
Chronicles of an Unrivaled Undead

After a tragic accident,a man is reincarnated into a realm beyond his imagination. Once a mere bystander in his own life, he now stands on the brink of unspeakable power and privilege. With a new sense of purpose ignited within him, he leaves the shadow of his former self behind and embarks on a journey of self-discovery and redemption As he goes deeper into this strange new world, he encounters creatures of unimaginable strength and beauty, each holding secrets and knowledge beyond his comprehension but nagging doubts still with wonder and into the mystery that surrounds him – can he really escape the confines of his past, or those of this new realm Is he just being tortured? Every time he moved forward, he carried the weight of his will upon himself, he felt the pull of power and glory tempting him to give up everything but beneath the layer of confidence there was a lingering fear share never – what if he fails? What if demons from the past come back to bite him? As he wrestles with these uncertainties, whispers of his ambitions begin to spread around the field. Some point to him as a hero, a savior destined to bring in a new era of prosperity and peace. Others regard him with suspicion and fear, seeing in him the potential for destruction and chaos. In the swirling waters of fate and destiny, he finds himself at a crossroads, torn between the promise of greatness and the specter of his own unworthiness Will he rise to the challenge and claim his rightful place among the gods, or succumb to the doubts and insecurities that have plagued him for the rest of his life? "Chronicles of an Unrivaled Undead" sets the stage for an epic tale of ambition, betrayal and redemption. Join our hero as he navigates the treacherous waters of his destiny, forging a path that will determine the fate of the area for generations to come.

Utsav_Basu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

The Demon’s Trails: Shadows of the Sinful Arena

The sun rose in the sky, casting its golden glow upon the castle grounds. The familiar gathering assembled at the arena, eager for the next part of the Demon's Trials. Kuroi and Diablo stood at the forefront, their enigmatic presence setting the stage for the unfolding battles.


Diablo's voice echoed through the arena, "The trials resume. Today's opening bout features the esteemed 4 Sages against the embodiment of Lust, Luxuria."


The 4 Sages, renowned for their wisdom and mastery of magical arts, stepped forward with an air of confidence. Facing them was Luxuria, her presence exuding an intoxicating attraction that left the spectators spellbound.


The Sages, each a paragon of magical prowess, conjured protective areas and prepared their staffs. Luxuria, wielding the Roarforge Claws1, a weapon infused with the essence of desire, stood poised for the confrontation.


The Sages expressed their conviction. "In the realm of intellect and magic, we shall not yield to the temptations of disgraceful desires," declared the Sage of Love, his voice resonating with authority. Luxuria, her eyes gleaming with seductive mischief, responded, "Ah, the wise and learned. Let us explore the depths of your intellect and the flexibility of your minds."


As the battle commenced, Luxuria jumped high and dived towards the ground. Roarforge Claws, it can smash through anything even non-physical objects. She smashed the air and it looked liked the air cracked. Suddenly a whirlwind appeared, weaving illusions that sought to seduce the Sages into the realms of desire. Initially unwavering, the Sages' minds wavered as the whirlwind intensified, each struggling against the attraction of their deepest fantasies. They started to get sucked by the whirlwind as they were losing their mind to lustful illusions. In a moment of unexpected vulnerability, the Sages collectively admitted, "We, the 4 Sages, cannot be swayed by mere lust."


However, Luxuria, with a sly smile, unleashed a mesmerizing strike to the ground in the eye of the tornado resulting in an earthquake. The Roarforge Claws, guided by the sinuous dance of desire, struck at the heart of the Sages' unity. The once resolute front shattered, their minds fascinated by illusions that exploited their individual weaknesses.

In defeat, the Sages retreated, their expressions a mix of bewilderment and profound acknowledgment. Luxuria stood triumphant, the Roarforge Claws a testament to the unpredictable power. As the defeated Sages exited the arena, whispers of the unforeseen dominance of Luxuria echoed through the gathering, setting the tone for the trials yet to unfold.

Diablo, with a wicked grin, announced "The winner is Luxuria." Then he declared the participants of the second bout "The next battle will be between Ira, the holder of sin of Wrath and the deuce from the Kingdom Deckaris" 

The second bout unfolded with an air of anticipation as the deuce from the Kingdom Deckaris, a group of elite knights adorned in armor as white as milk, faced Ira, the embodiment of Wrath. Ira called upon his weapon Emberfury Greatsword2. The arena crackled with energy as the clash of swords and the unyielding footsteps of the Spades echoed through the air.


The Spades, known as the personification of discipline and precision, advanced with coordinated strikes and unwavering determination. Ira, her eyes ablaze with the fire of unrestrained rage, met their onslaught with an almost casual behaviour. The initial exchanges saw the Spades dominating the battlefield, their synchronized movements and calculated attacks pushing Ira back. The Spade's armor and blades glowed in the sunlight as they sought to overwhelm their foe.


However, the sin of Wrath, an ancient force that lay dormant within Ira, began to stir. With a sudden burst of raw, uncontrolled fury, Ira's character shifted. A red aura started pouring from all over his body. The Spades, momentarily caught off guard by the abrupt transformation, found themselves facing a maelstrom of wrathful strikes. Ira unleashed his pent-up anger upon the Spades. "Discipline and precision are commendable virtues," he remarked, his voice dripping with the intensity of Wrath. "But can you weather the storm of unyielding fury?"


The battlefield transformed into a chaotic spectacle as Ira's strikes, fuelled by the sin within, cleaved through the Spades' defences. The once coordinated group now struggled to withstand the onslaught of Wrath. Each strike sent shockwaves through their armor, leaving them beaten and disoriented. As the Spades shook on the brink of death, Ira stood amidst the chaos, his wrathful aura radiating with an ominous glow. The remaining Spades, their armor now marred and broken, gazed upon their relentless foe with a mixture of awe and terror. The deuce were covered in their own blood and can barely move. Their armor turned red from white.


Ira's voice echoed through the arena. "Discipline may bend, but Wrath breaks," she proclaimed, her eyes reflecting the aftermath of her unleashed fury. The spades shouted in unison "We give up. Please spare our lives"


Diablo announced, "The winner of the second duel is Ira, The holder of Wrath Sin." As the defeated Spades limped off the battlefield, the echoes of Wrath lingered, a stark reminder of the unforgiving power that resided within the sins. Diablo's voice echoed through the arena; the anticipation intensed as he announced the participants of the next clash. "Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves for the next thrilling bout – The Legendary Axe Brotherhood versus Gula, the embodiment of Gluttony."


The arena quaked with the roars of the Axe Brotherhood, a duo of formidable orcs boasting about their unmatched might. Their battle axes gleamed in the dim light as they raised them high, proclaiming their invincibility with earth-shaking roars. Their shiny black armor was thick but looked liked have lived many blows. Their presence was enough to scare mere humans and other weak creatures to death. 


With Diablo's signal, the clash began. The orcs charged forward, their muscles rippling with strength. Gula summoned his weapon Umbral Hunger Dagger3. The orc's boastful claims filled the air as they swung their massive battle axes with a terrifying proficiency "Do you really think a weakling with such small can defeat us?". Both of the orcs laughed while attacking. Gula, a shadowy figure with an insatiable appetite for consumption, remained eerily calm in the face of their onslaught.


In a sudden twist, one of the orc's arms fell to the ground, severed by an unseen force. The Axe Brotherhood, momentarily stunned by the unexpected loss, looked around in confusion. A pool of blood was flowing from his shoulder. They looked at Gula, but he was gone. It took them a moment to realize that Gula's speed was beyond their comprehension. Gula was using shadow movement4. Trembling in pain and fear, the orcs exclaimed, "What kind of monstrosity is this?" Gula, advancing with an almost predatory grace, disappering and appearing from the shadows, demonstrated a mere fraction of Gluttony's power.


As Gula closed in, the orcs, now fully aware of the peril they were in, shouted, "We give up!" The realization dawned upon them that a mere second's delay could have cost them their lives, as Gula's weapon hovered a few millimetres away from their exposed necks.


Diablo, with a grin, declared, "The winner of the third duel is Gula, The holder of Gluttony Sin." As the defeated Axe Brotherhood retreated from the arena, Diablo offered a brief but complimentary insight. "Behold the power of the sins, servants to a force even greater than themselves – Kokugen Kuroi." The words lingered, emphasizing the formidable power that held influence over the Demon's Trials.


As Diablo concluded, the enigmatic figure of the vampire queen stepped forward, her presence commanding attention. Diablo, ever the loyal servant of Kokugen Kuroi, intervened, "Hold, for the final match is yet to unfold. Valeriana Eldermist, you will be facing me, as each party can participate only once, and all the sins have already fought."


A smirk played on the vampire queen's lips as she inquired, "I thought we were here to challenge that bogus king about his worthiness to be the king and rule upon this land. Is he chickening out and hiding behind his underlings?"


A sly grin adorned Diablo's face as he continued, "It seems even the oldest vampires can be fooled. You dare call our majesty a phony, the true master of this dominion, Kokugen Kuroi, whose power surpasses even the most ancient beings."


Valeriana Eldermist, unamused by Diablo's words, retorted, "A dominion ruled by a mere mortal human? I expected more, but if it's a puppet show you desire, so be it."


As the exchange unfolded, Kokugen Kuroi stood, a symbol of power and authority. "I accept your challenge," he declared, his gaze fixed on Valeriana. "If I win, your allegiance to me will be eternal, and you shall know the true meaning of servitude." Valeriana, though seemingly unaffected, accepted the terms and asked "And if I win, I will drink your blood dry from that body in return.", and with that, the stage was set for a battle between the vampire queen and the true master of the dominion, Kokugen Kuroi.

Finally a battle which includes our Kuroi. How will it be? What are the powers he gained after succession? Will he even win?

Are you not excited to find out? (´・ω・`)?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Utsav_Basucreators' thoughts