaving Black Rock Valley, Fang Xing carefully examined the package. Inside was a yellowish soil-like substance, weighing about half a catty, emitting a misty spiritual aura. When the bag was opened, it seemed as though spiritual light would burst forth into the sky.

He quickly covered the package again, deciding not to open it outside and intending to study it carefully back at his wooden hut.

"I wonder if the Yin-Yang Divine Demon Mirror can identify this fake?" Fang Xing pondered.

However, it was unlikely. The Yin-Yang Divine Demon Mirror was just a kind of artifact and lacked its own life force. It could determine authenticity but not the degree of similarity.

Back at the wooden hut, he couldn't discern anything significant. According to the Yin-Yang Divine Demon Mirror, it was just a pile of ordinary rock spirits soaked in spiritual liquid, extremely simple.

Of course, the Yin-Yang Divine Demon Mirror could only identify its raw materials. The actual fabrication process was not so simple; Hua Qianzhi had used many other methods to make these ordinary rock spirits appear similar to the real thing in terms of touch, color, scent, and even taste when licked. However, these ordinary methods were not detectable by the Yin-Yang Divine Demon Mirror.

"Since he dared to present it, it means he's somewhat confident. I'll take a risk!" Fang Xing decided, although he had never seen a real Stone Spirit Powder. Nevertheless, he was willing to take the chance.

As Uncle said, there are no perfect bargains waiting to be taken. If you want to benefit, you have to risk it all!

With this mindset, Fang Xing prepared for another two days. He brought along a short knife, a tobacco pipe, the Nine-Snake Golden Flame Sword, and even the "Storm Pear Flower Nails" used once before. He also went over his plan in his mind, ensuring he was at his best. If anything happened, he would have to rely on his improvisation and luck. He then put on the Thousand Ghosts Mask disguise.

This risk was quite significant; after all, Hua Qing had a high cultivation level, was ruthless in his actions, and didn't seem foolish at all.

Fang Xing could only hope that Hua Qing hadn't seen the Stone Spirit Powder many times before, so his ability to discern might be lower.

This speculation seemed correct because if Hua Qing frequently encountered the Stone Spirit Powder, he wouldn't be so troubled by it.

Waiting until the hour of the pig (9 PM), Fang Xing, now in a different appearance, slipped out of the valley and headed straight to the agreed meeting place.

Tonight, the sky only had a crescent moon, not very bright. Fortunately, Fang Xing's cultivation had reached the second stage, so while he couldn't see in the dark as if it were daylight, his vision was much better, allowing him to see the appearance of people ten yards away clearly.

Fang Xing was satisfied with this level of brightness because the darker the night, the less likely Hua Qing would discover the Stone Spirit Powder was fake.

Under the night sky, a slender figure swiftly flew up the mountain, flashing between the shadows like an ape or a fox, swift as lightning.

Soon, reaching the mountaintop, there was no one in sight, and it was quiet all around.

Fang Xing clapped his hands three times, then listened carefully.

"You're half an hour late, making me wait!" A cold voice suddenly sounded from behind. Fang Xing quickly turned around to see Hua Qing, his face covered with a white cloth.

"I told you to come at the hour of the pig, but I didn't say I would come at that time too!" Fang Xing coldly smiled and extended his palm. "Where's the Yao Ling Pill?"

Hua Qing asked coldly, "Where's the Stone Spirit Powder?"

Fang Xing grinned, took out a small cloth bag from his chest, toyed with it in his hand, and said, "You damn well better not play any tricks. I risked my neck to steal this Stone Spirit Powder for you. You actually brought this piece of junk to fool me?"

He improvised convincingly.

Since childhood, he knew that when lying, certain details had to be emphasized and made more detailed to make others believe. However, if the other party knew the details, it was better to be vague because too much detail could reveal flaws.

Hua Qing's breathing became rapid, and he said in a low voice, "Show it to me!"

Moving forward a step, he reached out to take it.

Fang Xing suddenly took a step back, sneered, and said, "I don't trust you. Show me the Yao Ling Pill first!"

Hua Qing stopped and shook his head slowly, saying in a deep voice, "Together!"

Fang Xing smiled, "Fine!"

The two exchanged the small cloth bags with their left hands, handing them over to each other.

The reason for using the left hand was that the right hand was more agile, preventing sudden situations.


After their fingertips touched the other's cloth bag, they quickly retracted their hands, and at the same time, the cloth bag was taken by the other.

Both of them acted simultaneously, quickly opening the bags to inspect. Fang Xing saw a small bottle and a small pile of red spirit stones in his bag. A glance told him there should be a good number of spirit stones. He sneered and glanced at Hua Qing, only to find him also inspecting the Stone Spirit Powder bag, then looking at Fang Xing, his eyes seeming to flicker...

Fang Xing's heart trembled, feeling something was off.

This kind of look was too similar to his own, clearly indicating a guilty conscience...

He naturally had a guilty conscience because the Stone Spirit Powder was fake. But why did Hua Qing's eyes flicker?

He reacted quickly, immediately thinking of a possibility and took out the small bottle. Removing the stopper, he carefully observed it, his face changing suddenly. He angrily threw the bottle to the ground, glaring at Hua Qing and shouting, "Bastard! I risked my life to get you the Stone Spirit Powder, and you dare to deceive me with this junk?"

It turned out that in just that moment, Fang Xing discovered that the Yao Ling Pill was not the genuine one agreed upon. The real one had abundant spiritual power and extraordinary effects, while this one, although looking and smelling very similar, lacked the same internal spiritual power.

Hua Qing had also checked the Stone Spirit Powder and found nothing wrong. Furthermore, when Fang Xing got angry, he even mentioned how he risked his life to steal it, showing genuine anger. This made Hua Qing believe the Stone Spirit Powder was genuine. He let his guard down, put it away, and sneered, "It's still a Yao Ling Pill. What's the problem?"

"Kid, don't play these tricks with me. If you dare to take advantage of me, be prepared to pay the price!" Fang Xing threatened fiercely, using the authority implied by his supposed influential background.

Hua Qing coldly smiled, "So what? I already checked when you arrived, and you came alone without anyone following. Do you still want to use force to keep me? Hmph, I've never feared anyone! As for retaliation... do you think I'm a fool? Once we leave this hill, there are thousands of disciples in the Daoist sect. You can search for me however you like, haha!"

He was confident because he believed Fang Xing didn't know his true identity, and since he had taken advantage, there was nothing Fang Xing could do. Furthermore, since the Stone Spirit Powder was stolen, Fang Xing wouldn't dare make a fuss. If the matter escalated, it would be Fang Xing who suffered under the investigation of the Daoist sect.

Moreover, the Yao Ling Pill was too important for him to just give away easily, so he decided to take a risk and see if he could get away with it.

Of course, this was based on his extreme confidence in his own strength and assurance that Fang Xing couldn't do anything to him!

However, Fang Xing suddenly became anxious, thinking that as a genuine bandit, he couldn't let this bastard deceive him like this!

No, he would turn the tables on him!

He must scare him thoroughly!

Thinking of this, Fang Xing blurted out, "Hua Qing, do you really think I don't know your identity?"

Hua Qing, who had already walked several yards away, was shocked. His figure instantly returned, and his eyes showed murderous intent as he gestured with his sword fingers, a silver light flying out from his waist pouch, aimed at Fang Xing. "How do you know my identity?"

Fang Xing's mind raced. He had always been quick-witted, forced by the bastards in Guimian Valley.

At this moment, he began to think quickly about every detail of his interactions with Hua Qing, searching for a plan of action.