
Chronicles Of Azaroth

Several centuries back, Azaroth the Alpha of Alpha werewolves, sealed his kind away for their cruel and bloodthirsty deeds on the human race. He walked the earth for over five hundred years constantly changing locations and taking the key to the seal with him due to his inability to age. He constantly fell into depression and loneliness feeling like his life didn't have any other purpose beyond protecting the key to the seal to make sure humanity remains free from the terrors of the creatures of the night. Even though he interacted with humans, he never allowed himself to form bonds with anyone... Until she came along. Felicia was a charismatic and popular girl on campus. Her life was perfect, with influential parents and two little brothers. She lacked nothing. Attention, power, wealth, beauty, everything was hers for the taking as a young adult. She had goals and dreams of traveling across the world, touring different kinds of places with popular ancient history quite different from what people would expect from someone who could have anything. Her first encounter with Azaroth was when he saved her from an accident and since then she had tried to make friends with him. She was a classmate in the college Azaroth attended in the present time, 2046. She slowly pushed her way into his life trying to know him better since she felt attracted to him. Azaroth remained hardheaded and kept trying to push her away. However as circumstances would have it, both of them would be pulled to each other by situations beyond their control. Azaroth would eventually find himself falling uncontrollably for this young, smart, caring, and charismatic girl. Just as their love story was starting to play out a disastrous situation occurred... ----- "The seal... It's broken," Azaroth's heart rate went up just as he sensed this. Felicia happened to have just finished sharing a passionate kiss with him under the basking glow of the moonlight. Her eyes widened as she witnessed Azaroth transform into a beast that was read to her as bedtime stories when she was younger. "Go home!" Azaroth's words boomed loudly in her ears as he bolted into the distance leaving her standing underneath a tree. She was filled with so much confusion and unanswered questions at the time. What she didn't know was, the creatures that once terrorized the nights shall walk the earth once again. Follow Felicia on a journey of discovery as she struggles to keep Azaroth in her life while also dealing with the newfound craziness of the world. Disclaimer: Mature contents will be displayed from time to time. POV also changes constantly between the MC and ML.

TimVic · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Spending Time Alone Together

Azaroth was only able to greet Felicia's mum and her siblings from far away.

Mark and Damon who were seated in the living room watching a TV show at the time stared in the direction of the stairs with looks of suspicion.

Both had dark brown hair like their father but Damon had some strands of blue on his hair just like his mum. Her brothers were identical twins but due to this, it was possible to differentiate between them.

"Does she have a crush on him?" Damon voiced out.

"I think she does... have you ever seen her bring a boy home?" Mark responded as both of them turned to stare at the stairs together before looking at each other and nodding.

"Both of you stop it now, haha," Their mum laughed out loud from the side as she witnessed their actions.


Azaroth sat on Felicia's study seat while she sat on the bed beside her. Felicia wanted everything to flow naturally so she proceeded straight to ask Azaroth about the classes he had issues with so they'd focus on his difficulties first.

"...I really can't think of anyone right now... let's start with yours first," Azaroth responded.

This was due to the fact that he really had no issues with any of the classes. He would be able to answer any question posed to him regardless of whether it was for the first years or final years.

"Oh there's no need to be modest, we could really start with yours," Felicia thought Azaroth was just being nice and responded with this.

"...Just like I said earlier, I can't think of anything right now. Let's just get into yours first," Azaroth stated.

"Oh alright then..." Felicia agreed and proceeded to stand to her feet.

She moved towards the shelves area to pick up some textbooks.

Azaroth looked around her room with a contemplative expression. He was quite surprised to see that the most famous girl in Marilyn College literally had a library in her room and was so studious.

The two shelves positioned by the side were stacked with books, leaving not a single space to store any more books.

He already knew Felicia was an avid lover of history but he was still quite surprised to see that she had quite the collection of books sitting in her room which was practically a mini library.

This image would contradict a lot of people's views because most of them just saw the outer looks of Felicia and assumed the kind of lifestyle she lived was opposite to this.

They had no idea she was a bookworm internally.

Felicia picked a book that was related with one of their classes and proceeded to place it on the study table.

She leaned against the table right beside Azaroth and opened up a page.

From there both of them started studying together on aspects that Felicia found difficult.

"This wasn't meant to be like this, you have to see it in an opposite format..." Azaroth would occasionally correct some of Felicia's wrong ideas about different topics.

Felicia focused as they went from book to book and she couldn't believe just how good Azaroth was in explaining things.

She felt she was in the presence of an all-knowing being and she would occasionally sneak glances at his face when he was explaining some aspects and blush.

Azaroth also seemed to be enjoying his time here with her. He just seemed to find a certain kind of enjoyment in giving explanations as it gave him a nostalgic feeling.

All this time Felicia had been leaning against the table by his side listening to him explain her issues one after the other.

It went on for about three hours before they finally took a break.

She moved out of the room to get some refreshments for the both of them.

Azaroth proceeded to stand up from his seat while she was gone and moved towards the shelves area.

He started scanning through the books one after the other.

He noticed that more than half of the books here were history based on different cultures, places, and even prestigious people.

"Origin of Cryslar tribe, The tall tales of the Fendur..." Azaroth noticed a section where she placed novels that were mythological based.

They were different fantasy stories based on mythological creatures which Azaroth knew actually existed.

Some of these stories were very popular but every human believed they were just fantasy. They had no idea these stories originated from a place of truth because they were humans in the past who knew of their existence and had witnessed or been a part of events involving them.

Her section of novels looked quite interesting and Azaroth could see mentions of some other supernatural creatures in these novels that had also gone into hiding.

It turned out that even her novels section had history included as well. She seemed to be fascinated with knowledge of the old days.

Azaroth spotted a familiar-looking grey-colored covered book and reached out to grab it.

"Hmm? How is this here?" He muttered with a surprised expression.


A clicking sound was heard as Felicia walked back into the room with a tray in her hand. There were cookies and two glasses of sparkling-looking scarlet-colored juice placed on them.

"Oh, Jonathan..." She spotted him at the shelf area as she placed the tray on her study table.

At this point, Azaroth had pushed the book back into the shelf and was walking towards Felicia.

"You have an interesting collection right here," He voiced out as he arrived back at the study table area.

"Oh yeah... What I enjoy doing in my spare time is quite boring," Felicia chuckled with an embarrassed look as she spoke.

"No, on the contrary, it's nice to see that a girl like you isn't all about going to parties and messing around all the time," Azaroth stated.

"You mean it? I mean I do like parties and having fun but I prefer being in my personal space and reading most times... You don't find that boring especially with the type of books I read?" Felicia questioned away with a flustered expression.

"Not at all... I'm sure you already know by now that I like to keep to myself a lot so why would I find someone who does something similar boring?" Azaroth replied while turning around to stare at the shelves.

"Besides reading is a good way to visit another era or a different world altogether and escape from reality,"

Felicia's eyes shimmered with admiration as she stared at Azaroth's back after hearing him say that.

"Hey do you want to check them out... let me recommend some amazing ones to you," Felicia said as she moved forward and grabbed Azaroth's hand before pulling him along with her.

"Oh, I already did..." Azaroth responded while moving with her pull because it would be impossible for her to cause him to move if he didn't voluntarily move forward himself.

"But you didn't pick anyone," She voiced out with a tone of dissatisfaction and kept pulling him towards the shelf on the right.


A book suddenly fell out of the shelf on the left.