
Chronicles of an Otherworlder

George was a man who hated his life, but fate gave him a second chance by transporting him to another world. One were magic, sorcery and different species and monsters existed. Follow George in his quest to become the strongest!

Retr0van · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Another world! [Forest Survival arc]

As my eyes started feeling heavier, I decided to give into the temptation of resting peacefully.

I closed my eyes and thought to myself, 'Dying calmly like this is much better than rotting away in prison'

But after some moments the pain all over my body started to disappear.

"Did I finally die?"

I opened my eyes and saw the endless blue sky before me as I was laying on the ground staring into the sky.

The bright light of the sky had burnt my eyes and it took me some seconds to adjust to the new surroundings.

'What happened? I'm sure that I was inside a building not too long ago'

I looked around and noticed that I was inside a forest. All the trees around me were very high and I had never seen such a type of tree before as the leaves were green with a black shade to it.

But my exploration came to a halt when I heard a feeble sound of a woman coming from my back.


I looked back to see who it was and I was shocked!

There were almost 20 men wearing silver armor and 3 other men who appeared to be bandits you find in video games or cartoons dead on the ground behind me.

A broken carriage was also present at the scene, but the horse appears to be dead.

Recovering from the shock I ran towards the source of the sound as I was sure that she would be a survivor and could tell me more information on what had happened.

As I proceeded to run I noticed that the amount of distance I can make per step has become small.

It made me finally notice that all the things around me also have become much bigger.

I checked my hands and legs, and was shocked to find out that my body has become smaller.

No, to be precise I became significantly younger.

As I checked all over my body, I noticed that the body I was in appears to be around 7-8 years old as the arms and legs were short and soft.

I was also wearing really comfortable clothes that appeared to be expensive as the artwork on the dress was really complicated and the material of the cloth felt expensive.

But right now I need to find the woman who was shouting to give me an explanation on what the hell happened here.

As I came close to the source of the sound, I saw a young woman who appeared to be around her late 30's.

She too was wearing an expensive dress and had dark hair complimenting her eyes that had a red shade.

She was shouting the name Christoph repeatedly, but when she saw me running towards her, she stopped shouting and I could see a sense of relief on her face.

As I approached her, I noticed that the woman was completely exhausted from crying and she was also soaked in blood.

She gathered all her remaining strength and began walking towards me. She was limping as her leg was covered with injuries.

Now that I noticed, she had numerous injuries throughout her body and was losing a lot of blood because of it.

When she reached me, she hugged me tight with her bloodied hands.

At first I wanted to get away since deep down I was still a 30 year old man, and she was full of blood which was gross but judging by the reaction of the woman, it seems that this body actually belonged to her son, so I did not stop her.

"My baby… I'm glad that they did not hurt you", she said while crying and hugging me tightly.

I did not know how to respond to her since she was not my mother and I was not a great actor to hide the fact that I was not her child.

Looking at the injuries on the woman, it looks like she will definitely die if proper treatment is not received and us being inside a forest with no way to communicate to the outside world makes me strongly believe that we are not going to receive one.

So I at least wanted to let her die in peace knowing that her son was safe and decided to play along even though I was not a good actor.

"Mom I'm okay", I muttered while hoping she wouldn't find out that I'm not her son.

The woman stopped hugging me and looked me in my face.

'Sh*t did I say something suspicious?"

"I'm okay child, you need not worry about me" she responded after wiping her tears away.

"I don't think that I have much life left in me but you should get out of this forest and make sure to reach the Rodriguez head family"

Soon after she said that the woman began to cough up blood.

It was clearly evident that she did not want to leave her son alone in a forest as she struggled to stay alive for her child's sake.

There was not much I could do for her except one thing…

"It's okay mom, I can take care of myself"

I tried my best to reassure her that her son was going to be safe as that was the only thing that I could do for her.

Tears poured down from her eyes again.

She cried while holding me until finally it became quiet.

I was not able to get much information from her but that's okay, since anyone can tell from the surroundings what had happened here.

Looking at the clothes I and the lady were wearing which had a medieval theme to it, it seems that we were pretty rich and the last thing the lady said to me before dying was to reach the Rodriguez family, which probably would have been our destination.

I don't know where it is, but getting there as fast as possible might be the best course of action.

The 20 men with silver armor seem to be our men and the other 3 look like bandits you see in cartoons.

The bandits were probably after the money as the doors of the carriage were broken and the interior looked like it was ransacked .

But it was weird how 20 men in armor died because of just 3 bandits, so it could only be one of the two possibilities.

First, the bandits planned an ambush to take out most of the knights or the second, the bandits were well trained and the knights were hopeless against them.

But right now figuring out the cause and culprits were not my priority as I was surrounded by dead bodies, the smell of blood could attract nearby carnivorous animals, so I had to move away from this location.

I wished to give the lady a proper burial, but this body was not strong enough to do it quickly before the animals came here.

I thought of all the survival videos that I had watched on the internet and decided on the things that I needed to do first, which was securing water, food, shelter and some weapons for emergencies.

And lucky for me, almost all of the things that I wanted were near me.

Hey guys, from now onwards a new chapter will come out per week (but sometimes this may not be the case, so sorry in advance)

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