

In a world of arranged marriage and unimaginable wealth, destiny brings together a strong willed, passionate woman with brimming intelligence, Isabella and a very powerful, strong billionaire, Ethan. In a bid to salvage and restore Isabella’s father’s wealth, she was to be married off to a man she doesn’t love. She got married to him, but he treated her as though she never existed. Days went by as she discovered she was pregnant for her ex-lover. Gabriel, Isabella’s ex-lover, found out she was pregnant for him a few weeks into Isabella’s marriage to the billionaire. Isabella decided to pin the pregnancy on her husband because she couldn’t face his wrath if he ever finds out she got pregnant for another man. Planning to escape with Gabriel, her ex-lover and their unborn child, they were caught by their worst enemy, Ethan. Were they able to escape? Did Ethan find out the truth about his wife and the pregnancy? What became the fate of her father’s business? A gunshot was heard whilst Ethan and Gabriel had a fight in the room with Isabella. Who shot the gun? Who got hit?

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The waiters and waitresses were at Ethan's call, as he ordered them to give Isabella whatever she wanted to eat and drink.

"i'm sure your parents must have discussed the major reason for our date with you, so i might not need to talk much about it with you, i just need to see you one last time as a young, single lady before i finally take you in as my wife by the weekend" Ethan said as they ate.

"by the weekend"? Isabella asked as she was shocked.

"Yes, my darling," Ethan replied, "why do you want a further delay?"

Isabella was shocked as she couldn't say anything, they both ate in silence. "Well, I'll take you silence for a Yes" Ethan said and smiled as he got up to take his leave.

He stopped and turned back as if he forgot something and went back to the table and dropped his business card with Isabella. "Call me tomorrow, so that I can know your plans for our wedding on Saturday" he said and left.

Isabella was dumbfounded as everything happened too fast and sudden, at this point she was close to tears as she realized that her parents had already failed her and were being too selfish. She picked up her phone and called the only person she loved, Gabriel.

"I'm at the Magical Bistro Restaurant, please come and pick me up," she said tearfully.

"What's wrong, why're you crying?" Gabriel asked her on his arrival and saw her crying. "You don't look beautiful when you cry, and it saddens me to see you cry, please get up and let's go to my house so we can talk better" Ethan said to her as he tried to console her whilst cleaning her tears.

They both arrived at Ethan's house which was about an hour drive away from the restaurant. The house which has a cozy and inviting home, the haven of a middle class bachelor filled with warmth and character reflecting the unique personality of its owner. The walls were adorned with arts and photographs, telling stories of cherished memories and loved ones.

"You have a beautiful place here, beautiful arts and pictures" Isabella said as she looked around the apartment in awe.

"thank you, i wasn't really sure it'd be up to your taste but i just had to bring you here because i couldn't watch you my love crying in public", Have your seat while i get you a cup of coffee" Ethan said as he dashed to the kitchen to get the cup of coffee.

"My life is a joke to me, it means nothing to my parents. my happiness is nothing, my parents don't care" she wailed as she explained all that has happened to her in the past few days to Gabriel.

"What do we do?I love you and you love me too, we're meant to be together, don't let your parents take you away from me. I'll make your life comfortable, I'll take jobs and work extra hours to give you all the luxuries you want for yourself and children" Gabriel promised Isabella.

It was a long night for the two of them as they were about to be separated, different thoughts took over their minds as they tried to figure out what to do.

"Let's run away, let's leave this place. we can go and build our lives over again and live peacefully" Isabella suggested happily.

"What about your parents"? asked Gabriel.

"well, they never wanted what's best for me, they cared less about my happiness so i don't care what happens, i'm ready for the consequences" Isabella said

"I love you and want to spend eternity with you" Gabriel said gently as he moved closer to Isabella and caressed her thighs.

The atmosphere changed as things became heated between the two, Gabriel tried to make a move closer to Isabella and to try to kiss her but wasn't sure if she wanted to go down that lane with him. But then, Isabella who was already drowning in her own emotions pulled him close to her and kissed him passionately.

"I want this with you and no one else" she said to him as she stood up and undressed leaving Gabriel to have a free show of what she looks like without clothings on.

Every touch sent electric currents through their bodies, igniting a flame that consumed them both. Their kisses were a symphony of longing, they surrendered to the intoxicating dance of their bodies, losing themselves in a whirlwind of ecstasy and bliss as they made love with passion.

"Where've you been all night? Ethan said he left you at the restaurant, where did you go?!" Mary snapped at Isabella as she tried to sneak into the house the following morning after Gabriel had dropped her off at her place.

"And who's that man that dropped you off?, you're not to be seen around with other guys as you'd be getting married this weekend, you're supposed to start planning for your wedding ceremony and not sleeping with every ant and bug you meet! " said Reynolds to Isabella angrily.

"oh! you agreed to marry off your only child and daughter to someone within four days of their meeting because he's a rich man and your messiah? because he's going to turn your lives around without considering what I feel or what i want? you're selfish and greedy"! Isabella angrily yelled at her father.

Mary, on witnessing the way Isabella had spoken to her father, got up from the couch she was sitting up angrily and gave Isabella a hot, sounding slap on her cheek. "you do not talk to your father that way, you shameless, ungrateful child". she said back to her.

"We want the best for you. i and your mother had struggled to build what we have now and even though we couldn't give you the best while you were growing up, we want you to have the best and also give the best to your children, our grandchildren" Reynolds said calmly to Isabella.

Isabella walked out on her parents and dashed into her room, as she sat on her bed, she cried and thought of what next to do as she doesn't want to get married to Ethan but Gabriel.

The night was short for Mary, Isabella's mother as she couldn't wait for morning so she could start the planning of the wedding ceremony for her daughter. She was excited as she could not stop imagining how that day would be and how the wedding would be the talk of the town.

It was morning and she hurriedly went into Isabella's room to get her so that they could start the planning processes together.

"good….mor….ning…", she stuttered as she got into Isabella's room and couldn't find her.

"my dear, my dear!!" she called out to Reynolds, her husband.

"Isabella is not in her room", she cried, "i can't find her, i've searched everywhere for her!! she cried.