
Chronicles of an Otherworlder

George was a man who hated his life, but fate gave him a second chance by transporting him to another world. One were magic, sorcery and different species and monsters existed. Follow George in his quest to become the strongest!

Retr0van · Fantasy
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15 Chs

That night... [Murder at Apartment arc]

On a Sunday night, in front of an apartment a middle aged employee gets off a taxi.

"Damn it, I knew I shouldn't have attended it", he said to himself. "Sir", the cab driver looks out of the window in concern for his customer and said, "May I drop you in front your room".

The reply came out quickly, "NO!, I don't want anyone to help me".

He quickly began searching his pockets and pulled out an old worn out wallet that has seen better days. Seeing how carefully his customer was taking out money from it the taxi driver stood still pitying him.

After the man gave the necessary amount to the taxi driver he slowly started to walk towards the apartment. The security standing near the gates of the apartment recognized him and told, "Hey George, late again".

The security was an old man, He turned 70 last month but unfortunately there was none in this world who would congratulate him as his entire family passed away due to an accident few years ago. Ever since then George always spent some of his time comforting him and giving him some monetary support.

"Where were you George? Nowadays you are always coming late", said the old man in concern.

"I had party, one of my colleague got married", The old man noticed the jelousy and anger coming from George with his years of experience in life. "Is she your ex?".

"What !, NO...NO, she is not my ex"

"Then why are you so sad ?, Be happy for them"

"Well... I want to, I REALLY REALLY want to but I had crush on her"

The old man after hearing this started to laugh uncontrollably. "You think this is funny old man ?". George was heart broken that night and wanted someone to comfort him but seeing the old man laugh like this made him snap.

"Oh sorry, I didn't think you would take it seriously, I'm sorry it wasn't on purpose"

"SERIOUSLY, you think I would let it go with a sorry".

George was not in his right mind as he was heavily under influence, which made him more angry. He began thinking back to the party when his crush and the guy she was marrying with were kissing. With this he lost his reason and grabbed the security by his collar, "Say that one more time to me and you will join with the rest of your family. Maybe you shouldn't have had survived the crash, it would have been good to the world if you had passed away along with your family".

Hearing this from George the old man was surprised and heartbroken as he was his only support. Tears fell from his old eyes and George pushed him away walking towards his room.

He jumped into his bed and laid there for a while thinking back to the time when he first met his crush which were a fun distant memory to him by now.

The next day he woke up with a hang over, but soon he recollected what happened yesterday night and how terribly he spoke with the old man. He wanted to apologies for his action and so he quickly got out of his bed and threw the door open only to find a huge crowd gathered in front of his apartment. Upon looking closely there were some police officers too.

George quickly made his way to the crowd and asked one person there what had happened. "Don't you know ?", said the person in surprise.

"I just woke up"

"But its 10 in the morning"

Hearing this he remembered he was late to the office but then again he lost all motivation to go there as his crush was now married to another guy.

"Apparently some random thugs killed the security that was out here"

This news came to George as a shock as he did not even got a chance to repent his actions.

"Well they say that he had no family, so I guess no one really cares that much", said one of the police who was on the case to his colleagues.

By noon the crowd had dispersed, the body was taken and the police had already lost interest on the case. The only person who was mourning his death was George, he hated how he behaved last night, he hated how he never told his crush how he felt about her, he hated his pathetic life stuck doing the exact same thing over and over again waiting for every Sundays to sleep all day.

This was how his whole life had been up until now, always regretting the actions of his past.

"I will change it", he muttered to himself.

"I'm gonna change my life"

Hey guys, this is my first work and English is not my mother toungue, so there will be tons of mistake. Also I'm writing this story as a hobby, so the updates will be inconsistent. Sometimes it may take weeks or months. The first arc of the series Murder at Apartment covers the story of MC before his transportation to other world, so it will be about 6-8 chapters long. This is done to give the MC more character depth than your typical loser MC isekai stories. Thanks for your understanding.

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