
Chronicle of Zero (Self Insert) (Rebooted) [Stop until new update]

My name Zerono M. Akatsuki I'm known under different names as Chosen One, Legacy of Sparda, Hao Ryu (Supreme Dragon), etc. But I'm actually just a simple human with the power of the Gamer who was sent to another world to entertain a troll of vampires who can travel between dimensions and a god (the author) who loves to see me get out of the most ridiculous situation than the others. Join me my new family and friends in this new world base of DxD and others. I have no rights to high school DxD, Fate and other anime, manga and games present in this story only my original characters. First fanfiction I write and my English is not very good but I will try to be as concrete as possible I was inspired by some fanfiction on webnovel (Runcorn, ImBoredSoMeh) and fanfiction.com (NickTheHun, fg7dragon) follow their work.

Daoist_zero950 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Chapter 43: Thunder Goddess Raiden Sho... Mei

Kiana and I teleported to the highest point of Kuoh in my new outfit

Kiana: What are we doing here?

Zero: We're going on the Hyperion

I active my Rinnegan which permit me to bypass the camouflage system of the Hyperion. Then before my eyes appear the giant ship in the sky with 3 other ships next to him.

I then pull out my Aigis and type in a number then it starts ringing and connect

???: Yes, yes this is the great Ai-chan speaking, to whom I have the honour.

Ai-chan's chibi, the artificial intelligence of the Hyperion, appears on my screen and asks me. I adjust my voice to match that of captain Zero who is a few years older than me.

Zero: Ai-chan it's me

AI-chan: ... Who are you?

Zero: It's me, Captain, you don't recognize my voice, Ai-chan

Ai-chan: You can't be him, we all saw him sacrificing himself.

Zero: As if Death is enough to stop me to come back 1 more time.

AI-chan: Until the very end you were an idiot captain.

Zero: Hey, at least say I had an honourable ending. Though now that I only exist as memories through my counterpart from this world

Ai-chan: Now that I look at you, who are you ? and why your voice sounds like Captain Zero.

I use my usual voice

Zero: I am Zero Muramasa Akatsuki, the counterpart of Captain Zero Akatsuki from this dimension, when he died I inherited all of his being, memories and abilities. How do you think I managed to access the communication of the Hyperion and contact you?

Ai-chan: I see, even after he died he came back in another form.

Zero: What did you say Ai-chan

Ai-chan: I didn't say anything.

Zero: Can you warn the executive on board to gather at the bridge and let the staff know guests are coming.

Ai-chan: Shall I create a new ID for you?

Zero: No, I'll use Zero's current IDs, while you're at it gather for me a full damage report on the Hyperion and what we'll need for repairs.

Ai-chan: Aye Aye Captain

With a snap of the fingers, Kiana and I appear in one of the ship's hangars and we head to the bridge with Kiana as our guide

Kiana: It feels strange to be back on the Hyperion after so long.

Zero: How does it feel to be back?

Kiana: It reminds me of how immature and thoughtless I was during my first years of training as a Valkyrie thinking only of being the best, but after seeing the damage I did when Sirin was in control of me and the sacrifices I had to make to subdue her so I could save the world.

Kiana says to me while walking, on the way the crew members we passed seem to be surprised by our presence but some were especially surprised to see Kiana who has changed a lot

Kiana: But now I can walk with my head held high because I know that now I can protect my loved ones. It's all thanks to you and the others.

Zero: I see.

Arriving at a lift I pull out an ID card scan it and tip in a code on a digital panel and the doors open, after a moment the lift arrives at the Hyperion's bridge

[ Captain on bridge ]

The doors open as Kiana and I step out of the lift only to be greeted with several weapons pointed at us wield by beautiful onee-san, more at me than at Kiana causing me to throw my hands up in the air.

Zero: ... I( °-°")I

???: Who are you and how did you get access to the Hyperion and get this ID?

I look at the person who is pointing her weapon at me and I recognize it as Cecilia Shariac, the other persons present on the bridge are Theresa, Himeko, Durandal and Rita

Zero: Uh Kiana-chan a little help would be nice

??? / ??? / ??? / ???: Kiana ?! / Kiana-chan / Kiana-sama

Kiana: Hello, every one it's been a long time

Zero: Haem

Kiana: Okay okay, I'm coming

Then Kiana teleports in a wisp of flame to appear before me and pulls the Ikemen Killer off my nose revealing my face, which takes everyone by surprise and makes them blush.

Girls (thought): Kyaaaaaah !!!! He's so handsome it should be a crime.

I look at all the older girls in front of me with a blank stare. Everyone is blushing heavily, especially Bianca aka Durandal who is known to be professional at any circumstance is getting a nosebleed. ( - _ - ''')

Even Cecilia Kiana's mother drops her weapon and looks at me all red-faced, I turn to Kiana who looks at me with a big smile on her face.

Zero: Kiana when I asked for help I meant to convince your mother and friends not to point their weapon at me but not to show them my true face.

Kiana: I only did the most appropriate action in this situation and use your pretty face for that

Zero: I didn't know you were so cunning?

Kiana: That's one of the perks of being one of your girlfriends

She says to me while giving me a light kiss on the lips what surprises everyone

Cecilia: Kiana, who is this young man beside you and why did you kiss him?

Kiana: Mom, this is Zero Muramasa Akatsuki, my boyfriend. Zero met my mom Cecilia Schariac.

Zero: Nice to meet you ma'am \( ° v ° )

Cecilia: Nice to meet you too.

Theresa: Zero... Akatsuki, are you...

Zero: You want to ask me if I'm related to your deceased captain Zero Akatsuki

My deduction shock Theresa

Theresa: Yes, that right

Zero: Well I'm and I'm not related to him

Durandal: You don't make any sense.

Zero: To make it simple your Zero was a fragment of myself from another life that was reincarnated in your universe, after he sacrificed himself to allow you to escape your pursuer, you could say that his soul came back to me since I've got the biggest part of our former soul. In other words, I am the captain and...

Himeko: ...the captain is you too, right?

Zero: That's it Himeko Nee-san, our life and personality may be different but in the end, we came from the same root, in the last memory I recover from him I see he didn't regret what he did but it was the only thing that came to his mind to make sure everyone was safe and he wanted you all to live a happy life in this new world.

Himeko: Always looking out for others before himself, that's just like him.

Zero: It shows how much he cares about you all, if I was in his shoes I would have done the same thing.

Theresa: Thank you for telling us about his last moment.

Zero: That why I came here in the first place. Now that I think about it, did Emiya give you the rundown of this world?

Rita: Yes, Emiya-sama has already explained everything there is to know about the world of Zero-sama whether it's the normal world or the supernatural world.

Zero: Good It's one thing out of the list, Theresa-san you don't mind if I temporarily take the position of captain of the Hyperion? the time we allocate you all somewhere safe and think about your situation.

Theresa: No, I don't mind at all, I would even say this post is not enough for you.

Zero: Not enough, you mean?

Theresa: As the head of the Apocalypse family and Schicksal I am appointing you, Zero Muramasa Akatsuki, to the position of Overseer.

Zero: ... (- _ -) - - - - - - > ( °_° )

Kiana: Wow, that was a pretty fast climb, congratulations.

Zero: It's not helping me Kiana

Kiana: Blame it on your good looks, mister I'm a chick magnet

Kiana sticks her tongue out at me

Zero (Thought): Wait for a little, Kiana, I'm going to go back to you.

Kiana spine shiver then look at me who have only a close eye smile ( - v - #)

Zero: Are you sure you want to make me your leader? I mean, I just met some of you, and I don't think some of the girls would like to have a guy coming from nowhere giving them orders.

Theresa: With your face, I'm sure they'll accept you

Zero: In the end, it is only about my pretty face right?

Himeko: You damn right if only you were a few more years older maybe I would take you for myself

Kiana: If you want a piece of him you have to go through me Aunt Himeko

Zero: Let's leave these two aside. Who says I'm not a bad guy and I would take advantage of my position?

Theresa: First like you said yourself you have the same root as our previous captain so it is certain that you have at least a part of kindness inside you and second your eyes...

Zero: My eyes?

Theresa: I can see in your eyes that you don't mean us any harm and I can tell you're someone we can trust.

I look at Theresa eyes which show trust to me, then I look at everyone who nods at me as a sign of approbation

Zero: I get it, I get it, I'll do it, but don't call me by that title call me just Zero

Theresa: Thank you, you must already know us but let me introduce myself I'm Theresa Apocalypse

Himeko: Murata Himeko

Rita: Rita Rossweisse at your service Master Zero

Zero (thought): Another thirsty maid, my luck.

Bianka: Call me Durandal, I'm under your order Zero-sama.

I'm looking a Bianka with a frowning brow, which makes her blush

Bianka: Huh... Bianka Ataegina is my real name.

Then I give her a smile and a nod, which make her blush more

Cecilia: I'm Cecilia Schariac but you can call me mama too, nice to meet you Zero

Zero: Oh I'm already adopted, nice.

Theresa: You can also call me Aunt Teri, but who would have thought that our Kiana will find herself a boyfriend.

Himeko: Me too, for her Mei was the only person in her heart

Kiana: Hum what are you talking about? I still love Mei-senpai, it's only that Zero is the only man I need in my life.

Zero: Good luck about convincing her about that

Kiana: Who you take me for.

Cecilia: Heh... you're not against that she loves another person other than you?

Zero: Well I can't do anything against Kiana, it's her choice and I'm an open man but I don't think she'll love another man that I'm sure of.

Rita: Who would have thought that our new Overseer was this unique.

Zero: I think I'm the only one like this in this multiverse, my dear Rita

Then Ai-chan appear before me

Ai-chan: Boss, I have the report you asked for.

Then Ai-chan give me all detail I've asked her

Theresa: Umu he is fast, not even a few seconds at his post he is already working

Kiana: Well he's the heir of his family who holds a really old history and he's also the CEO of his own conglomerate that he creates himself without the help or influence of his family, he also a well-known musician and artist too, he's like a fish in water

Cecilia: Rich, handsome, famous, heir to an old family, that's a nice picture for someone his age. Now that I think about it, is he at university?

Kiana: No, he doesn't look it, but he's only in his second year of high school.

Theresa: Wow all these achievements and he's only a high school student

Bianca: So a successful young man, then? Can he fight?

Kiana: He is in the top ten of the most powerful of this world

Rita: I think I'm going to enjoy serving my new Master

Zero: Thank you Ai-chan, well I'm going to see if there are any other problems aboard the Hyperion with Ai-chan, if you need me Kiana has my contact information and share the news about me with everyone I don't want to be arrested during my investigation

Theresa: Understood Zero-san

Then I get into the lift.

Cecilia: He seems to be a good guy

Kiana: He is the sweetest guy I know but you don't know all of him

Himeko : What do you mean Kiana ?

Rita: There are things you didn't tell us about him?

A grin appears on Kiana's face and takes photos of a certain MC, very lethal for any woman who looks at it.

// Timeskip //

I finished inspecting and repairing the zone that needs to be patched quickly, one of the 4 thrusters was out, the honkai reactor has sustained some damage but nothing irreversible.

All internal systems were out, only the cloaking, the fly, the navigation and the first necessity systems were operational thanks to Ai-chan.

A great number of valkyries were wounded during the escape, the gravely wounded were all holes in the clinic, the less wounded were sent back in their quarter.

I've healed with my re-growth spell those who have lost a member of their body and use normal medicine for the others and when I talk about normal medicine I talk about alchemy. I heal these with Honkai corruption and use some Life Force Recovery pills to prolong their lost lifespan, for the psychological scare one I use my Sharingan to help them heal even a little.

When these girls see their wounded healed in no time and their situation becomes normal they begin to feel grateful to me, some even worship me like a miracle maker for healing their honkai corruption who's said to be incurable by the scientist.

My little stunt did not go unnoticed by two scientists of the ship Einstein and Tesla, the members of Anti-Entropie who asked me about my power and how it works. I let a shadow clone talk with them and I continue to navigate inside the Hypérion.

I walk inside the supply deck and take note that the supply of the ship is almost finished and must be replenished when I sense 3 presence behind me.

Zero: Who's there?

I say turning around quickly only to be welcomed by a yelp of three young girls, one with blue eyes and dark blue hair, one with pink hair and aquamarine eyes and one with teal hair and purple hair. Their name are Seele Vollerei, Rozaliya Olenyeva and her twin sister Liliya Olenyeva also known as the Vodka Girl

Zero: Hoh, it's only Seele, Rozaliya, Liliya.

The girls look at me surprised that I know their names

Seele: Heh ?! How does he know our names?

Rozaliya: It's because we're celebrities?

Liliya: Imbecile of Rozaliya it's not this.

Seeing the twins bickering makes me laugh slightly

Liliya: Why are you laughing?

Zero: Oh sorry, I couldn't help but think that you are cute bickering like that.

Rozaliya and Liliya start to blush at what I said.

Liliya: Rozaliya this guy just said that we are cute

Rozaliya: I heard Liliya, but for some reason it's embarrassing

Seele: Onii-chan what is your name?

Zero: My name is Zero and I am... What am I again...?

I go into deep thought mode with my fist under my chin

Seele: Aren't you a doctor?

She asks me pointing to the white coat that I kept after I visited the clinic.

Zero: I am a doctor and more, but at the moment I am just a student because I am only 17.

Seele: 17, Seele thought you were older.

Zero: I'm often told that I look older than I am now.

Seele: Seele understands... how Zero-onii-chan got here, this is the first time Seele has seen you on the Hyperion.

Zero: To put it simply, I'm a relative of Theresa's who lives in this world, and she asked me to help out, so I decided to take care of the injured on board and make myself useful, that's all.

Rozeliya: A relative of Theresa's? It's the first time I've heard that.

Liliya: Umu, it sounds suspicious.

Zero: When you put it like that, indeed it sounds suspicious, haha... oops look at the time it's almost lunchtime. I'll see you four later.

I head to the Hyperion's kitchen leaving the three surprised Lolis, one of whom seems more shocked by Zero's sentence than the other two.

Rozeliya: He is weird that Onii-chan, but he seems interesting

Liliya: For once I agree with you Rozelilya, but I wonder what he means by "you four"?

Rozeliya: Who knows? What do you think about it, Seele?

Seele(?): Seele doesn't know... but I'm sure Seele wants to know more about him too, huhu.


Leaving the supply room, I feel familiar but weak energy some room further, intrigued I head towards the source, entering I fall on a Benares in bad shape.

???: Bella ?!

A voice says inside me, and it is the voice of Sirin, the second personality inside Kiana, also known as the Herrscher of the Void.

Zero: Sirin, what are you doing inside of me?

Sirin: We can talk about this later, please help Bella, Big brother.

Zero: *Sigh* I understood and I was going to do this anyway, now I understand why the energy I was feeling was so familiar.

I approach the Benares who looks at me for a moment which makes me stop and then she bows her head in reverence to let me approach her.

I analyzed the honkai dragon to see its condition and it's not a pretty sight.

I then create a void dimension area around the room and manipulate my chaos energy to turn it into pure controlled honkai energy, powerful enough to create a Herrscher crystal.

I press the crystal against the Benares, which is engulfed in light to appear in a new, smaller form.

To be more precise she became an ELF

Zero: I wasn't expecting this at all.

Bella: Thank you so much for helping me, my Lord.

Zero: You are welcome Bella.

Sirin: Say big brother, can you do the same for me?

Zero: ...

// Timeskip //

// Hyperion Kitchen //

I arrive in the ship's kitchen followed by Sirin and Bella in their ELF form

After checking that everything is ok in the kitchen I put on my cook outfit (Yukihira's outfit) while tying my bandana on my head.

Zero: Ok, [ Kage Bunshin no Jutsu ].

A dozen clones appear ready to take their orders forming a group of 3 each

Zero: Team 1: Prepare the ingredients and seasoning, Team 2: You take care of the cooking, Team 3: Take care of the desserts, Team 4: Take care of the dishes. Included

Clones of Zero: Yes, boss.

Zero: Operation "Valkyries Morale Booster" begins.

Each group takes their respective positions and performs their task, while I the original cooks something for Bella and Sirin.

Without noticing that someone was looking inside the kitchen.

// POV Raiden Mei //

I head to the Hyperion's kitchen to prepare lunch for everyone.

Normally I only make lunch for my squad, but the cooks of the ship got hurt during our escape to this new world.

Mei: According to the man named Emiya this is where Kiana is, I hope she's okay? Is she eating well?

While I was thinking, several delicious smells drew me out of my thoughts. These smells came from the kitchen.

When I opened the kitchen door I saw a truly shocking scene. Several people who looked exactly alike were cooking in a line, their movements were precise and coordinated, the ingredients they used were of the highest quality.

But one of them stands out, the difference is that he seems to cook only for the two ELF who accompany him, each of his actions is more graceful than those of the others that one would have the impression that he is the god of this kitchen.

Mei: Who can he be?

???: It's ready, treat yourself Sirin, Bella.

???: Thank you, big brother, Itadakimasu.

???: I am happy that you have prepared these delicious dishes my lord but I cannot accept.

??? You know Bella, your words are not persuasive enough when drool involuntarily flows from your mouth.

Bella: ... Then I'll help myself.

The ELF named Bella starts to eat with a smile when the next moment the young man removes his face mask to taste his cooking.

???: Good but can be improved.

Seeing his face I don't know why but my heart starts to beat fast.

Mei: What is happening to me why my heart started to race when I saw his face? I must admit he is a handsome man... no get a grip, Raiden Mei.

I took a breath to calm myself and then opened the door and went into the kitchen to find out who this mysterious young man was

???: Hum ?! Oh it looks like we have a guest

Mei: Excuse my intrusion but who are you?

???: I thought Auntie Teri had passed the message to everyone

Mei (thought): He just called principal Theresa, Aunt Teri?

???: I think this kind of thing can happen, my name is Zero Akatsuki and I'm from this world.

Mei: If you're from this world how can you be here? and what's your connection to the principal

Zero: Oh, don't you think it's a little unfair that I introduced myself and you didn't?

That's a fair question but I need to understand the situation first.

Zero: Although I already know who you are.

Mei (thought): What does he mean by that?

Zero: Mei Raiden, Valkyrie of rank B, current Herrscher of Thunder, best friend of Kiana Kaslana and Bronya Zachyck, heiress ME Corp.

Mei (thought): How does he know all this? Wait he knows Kiana and her connection to me, how? maybe he knows where Kiana is?

Mei: How do you know so much about me and what is your connection with Kiana-chan? Where is she?

I ask him with a serious look on my face with little arcs of electricity around me

Zero: Oh oh it looks like the subject of Kiana is a thorny subject one is it?

Mei: Tell me what you know?

Zero: What's in it for me for telling you?

Mei: The right to live

Zero: Oh someone is getting restless it seems.

I see him sneering at me which gets on my nerves for some reason, I'm about to apprehend him when in the space of a second he disappears from my sight.

Mei: Where is he?

I notice the two ELFs pointing in my direction, it took me a moment to figure out why they were doing that

Zero: I'm right here, Mei

A soft but manly voice whispered in my ear causing my body to jolt and make me weak.

The young man named Zero embraced me gently but firmly from behind. Even after he takes me in this kind of shameless hold, I don't feel any ill will coming from him.

Mei (thought): Why do I feel cosy, warm, safe and protected in his arms as if all my worries are gone.

Zero: How do you feel?

Mei: Calm, soothed, liberated

I respond to him without thinking

Zero: I guess so, but I have to say you got the short end of the stick, your karma and your destiny was just sadness and despair with a little bit of hope.

Mei: What do you mean?

Zero: I can see a person's destiny and karma, and I take the initiative to meddle with yours a little

I tried to process what he just told me.

Mei: How is it possible? I mean is it impossible to meddle with someone's karma and destiny directly, right?

Zero: I'm a unique existence in this world from the moment we met your karma and destiny went off its course, and when I held you in my arms I absolved a lot of this bad karma in you, all that's left is to take care of the rest and change your destiny.

Mei: Change my destiny?

// Zero POV //

Zero: You must change yourself, your way of seeing the world, your heart

Mei: Even if you tell me all of this, how am I supposed to do this?

Zero: I'll show you.

Zero (thought): ID Create: Thunder God Realm

We find ourselves in a mountainous region made of lightning ores, a stormy sky and fauna and flora of the same elements.

Mei: How? We were on Hyperion a moment ago.

Zero: That's one of my many secrets.

Mei looks at the world around her in wonder.

Mei: This world looks so strange and yet so familiar.

Zero: We are in a world where anyone with an affinity for electricity or lightning feels like a fish in water.

I release Mei from my embrace and she looks disappointed

Zero: Hoya, why are you making that face Mei?

Mei: I don't know what you mean.

She turns her head blushing

Zero: *Laugh*, You cute you know that

Mei: C-Cute...?! don't say something like this to a girl you just meet, idiot

Zero: I understand I'm stopping the teasing, for now, now to change your destiny you will a choice to make

Mei: I have to make a choice?

Zero: That's right, and there are two ways or choices you can make, you only have to choose which you want to do that all :

The first choice and hardest is to change by yourself, accept your past, present and future self, accept your bad as well as your good, confront your darkness with your light, accept your weaknesses and turn them into strength. Know that you will be alone with yourself and that you have a great chance of dying in your current state but if you succeed...

Then I summon a big ball made of thousand thunderbolts in my right hand from a spell called Chīliaplē Astrapē

Zero: Fixate. Seize. Loading the magic, 'Armement'! (Stagnet. Complexio. Supplementum Pro Armationem!)

I take the power of "Chiliaple Astrape", compress it and take it into my flesh and merge it with my mind. In doing so, my entire being has become a mass of electrically charged particles.

Zero: Magia Erebea: Thunder in Heaven, Great Vigor (Raiten Taisō)

Mei looks at me with dumbfounded eyes

Zero: ... you will get a power similar to this.

Mei: What is this power, it's similar to mine when I use my Herrscher powers, I would say it surpasses it by far.

Zero: It's not wrong to think that the power I use is comparable to that of the Herrscher, the technique I use to achieve this result is forbidden dark magic that allows me to merge body and soul with a magical spell and become the spell itself and have its attributes. But of course, it is not without danger my soul and my body erode the more I use this technique to become in the end a demon without reason.

Mei becomes shocked

Mei: Why do you use this power if it's so dangerous?

Zero: Because I have loved ones that I wanted to protect, I was willing to do anything and everything to get the power to achieve this goal because these people meant the world to me. But when I almost died when this power got out of control and I almost died, I discovered that to my loved ones I meant as much to them as I meant to them. So I made a promise to them that I wouldn't take any more risks in my search for power and that as long as we were together we could overcome everything together.

I look Mei in the eyes

Zero: It is by knowing that I am not alone in my journey and I have the support of my friends and loved ones, it is by admitting my dark side and my past faults, it is by accepting who I was, who I am and who I will be that I have been able to master this power.

Mei: And what is the second choice?

Zero: The second and simplest choice is for me to change your destiny by linking yours to mine, accepting your existence as a human but also as a Herrscher, accepting your bad sides, your flaws, your fears, your anger, your resentment, accepting you for who you are and giving you the life you always wanted. You want power to protect your companions. I will help you, you need a family Kiana, the others and I will be there for you.

I reach out to her

Zero: What choice do you make, Mei Raiden?


// Timeskip //

Mei and I went back to the Hyperion kitchen after she made choice #2.

So I gave her a hand by making her accept the part of her that she rejected the most, her Herrscher part, the Thunder Herrscher.

But... yes there is a but.

The latter didn't resist at all when she and Mei confronted each other after a while we agreed but with some conditions.

The conditions are that I give her a name and change her into an ELF as I did with Sirin she agrees to give Mei access to all her powers becoming a kind of guardian angel for Mei, then a conscience that wants to take control of its host at any moment.

It doesn't take a genius to understand that this cooperation and change of behaviour is caused by me.

Accepting these conditions Mei ascended as Thunder Herrscher with all her power creating a new Gem of Conquest within her gaining a new form resembling a pretty Oni accompanied by two mechanical arms carrying a large Katana.

And to be honest with you I held back from taking Mei in a bed as her new form is very hot.

Thanks to the environment of the Kingdom of the God of Thunder, Mei was able to adapt quickly to her new power.

I taught her how to master her Honkai energy and how to switch between her human and Herrscher form as I taught Kiana.

For the previous Thunder Herrscher, I named her Raimei and changed her into an ELF like Sirin.

I see that the clones have finished making lunch and have already disappeared.

Mei helps me put the food on the display in the dining hall so that everyone can help themselves.

Zero: Everything is ready, Mei. I will finish preparing the desserts so you can help yourself in the meantime.

Mei: Do you need help? I can give you a hand.

Mei asks energetically, wanting to be helpful

Zero: No, I'm fine, but thanks for offering.

Mei: But...

I lightly pinch the girl's nose

Mei: Funya...

Zero: If I say it's okay, it's okay, Mei

Mei: Don't treat me like a child, I am older than you.

Zero: Hay hay, I'm sorry Mei~sen~pai~

I reply with a mocking smile

Mei: Mo~ don't make fun of me like that, Zero-kun, or I'll ignore you

Mei starts to sulk

Zero (thought): Mei sulking, I thank you God for allowing me to witness this moment...

Zero: Mei-senpai

Mei: What..*chu*.

I press my lips against Mei's which takes her by surprise but instead of moving away from me she closes her eyes and enjoys the moment then separates me from her

Mei: Zero-kun... why... Did you... do that?

She asks while blushing and putting both hands on her lips

Zero: What? You thought I would not take payment for what I did for you? So I'll take that kiss as payment.

Mei: That's vile of you, I thought you were more upright than that.

Zero: I never said I was a good guy and you can talk too you seemed to enjoy that little kiss too

She doesn't say anything and avoids my gaze looking annoyed.

Zero (Thinking): Huh, I think I went a little overboard

I approach her and turn her face gently with my hand

Zero: Sorry Mei-senpai, I went too far, forgive me.

Mei: You are a really bad guy.

Zero: I know, and I don't intend to stop being one.

Mei: Tell me, Zero-kun, what do you think of me?

I say nothing and give her a simple kiss with all the affection I have for Mei.

Zero: Does that answer your question?

Mei nods her head in affirmation

Mei (low voice): You're lucky you're handsome, and you're my kind of guy

Zero: What did you say?

Mei: Nothing.

Zero: Okay, then I'll go, but first

I unceremoniously take Mei by the waist and give her a deep kiss, which she returns while putting her arms around my neck

Zero (thought): Hmm that aura... Kiana is coming here maybe the smell of my cooking

I break away from Mei then stroke her right cheek with my right thumb

Zero: It may not have said it when you asked me the question, so I'm going to say it now, Mei-senpai I love you.

And without waiting for her response I head towards the kitchen door at which point the dining hall door opens and Kiana walks in and the first thing she sees is Mei stunned with tears of joy in her eyes then she turns to me and looks at me with a frown on her face.

I give her a cat-like smile and then walk into the kitchen to hear an angry scream a moment later


Zero: I told you I would find a way to get back to you, did I?

What happened next is for another time.