
Chronicle of Zero (Self Insert) (Rebooted) [Stop until new update]

My name Zerono M. Akatsuki I'm known under different names as Chosen One, Legacy of Sparda, Hao Ryu (Supreme Dragon), etc. But I'm actually just a simple human with the power of the Gamer who was sent to another world to entertain a troll of vampires who can travel between dimensions and a god (the author) who loves to see me get out of the most ridiculous situation than the others. Join me my new family and friends in this new world base of DxD and others. I have no rights to high school DxD, Fate and other anime, manga and games present in this story only my original characters. First fanfiction I write and my English is not very good but I will try to be as concrete as possible I was inspired by some fanfiction on webnovel (Runcorn, ImBoredSoMeh) and fanfiction.com (NickTheHun, fg7dragon) follow their work.

Daoist_zero950 · Anime & Comics
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Chronicle 4: Level Up and Training

Hi, everyone, it's Zero I hope you're all fine but not me I merged with Sparda's blood and the Devil Bringer I've to admit it hurts like hell, now I know what my MC fell when they gain new power-up, now a can have a good night of rest.

Zero: [Observe]

[Devil Bringer (Mutated/ evolved)] - passive/active - Level 50 - Cost in MP: varies

Description: Demonstration of the demonic power of Zero, Chose one of Sparda Legacy, this arm is capable of a superhuman feat and summons a spectral arm or a spectral devil if enough energy is supplied. The Devil Bringer can be changed into spectral arms wing and the user can switch between each form

[ Demonic Arm, gain title [ Demon hunter ]]

The abilities of the Devil Bringer are

- [Buster]: invokes a spectral arm that can be used to block or throw an object too heavy to throw with the normal shape

- [Snatch]: Pull object or people towards the user

- [Hell Bond]: Pull the user towards the object or creature you are looking for

- [Absorption]: The Devil Bringer can absorb objects and use their powers or absorb objects for storage. ]

I looked at his left hand and was surprised to see blue Runes like a tattoo on my arms that looks exactly like the DB

[ Your mutated DB has also obtained a new power. ]

[ Spectral arsenal ] - Active - Lvl Max

Description: Special form of the Devil Trigger created when world law transformed the Devil Bringer into a Sacred Gear (Longinus-Tier). Able to create a temporary spectral weapon.

[ Creation Hand (left arm / forearm) ] - Active - Lvl Max

Description: Devil Bringer's mutation when Zero transformed it into Sacred Gear (Longinus), his soul caused a mutation of the arm that resulted in a hand capable of modifying the structure of an object, organic or not, and being separated at the cellular level and at the soul level.

[ Skill has been created by a special action ]

[Physical Endurance] - Passive - Level 50 - Exp: 50%.

Description: The durability of the body increases, allowing less damage to occur. 35% reduction in damage caused by attacks.

Then I fell asleep.

// Timeskip brought by chibi Zero who is training with Devil Bringer on a zombie army... //

When I open my eyes again I find myself in the snow-covered plain of the day before but the difference is a snowstorm begin and the field is filled with swords but they seem corrupted, they have all a purple colors aura on them, then he appears in front of me the same boy as last time Zero Akatsuki but the color of his eyes are black with yellow irises, dress in the combat outfit of Archer EMIYA Class Card, then he Trace a sword and then runs toward me.

I duck the blow by making a backflip, I notice a cut on my right cheek and then he launches another assault with the intention of killing, I try to dodge each blow and use the sword in the field to parried his attack.

But my sword breaks each time and I gained many wounds, At this moment I really think I really need a strong weapon and then I think of Kansho and Bakuya with all my being.

Zero: Trace On

[You have acquired a new skill through a special action.]

[Trace] - Active - Level 1 / 100 EXP: 80% Cost in MP: 10

Description: The magecraft created by Emiya Shirou, which allows an object to materialize in seven steps, allows everything to be reproduced, from the concept of creation to its entire existence. The tracing speed increases with the skill level and INT.

Duration of the traced object: varies

Force of the traced object: 100% except in case of lack of information or materials that cannot be recreated.

Then both the married swords appear in my two hands, I deflect the blow and then launch my counterattack, we exchanged blows as if it was a dance trying to make the other do a mistake, and I took a lot of damage I only have 20% of HP left, I notice this clone know all my techniques and reproduce almost all my knowledge in combat, I am tempted to use Yamato or Rebellion but it would give him an advantage if he can Trace them.

Suddenly a voice resounds in my head and I repeat what she says

Zero: Karada wa tsurugi de dekiteiru (My body is made of swords)

I use [Reinforcement] on my body I run on the clone by throwing well-placed strike that was parry easily, I continue to attack then take my distance while avoiding a fatal blow

Zero: Chishio wa tetsu de kokoro wa GARASU (My blood is iron and my heart is glass.)

I throw the married swords that hurt the clone I trace again, give a vertical blow the sword breaks at the same time the swords I had thrown come back like boomerangs and slice the clone from behind then break them too and I continue with the right sword that breaks after the attack.

Zero: Trace Overedge

I finish with a cross-strike

Zero: Triple-Linked Crane Wings

Then the clone falls to the ground, as for me I fall on a knee is breathing heavily, the technique I just used drained me of my energy, I look at my two swords.

Zero: Thank you you two, you got me the hell out of a jam

The blades resonate as if she understood what I said to them then the clone looks at me and he reaches out to me, I shake it while remaining on my guard and then a light engulfs us

"I entrust you with the rest, but know that the darkness of the past will come to haunt you good luck my king"

Then I find myself alone and a Archer Class Card in my hand at that moment I begin to wonder if Zero Akatsuki is my equivalent in the world of DxD if that would explain why I am in symbiosis with him is when I decided to renounce the name of Zero Akatsuki the human and embrace my new identity Zero Akatsuki chose one of Sparda Legacy and practitioners of the Eight-leaves One Blade school.

"What does he mean by the darkness of the past?"

Then all of a sudden the field is purified of the purple aura, the snowstorm stop and the field filled with all the swords and Noble Phantasms that I have memorized from the whole universe of Nasuverse are stored there, all the blade-shaped weapons of devils of Devil May Cry's world are also stored there, as well as those of the Legende of Heroes world.

Zero: Don't tell me it's my Unlimited Blade Works

Then I wonder if my element and origin are the "Sword" like Shiro to be able to control the projections with such ease I look at the alerts I had.

[Unlimited Blade Work] - Active - Lvl: 1/100 EXP: 0% cost: 1000 Mana

Description: Reality Marble. It is a high-class thaumaturgy that embodies the internal worlds of its host and imprints them on the world as a delimited field for a short period of time. This is their only true specialization in magecraft, the result of "Sword" being both their origin and their elementary affinity, and the basis of their projection and reinforcement skills. This is the definitive answer obtained by someone whose life has been saved by a sword, truly fused and lived with a sword and who has acted as a sword all his life. A magician who specialized in making swords during his life, while struggling to get to it, landed very far from him. ]

[Eye of the Mind] - Passive - Level 5 / 100 EXP: 1%.

Description: An increased observation capacity, improved by experience. It allows a calm analysis in danger. The effects improve as skill level, combat experience, intelligence, and wisdom increase.

[ Counter Guardian (CG) EMIYA Position] - passive- Level 5 / 100 EXP: 15%.

Description: A position that deliberately creates many openings. False openings are created in order to prevent or avoid knocks to the same openings. The main purpose of the posture is to use it in the fight against stronger opponents than yourself.

???: Your fight was interesting although it was your first, you did well.

I turn around to find myself in front of a dragon but when I see the appearance of a dragon and it was one of my favorite duel monsters Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon

Zero: Odd-Eyes what are doing, no I should ask you why are you here

Odd-Eyes Pendulum: That I good question Master, but you should already know why I'm here

Zero: Don't tell me you're are my Sacred Gear or something like that?

Odd-Eyes Pendulum: That right I'm the spirit of your Sacred Gear Odd-Eyes Driver

Zero: So in concrete terms, what are your powers?

Odd-Eyes Pendulum: I can double your Power every 10 sec, you can also use my skill Reaction Force

We'll have to add more magic training to all this.

Then a voice comes into my head

???: Follow your own path, remain true to yourself and face all the obstacles that will come in your way. Promise me.

Zero: 'I promise to follow my own path'

Then I snap of my little trance

Then the dragons lay down we talk about the battle, he explained to me how to use my sacred gear, it has to forme of two black bracers with 3 stone of red color on each bracer, I can boost whatever a want by 2, that is magic, strength, or weapon I can also use it with my [Reinforcement] magecraft, after that he fell asleep

Odd-Eyes Pendulum: To tell you I'm not the only one, they are other here, but they'll show themselves to you when the time come

Zero: Understood

'Ok let's trying something I've been wanting to do for a while.'

Zero: Trace on

"Judging by the concept of creation, a symbol of a king and demon king".

"Hypothesizing the basic structure, a dazzling dark, and light sword with golden inscriptions".

"To duplicate the material of the composition, the thinnest steel blade decorated with gold, shroud by demonic and holy energy".

"Imitating the skill of its manufacture, no movement lost in its manufacture".

"Sympathizing with the experience of its growth, a symbol of authority drawn from the stone and a symbol of fear for all enemy of his master".

"Reproducing the years accumulated, broken at the time when the rules of chivalry were broken".

"Excellent in every manufacturing process".

I already knew it was beautiful since the knowledge of the game came to my mind, I knew that the beauty of this sword was dazzling.

Thanks to the combined memories of Saber, Shirou, and Archer, I was able to make the blade as perfect as possible but with a little change because I inject a part of my demonic energy during the process.

Even if it was the first time I had traced, I couldn't go wrong making this blade but to really create, a Demonic and Holy sword really show that the big guy Up there is really dead.

[Caliburn Ex: Golden Sword of the Victorious and Dismiss] - Rank: A+ - Durability: 1000 / 1000 - ATK: 11000

Description: The sacred sword which is the king's symbol drawn from the nomination stone by King Arthur under Merlin's direction and modified by Zero Akatsuki with his demonic energy. With the words "He who draws this sword from this stone is the king by right of all England" engraved in a gilded inscription on his handle, he became the symbol of the king of the knights of England once he was removed from the stone and the symbol of fear for all the enemy of the future demon lord who will wild this sword.

Element: Demonic/Holy

Duration: Permanent

[ You won the titles [ King's Will Bearer ], [Demon King Will Bearer] ]

[King's Will Bearer] - You bearing King Arthur's precious symbol of authority. + Royal Aura (Lower)

[Demon King Will Bearer] - You bearing a Demon King symbol of fear. + Demonic Royal Aura (Lower)

I created a sheath for Caliburn and place it in my inventory and then leave my inner world to fall asleep until the next day.

Not knowing that the creation of a sword-like Caliburn was sensed by many supernatural high ranking personalities in the underworld by the 4 Maous, in Heaven the 7 seraphines and Gregori 3 Cadres and Governer General, Kyoto Yokai Leader, All Mythological god (Greek, Celt, Norse, Indu) and Khaos Brigade High Ranker

// Timeskip brought by a Zero chibi who trains with Caliburn //

[ After sleeping in a bed your HP and MP are restored ]

[ System updates, implementation of new functionality adding the ["Sanctuary"] ]

During that night I had a lot of ideas and I thought to myself if I couldn't recreate a Rider System so I go to my TV and take my Blu-ray discs of Kamen Rider Build

[You have acquired a Skill book! Would you like to have access to [Knowledge of the Tokusatsu universe]?

[Tokusatsu Affinity ] - Passive -

Description: Affinity allows the user to freely use the technology and techniques of the Tokusatsu Universe. The effects may differ from those of Tokusatsu Universe of the rules of your current world.

It's 5:00 in the morning, It time to awaken my devil arms I take Yamato out of my inventory and then I try to bind it to my soul by injecting a bit of my demonic power then my Devil Bringer manifested by himself and absorbed Yamato

[ An entity was found in [Gamer body]. Do you want to activate communication? ]

Zero: "Yes"

???: < Greeting Master, my name is Yamato it is a pleasure to work with you >

Zero: Me too, Yamato tells what just appended why the DB?

Yamato: < I wanted to unlock your [ Aura Trigger ] when I go in the DB for you to use it but at the same time, I've to begin to unlock the DB [ Devil Trigger ] when the time comes I'll tell you>

[Devil Bringer unlocking a new power]

[ Aura trigger unlocked ]

Zero: Yamato what's the important information I must know about the [ Aura Trigger ]

Yamato: < [ Aura Trigger ] is like signs move or a special feature that will differentiate you of another's demons hybrid >

Zero: I can wait to know I'll test it tonight

I know I'm perfectly synchronized with it but to soon unlock a balance breaker it will give me an edge if I only show my Odd-Eyes Driver I can surprise my enemies who won't expect me to release second sacred gears with a balance breaker already unlocked

I put my uniform and sportswear in my inventory and change my clothes in an instant and take my bag with Yamato in it, putting it on my back then head to the entrance to put on my shoes and leave doing the same thing as the previous day jogging plus parkour using [Observe].

When I arrived at the abandoned site I create an instant dungeon

Zero: [Create ID]

I begin my training with the help of Yamato I unlocked [DarkSlayer], [Swordmaster], [RoyalGard], [Gunslinger], [Trickster] by using [Trace] on Yamato then I have to all the information of the technique of Vergil, Nero, and Dante when they use her

I'm trying to improve my use of Counter Guardian (CG) Emiya fighting style with Kansho and Bakuya.

Learning Kenpō by performing Kempo Kata of [Hakkeshō], then started practicing the Shundo in the opening space I try much time to do it but a couldn't create the wanted results then I remember when Touta train with Kaito of how to use the Shundo

Zero: Grasps the world in your feet, Grasps the heavens in your feet.

I laid my feet against the ground and concentrate on the earth movement and I disappeared off my initial position to reappear at the wanted location

[Shundo] - Active - Level 2 / 100 - EXP : 55% - Cost in MP : 1 MP per step

Description: This is a [Displacement Technique]. By focusing [Mana] in the feet, the user can travel a limited distance in a gust of extreme speed (enough to appear almost instantly). However, unlike true teleportation, the movement itself can be intercepted and the exit point calculated, once started, the skill can no longer be interrupted. It must also be done on a kind of foot or surface.

Then after the physical effort, I started my training with my magic, I started with the basic spells I would like to have, I put my hand in front of me and then I pronounce the incantation

Zero: Sagitta Magica, Una Lucis. (Magic arrows, one light.) The arrow moves towards a tree and then explodes to leave only a large hole in it and I blast many trees

[Sagitta Magica] - Active - Level 1/100 - MP : Varies

Description: One of the most elementary attack spells, but also very versatile. The launcher creates a number of elementary magic missiles and fires them at the target. The number can vary between one and at least a thousand and one arrows but is usually a prime number. You can mainly use light arrows that cause explosive damage, lightning arrows that paralyze the target if they hit in addition to the damage they cause, wind arrows that usually do not cause damage but instead bind the target and currently dark arrows that have the same light arrow effect.

My limit was to do a dozen Sagitta Magica I did the same with all the elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, Darkness) after that I prepare myself to go home for school

[Observe] has gone up 3 levels, [Sword Mastery] has gone up 4 levels,[Dual sword Mastery] has gone up 3 levels and my states have increased as follows AGI+6, STR+5, END+6, MAG+5