
Chronicles of Lucas, The Last Disciple

Dumbthor · Fantasy
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2 Chs


In a small city which was filled with stalls and shops set up left and right, lively and busy people doing their own business, and carriages passing by, there was a young man carrying a large back pack on his back walking around with eyes shining in amazement.

His name is Lucas, a 15-year-old from the village of Barba.

Since Lucas was a child, he dreamed of becoming a merchant. And when he turned 15, he decided to leave his village to pursue his dream.

Lucas traveled for about 7 days just to reach Arzhan City, where he was currently.

Having lived in the countryside all his life, Lucas seemed ignorant and dumb to the scene within the city.

"Woah! So this is what a city looks like?"

Standing in a city where his dream would finally be more than a dream, Lucas couldn't contain his excitement and danced in the middle of the road as if he were in paradise. He looks like a child, hands outstretched, spinning while looking up at the sky.

He felt time slowing down around him.

While Lucas was dancing, someone suddenly shouted nearby.


It was a voice coming from a coachman driving a very luxurious carriage.

Lucas paused for a moment before looking in the direction of the voice. And when he turned, Lucas was stunned to see two majestic white horses and a luxurious carriage in front of him.

'Woah, How rich is the owner of this carriage is? He must be very wealthy to afford such a carriage.'

Lucas thought as he forgot the reason why he turned around. And while he was lost in his thoughts, the voice from earlier echoed in his ears again.

"I said move!!"

The coachman said for the second time. But this time, he was even more angry.

"Who are you to block the way of the Countess?"

'Did he say Countess?'

Hearing the word Countess come out of the coachman's mouth, Lucas suddenly thought of the villagers' admonitions to not to mess with the nobles because of their arrogance attitude and how they treat the common people.

A chill ran down Lucas' spine at the thought of the possible punishment that would befall him for making such a terrible mistake.

'I've only been here for a few minutes and I've already made a big mistake. If what the villagers said is true, I will be a slave for the rest of my…'

Lucas's mind was confused as he trembled and sweated in fear. What will he do to escape this situation? And that's when Lucas's body moved on its own, he bowed his head to the ground in front of the carriage and sincerely apologized.

"I'm sorry mister, Countess! It won't happen again so please spare me!!"

Fortunately the coachman remained calm and did not let the situation escalate, he easily forgave Lucas at the order of the person inside. "Since madam is in a hurry, I'm gonna let this one slide. Get up there and step aside."

Turns out, the person inside of the carriage was in a hurry.

Lucas got up and tearfully looked at the coachman and quickly stepped aside.

The coachman looked ahead and spoke in a threatening voice before continuing on their way, "Next time you block the road again, I will not stop and let my horses trample you."

"T-thank you again mister and Countess for your consideration." Lucas bowed his head again and thanked the carriage as they left.

Seeing the carriage disappear into the distance, Lucas felt the strength on his lower half leave, his knees gave out and his butt fell to the ground.

"Phew! That was close." He breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Lucas stayed on the ground for a few minutes to rest, and when he regained his strength he immediately stood up and left so he wouldn't get into trouble anymore.

"I need to find a place to stay."

Lucas wandered around the city looking for a place to stay, but he was no luck. All the inns that he asked were either full or just too expensive for him to afford.

And at that moment, the sky was getting darker and darker. However, thanks to the light of the street lamps, the city was still bright as day.

"As expected of the city. It's much different from our village."

As Lucas compared the city to the village, his stomach suddenly churned. He was hungry because he hadn't eaten anything since he arrived.

"Guess I should get myself food."

Lucas went to a stall on the side of the road and stood in a long line. Although his stomach was growling, Lucas endured his hunger so that he could try the food popular among the townspeople without considering that it might not be pleasant to his taste.

'I don't really have any idea what I am about to buy but I should try it.' Lucas thought to himself.

And after half an hour of waiting, there were only two of them in line. Lucas and a couple in front of him who are currently buying.

'Finally.' Lucas thought as his mouth watered at the sight and smell of the food. He was excited.

However, his excitement turned to annoyance when he heard what the couple said.

"We're going to buy everything that's left."

But what annoyed Lucas the most was the conversation between the shopkeeper and the couple in front of him.

Although the shopkeeper pleaded to the couple not to buy everything and leave at least one because there was another customer behind them, the couple earnestly refused and even insulted Lucas by saying that he was poor and probably can't afford that food.

With that statement, Lucas felt his world turned upside down. He finally realized that not only the commoners were looked down upon by the nobles, but even the common people looked down on those below them.

What can Lucas do in that situation? Of course, there is nothing else but to received it in his right ear and let it out in the left.

Since he was a stranger in the area, Lucas wasn't going to do anything that would tarnish his image and get kicked out before he even started.

"Sorry young man." The shopkeeper apologized on behalf of the couple after they left.

The shopkeeper felt so bad for Lucas when he saw Lucas' energy go from excited to lethargic.

"No, no. It's okay. I understand." Lucas said with a smile on his face before going to the next stall beside.