
Chapter eleven

Chapter Eleven

Chen left the orphanage home late in the night. He boarded a taxi and gave the address of where he was going to the driver.

He picked up his phone that was ringing. It was Abigail.

"Hello," he said sounding neutral.

"Hello, why are you not home yet?" She asked.

Sensing her tone he said, "Do not worry too much. I will soon get home." That was when he noticed that the driver was going in the opposite direction. That was the address he gave him.

"Hold on," he told Abigail.

"Sir, that's not where I am going," he said.

"He got no reply.

" You made a mistake with the address, "he said again.

The look the driver gave him sent a shiver down his spine. He felt the sharpness of a knife besides him. He looked at his side and saw that the other man had put a in his stomach made him sense danger.

He tried all he could to compose himself but he could not. He was shivering, almost as if he was cold.

Suddenly, the car came to an abrupt halt in a forest far away from the city.

He jumped out of the car as soon as the car stopped, which made his captive run after him.

His captives ran as if they had been carried by the wind. They were too fast. Chen was able to leave a considerable amount of distance between hself and his captive. He does not know where he got the power to run from. He was a weakling ,or maybe that is what they called him. He was bullied by his classmates even though he his intelligent.

He did all the work in the class or maybe he was forced to do it. He had no friends except Hazel.

Hazel, on the other hand, was a beautiful Lady. Maybe that was the reason she and Chen became so close. Chen was the most handsome guy in the school. No one can beat him in that aspect. He could be easily noticed because of his handsomeness and the unique differences he had from others.

Hazel being a beautiful lady was from a rich family. She was taught how to protect and defend herself.

Hazel was attracted to Chen because of his handsomeness, because he was intelligent, because of the unique differences he had that no one could point at, and because they both wanted to become the world's best musicians. Hazel had helped Chen a lot of time from those who bullied him.

Suddenly, he felt his muscles weaken, he knew if he continued running like that, it only in a matter of time before they caught up with them.

He climbed a tree and hid among one of its branches. For the time he used, there looked like an eternity. When he no longer heard the voices of his captive he climbed down from the tree.

He tried to find his way out of the forest but his head started throbbing. The excruciating esqusite painful pain he had earlier was repeating itself. Flashes of memories that seem not to be his own yet feel familiar came to his head.

"There he is," one of the captives shouted.

He tried to stand up but he landed back on the ground. The last thought he thinks about is about Abigail, Daisy, Amanda, and Hazel.

"Who is that?" One of the captives said.

"It's Princess Riya," the second captive said.

"Carry him, let go. Hurry."

"There is no way out," The first captive said." Princess liya is Here also."

Both fell on their knees

"Please, do not kill us," they both pleaded.

"I will not if you tell me who sent you," Princess Liya asked.

"We were told to keep mute. Please do not kill us."

"Then if that is your wish I will gladly make it come true," Princess Riya said.

In a flick of an eye, the captor's sword was removed from their waist and sliced through their throat.

"Why do you use your magic?" Princess Liya asked.

My sword is not bloodthirsty, "Princess Riya replied.

Riya went over to Chen's lifeless body. She shook him and called him but she got no reply.

"Please help me carry him, "Princess Riya begged.

"Don't worry, the guards will soon be here," Princess Liya said and turned her back going to the direction she came from.

Minutes later, the guard arrived and carried Chen to the hospital.