
Chronicle of the dragon slayer [revamped version]

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" "WHYYYYYYYY" "NOOOOOOOO" "IT HUUUUUURT AHHHH" I could hear the screams of the people inside the castle, each screaming as they were burned alive, I heard the voices of friends, daily, loved ones, and everyone else that I held dear. But I still had to run, to stop would mean to lose any hope of revenge. "Huhuhuhhuhuh" I woke up as the nightmare ended, and clenched my chest to calm my breath. "This nightmare again." that's right this wasn't the first time I had seen this nightmare, it had come to me every night since I had run away from the hell that the dragons bought about on the capital. It had been 40 years since that day and each of the 14610 days I had spent in the mountains I had spent training. Training so that I would be able to get my revenge, training so that I won't have to experience that hell again, and training so that I could lop off the heads of those damned monsters. I had no meaning left in life,becoming strong enough to get my own revenge against those abhorrent creatures, became my sole purpose in life, and one day my wishes came true.

Wolfknight1571 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 19 - Unexpected results

After Andra had started to call the cadets one by one, cadets slowly went ahead and did their tests, and of them most were around the -F to D+ aptitude range. But some promising ones did appear in the -B to +A range.

"Elizabeth Lionheart, applicant number 100842" Andra called out as she made a mark on her file,

"Yes ma'am" Elizabeth responded from the front end of the mage group and walked up to andra.

Once Elizabeth stood right before andra, the instructor spoke, "Good, now put your hand forward and place it on top of the crystal, and close your eye's"

"Yes ma'am" Elizabeth replied, and did as she was told.

*RINGGGG* like all times before right now a sharp ringing sound came out of the ball as it started to vibrate rapidly, and slowly light started to come out of the ball.

It started with a black light coming out of it, which changed to a dark blue, to dark red, yellow, purple, green, gray and finally stopped at white

"Holy fucking shit" one of the boys from the back exclaimed at which Andra flinched but decided not to speak.

"As expected of the princess." she said as Andra said as she announced the girl's result."+S grade aptitude."

"Phewwwww" Elizabeth breathed out, as she pulled her hand off the crystal.

"applicant you may return to your spot now." Andra said as she turned to another page.

"Yes ma'am" Elizabeth responded.

Once Elizabeth had moved back into her position, Andra was quick to announce the next applicant, "Gerard Lionheart, applicant number 100748"

"Yes ma'am" Gerard responded in kind as he walked out from the middle of the group, and stood next to the instructor.

"Now place your hand here, I am sure listening to me say the same instructions so many times you must have memorized it so just do as you remember and if there is anything that needs to be fixed, I will point it out." Andra said as she looked at the golden haired boy, who confidently answered.

"Yes ma'am" Gerard replied as he placed his hand on the crystal and let out a deep breath."Huuuuuuuuuuuuu"


This time an even sharper noise came from the ball, and slowly light started to come out of it and like with Elizabeth the light started at black and ended up at a bright white.

"Fucking hell! 2 in a row, since when did +S grade aptitudes become so common?" this time as well the same person spoke, which seemed to have flipped a switch inside Andra brain.

"Shut it, did you forget that I told you to be quiet, I ignored you lot the last time, but now this shit has gone way over my head. Who was the bastard that spoke just now?" she screamed, paying no attention to Gerard's result.

"…" utter silence was left in the room as no one wanted to be the one to rat out the applicant who screamed, and well as for the miscreant why would they cone out themselves unless forced to do so.

"If no one comes out I am kicking out all of you…" angered out of her mind she was about an inch away from actually kicking everyone out, when a thin, black haired boy showed up.

The boy stood in front of the instructor and said, "It was me, Ryan Long, I was the one who spoke both the times."

Andra spoke as she put her hands behind her back, and looked down at the kid."I see, so applicant mind telling me why you spoke?"

"No reason I was just surprised." the responded with an arrogant face.

"Did you not understand when I said to remain silent?" cranking her head to the left Andra spoke as nerves began to appear on her forehead.

"Yes I did, but it isn't like you can actually kick me out, I mean I am the son of a count and am here via a letter of recommendation, so what if I spoke a bit." the kid said as he shrugged his shoulders and smirked.

"Is that so? So according to what you are saying because your father is a count, and you had a letter of recommendation you felt that you didn't need to respect a teacher's words?" Andra said as she looked at the child, with an expression that would make it seem like she was not angry in any way shape or form.

"Not exactly but ye…" the kid said as he nodded.


But before he could even complete what he was saying, andra's hand flew straight towards his face creating a loud noise as he ended up on the other side of the room unconscious.

"Take this disgusting thing out of my sight." Andra said as she frowned at the sight of the arrogant idiot.

"Haaah Andra you know you could have left it as is." Micheal's voice came to her from her earpiece.

"Yeah whatever principal Micheal" Andra replied as she pulled out her phone and disconnected her earpiece.

"Haah what in the world will I do with your temper." the principal said in a defeated tone.

Somewhat annoyed at the principal's attitude Andra replied, "Yeah well deal with it, also, please make sure to send a letter to his family that applicants from his family will never be accepted in the academy ever again, they should know the consequences of hubris."

With a small sigh the principal replied."I asked Evan to do it already. Now stop this and announce the result of the prince's test, and continue with the rest of the test."

"I did not need you to say that to me." Andra said as she cut the call.


"Damned old senile basted." Andra cursed at the principal.

"Huuuuuu" after taking a long deep breath Andra once more started to focus on the test.

"Now anyway, +S grade aptitude." she announced as she looked at Gerard who was quite tired.

Patting him on the back the instructor said, "Applicant Gerard lionheart, you may now return to your spot."

Once Gerard left for his position Andra announced, "Next"

'As expected those two got the same result as last time. I think 5 others got similar results and one monster that got a better one, but I don't see any of those guys here.' I thought to myself remembering the same scene happening in my last life.





"Julian forester, applicant number 101571"after about 30 ish minutes of waiting since Gerard's test Andra finally called me.

"yes ma'am" I said as I walked up to the crystal and looked at andra.

Andra looked at me and nodded as she said, "You know the drill by now, so place your hand on the crystal."

"Yes ma'am" I nodded and did as she said.


A shrill noise barely audible to a normal man, started to come from the ball, slowly light started to some out of it, but unlike other times when the light started from black and went up from there, the light that came from Julian's was much more different.

"Fuck me, it's a golden light" Andra exclaimed as her eye's widened.

'What the fuck does this mean, fucking hell this was supposed to be a black light not bloody golden.' I thought to myself as my jaw dropped.

"Andra snap out of it and check if the ball is okay or not, maybe this is just an error." the principal's voice came from the speaker.

"Huh, yes sir." she said, snapping out of her daze Andra moved towards the crystal.

"Applicant remove your hand from the crystal for a second. I need to check if this thing broke somehow." Andra said as she made me move back.

"Huffffffff, Yes ma'am, that must definitely be the case." I said as I moved away as she asked me to.

Checking the crystal as she pumped a boat load of mana she said, "No, everything is okay, and there is nothing wrong with the crystal but let's do this once more to verify the result."


Once more the same sound and the same light came, and the entire room was shocked, and the one who was shocked the most of all here was likely Julian.

'I mean I knew there would be a change, but this definitely isn't the result that should have come out.' I thought to myself trying to figure out a reason for this result.

"Unknown grade aptitude." Andra announced snapping me out of my thoughts.

While still in shock Andra managed to compose herself and said, "Applicant Julian forester please return to your spot."

"Ah yes ma'am" I said and moved back to my spot while everyone in the room stared at me as if I was some anomaly.

'Well fuck there goes the not standing out more than necessary plan.' I thought to myself.

Yeah, I know I said in the last chapter that chapters will be coming out daily, but this time it wasn't my fault. my internet just stopped working yesterday, god knows why, but it could not be helped, so I am posting yesterday's chapter as soon as it got fixed, which is also why there will be another chapter that will be coming out in a few hours time, once I'm done with writing and editing it, peace out.

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