
Chronicle of Dras

Meet Dras, a young hunter living a simple life in a small village. His world is shattered when he returns from a hunt to find his village in ruins, his family gone, and a legacy he never knew about revealed. Dras's journey begins in the ashes of his old life. He discovers his father's hidden past and a set of armor that becomes his only link to his family. With the armor as his guide, Dras embarks on a quest to find his missing sister and avenge his family. As he ventures into the unknown, Dras must navigate a world filled with danger and mystery. He will encounter allies and enemies, face the harsh realities of survival, and learn about his own strength and courage. This is not just a journey of revenge, but also a journey of self-discovery. As Dras fights to survive in a world that has turned against him, he must also grapple with his own identity and destiny. Will he follow in his father's footsteps? Or will he forge his own path? Join Dras on his epic journey in a world where darkness looms, monsters roam, and heroes are born. This is a tale of survival, courage, and the indomitable spirit of a young man determined to reclaim his family's honor.

Theobane · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Surprises and Preparations

The revelation of Trax's identity left Dras and the squad slack-jawed in surprise. They exchanged incredulous glances, a mixture of shock and amusement playing across their features. Dras couldn't help but blurt out, "Why didn't you mention this before?"

Trax's response was accompanied by a nonchalant shrug and a glint in his eyes that hinted at a mischievous streak beneath his practical exterior. "Well, lad," he began in his characteristic earthy voice, "a chief needs a wee bit o' adventure now and then. Keeps the spirit alive, ye ken? And truth be told, I've a fondness for the wild mountains and the solace they offer."

As his words sank in, the squad couldn't help but chuckle at the unexpected revelation. Maris leaned forward, a grin tugging at his lips. "So, you're not just a leader in the fortress, but a wanderer as well?"

Trax's eyes crinkled in amusement. "Aye, lad. There's wisdom in wanderin'. Clears the mind and lets ye see things from a different vantage."

Dras's curiosity got the better of him. "And the tavern? What's so special about it?"

Trax's smile broadened, his eyes dancing with a mixture of fondness and mirth. "Ah, the tavern," he said with a chuckle, "it's where I go to blend in with the folk, share stories, and have a bit of fun. Besides, the tavern keeper brews a fine ale that's a balm for the soul."

Alia's skepticism lingered as she considered the implications. "But doesn't it risk your safety? What if someone recognizes you?"

Trax's response was accompanied by a reassuring nod. "Aye, there's that risk, but Darlor's folk are a hearty lot. They dinnae care for titles, just a hearty laugh and a good tale."

Toren's analytical mind couldn't resist asking, "And how do ye manage yer duties as a chief while gallivanting about?"

Trax's answer was simple and pragmatic. "Well, lad, the trust I've placed in me advisers lets me take these jaunts. And sometimes, a bit of distance can bring clarity to matters weighin' heavy on the mind."

With the questions about Trax's dual roles addressed, the conversation flowed into more practical matters. Trax's gaze turned serious as he shared his strategy. "I've a friend across the border," he revealed, "a skilled Danann who can aid us further. Aye, I've sent a message, and help will be forthcoming."

Dras leaned forward, his gratitude evident. "Thank you, Trax. We're in your debt."

Trax waved off the sentiment with a casual gesture. "Nae need for that, lad. We're in this together, and together we'll face the Dark Ones."

Before long, the conversation shifted towards the immediate future. Trax, with a decisive nod, turned to a soldier stationed nearby and issued a directive. "Arrange lodgings for our guests," he instructed, "somewhere comfortable where they can rest and find some solace. They've earned it."

As the soldier saluted and left the room to carry out the orders, Trax leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. "There's much to discuss and plans to make," he said, his words carrying the weight of responsibility, "but for now, lads and lasses, let's give ye a bit of time to unwind. The challenges ahead will test yer mettle, so enjoy the calm while it lasts."


Guided by the sturdy dwarf guard, the squad made their way through the winding passages of the fortress. The stone walls exuded a sense of history and strength, their rough-hewn surfaces adorned with intricate dwarven runes that told tales of ages past. The guard's footsteps echoed against the stone floor, a steady rhythm that led them towards the heart of the mountainous stronghold.

As they ventured further, the air grew cooler and carried the faint scent of earth and metal. Torches lining the corridors cast flickering shadows that danced along the walls, creating an otherworldly atmosphere that seemed to beckon them into the depths of the fortress. The journey was a blend of anticipation and curiosity, the squad's footsteps a symphony of determination that echoed through the ancient halls.

After a brief descent, the corridor opened up into a vast chamber, its towering ceiling adorned with stalactites that hung like sentinels from above. At the chamber's center stood a mighty iron door, its surface etched with intricate dwarven designs that glimmered in the torchlight. The guard approached the door, its massive hinges creaking as it swung open, revealing a narrow stone staircase that descended deeper into the mountain.

The descent was gradual but steady, the walls closing in around them as they ventured deeper into the heart of IronFord. The walls were lined with sconces that cast a warm, golden glow, guiding their way through the dimly lit passageway. The sound of distant hammers and the rhythmic clanging of metalwork grew louder as they descended, a reminder of the city's industrious spirit.

As they reached the bottom of the staircase, the passage opened up into a tunnel lined with intricate murals that depicted scenes of dwarven history and accomplishments. The tunnel's gentle curve led them towards the sounds of bustling activity, and as they emerged into the daylight, the squad found themselves at the threshold of IronFord's bustling streets.

The journey from the fortress to the Anvil Beads was a sensory feast. The bustling city unfolded before them, its cobblestone streets lined with bustling market stalls and sturdy dwarven structures. The air was alive with the hum of conversation, the scents of sizzling meats and freshly baked bread wafting from nearby taverns. Colorful banners and flags fluttered in the breeze, each representing a different guild or trade that thrived within the city's walls.

Their dwarf guard led them through the vibrant streets, offering nods of acknowledgment to fellow citizens as they walked by. The locals went about their daily routines with a sense of purpose and pride, their interactions infused with a sense of camaraderie that spoke of a close-knit community. The architecture was a blend of functional elegance, each building a testament to the dwarven craftsmanship that had stood the test of time.

As they neared the Anvil Beads, the scent of hearty fare grew stronger, mingling with the lively hum of conversation that spilled out from the tavern's open doors. The guard paused at the entrance, allowing the squad a moment to take in the scene before them—a scene of unity, of shared moments, and of a city that thrived amidst the challenges of its mountainous surroundings.

The squad's entrance into the Anvil Beads was met with a cheerful chorus of voices and clinking tankards. The tavern's interior was a cozy retreat from the bustling streets outside, its walls adorned with dwarven craftsmanship. Intricate tapestries depicted scenes of heroism and camaraderie, while the warm light of lanterns cast a golden hue across the polished wooden tables and benches.

Their dwarf guard strode confidently towards the bar, where a sturdy woman with a warm smile stood. "Felda," he greeted, his voice carrying a note of familiarity.

"Filda, ye can call me," the hostess corrected with a playful wink. "Who've we got here?"

"These be guests from the Chief himself," the guard announced with a nod towards the squad. "Mind them well, Filda."

Filda's gaze shifted to the squad, her eyes sizing them up with a mixture of curiosity and hospitality. "Well now, welcome to the Anvil Beads, lads and lasses. I'll make sure ye're well taken care of."

With that, the guard departed, leaving the squad in the capable hands of Filda. The hostess's hearty laugh carried as she gestured for them to follow her. "Come on then, let's get ye settled."

Filda led them through the bustling tavern, the air alive with laughter and animated conversations. They climbed a narrow staircase that led to a corridor lined with stout wooden doors. Each door bore a unique symbol etched into the wood, indicating the room's occupant or purpose.

"These'll be yer rooms," Filda declared, opening one of the doors to reveal a compact yet cozy chamber. The room was adorned with dwarven motifs, from the intricate patterns on the rug to the carved wooden furniture. Twin beds stood against one wall, each adorned with sturdy blankets and soft pillows.

"Aye, the beds might be a bit smaller than ye're used to," Filda remarked with a chuckle. "Dwarfen folk tend to be a touch shorter, ye see."

Dras grinned appreciatively, his eyes scanning the room. "They'll do just fine. Thank you, Filda."

Filda's warm smile never wavered. "Ye're welcome. Now, freshen up and join us downstairs when ye're ready for a good meal and some cheer."

After Filda left, the squad members settled into their rooms, taking in the comfortable surroundings. The cozy atmosphere of the Anvil Beads was a welcome respite, a place where the camaraderie of IronFord could be felt in every nook and cranny. As they prepared for the evening ahead, the sounds of merriment and the aroma of hearty fare wafting from downstairs promised a night of relaxation and warmth.

As the squad reconvened in the tavern, they found themselves swept up in the lively energy of the crowd. Alia's arm-wrestling contest with a young dwarfven man had evolved into a friendly competition that drew the attention of nearby patrons. The two locked eyes, their fingers interlocked on the wooden table as they grunted with exertion.

"Ye've got more strength than meets the eye," the young dwarf exclaimed, beads of sweat forming on his brow.

Alia's grin was determined as she leaned in. "Don't underestimate the power of determination."

With a final burst of effort, Alia's arm came crashing down, sealing her victory. Cheers erupted from the crowd, and the young dwarf chuckled in defeat. "Well done, lass."

Alia released her grip and laughed, her cheeks flushed with the thrill of the challenge. "A fair match, my friend."

Amidst the vibrant atmosphere of the tavern, Alia's victory echoed with hearty cheers, merging the spirits of dwarves and squad members in a shared moment of jubilation. Laughter and camaraderie intertwined, weaving connections that surpassed differences and distances. The Anvil Beads resonated with the rhythm of celebration, its walls echoing with the joyful pulse of its inhabitants.

In the midst of this animated scene, a voice both familiar and distant cut through the festive noise, capturing Dras's attention. Turning toward the source, his gaze met a face that carried echoes of his past, a link to his village and the memories he treasured. Bhan, her eyes alight with recognition and warmth, bridged the gap between them with quick strides. Her embrace held the reassurance of shared history amidst the unfamiliarity of their current surroundings.

"Dras," Bhan's voice was a blend of emotion and familiarity, a reflection of memories rekindled and bonds rediscovered. "To find you here, in the heart of this foreign land, is a sight indeed."

Returning her smile with genuine appreciation, Dras's eyes spoke of the gratitude he felt as he returned her embrace. "Bhan, the pleasure is mine. A familiar face is a rare gem in these parts."

Bhan's gaze lingered on his features, a blend of reminiscence and shared understanding threading through her expression. "It's quite the journey from our village days, isn't it?"

Dras's nod conveyed a depth of shared experiences and the path they had both taken since their village days. "Yes, indeed. How have you been faring?"

A rueful smile tugged at Bhan's lips, accompanied by a resilient gleam in her eyes. "Surviving, just like everyone else. And more than that, I've been keeping watch for Dana."

Dras's heart quickened at the mention of his sister's name. His voice, a mixture of hope and concern, carried his query. "Have you seen her?"

Bhan's expression shifted, her gaze carrying distant memories. "Yes, I have. She was with us until the Danann rescued us from the clutches of raiders."

Dras's concern deepened, his brows furrowing as he prompted, "Tell me what transpired during the raid."

Bhan took a deep breath, her eyes reflecting the weight of the memories she was about to share. "Dras, when the raiders attacked, it was chaos. They came upon us suddenly, overwhelming our defenses. They took us captive, rounding us up like cattle to be sold as slaves. We were herded onto their ship, and the darkness of the damp cells became our prison."

Her voice wavered for a moment before she continued, "For days, we huddled together in that suffocating darkness, unsure of our fate. Then, one day, a crescendo of noise echoed from above—the clash of steel, the crackle of magic. It was as if a storm of battle had erupted on the ship's deck."

Bhan's hands gestured, as if to recreate the scene she described. "And then, through the darkness and chaos, a figure descended into our midst. A Danann soldier, their armor gleaming with a silvery light. They fought with a ferocity that sent shockwaves through the ship. The clash of their blade against the raiders' weapons filled the air."

"As the sounds of battle subsided, the Danann soldier turned to us," Bhan continued, her voice filled with gratitude. "They spoke words of reassurance, telling us that we were safe now. They led us out of those wretched cells, guiding us through the ship's twisting corridors, until at last, we emerged onto the deck."

Bhan's expression softened as she relived the moment. "The sea air hit our faces, and for the first time in days, we felt the warmth of the sun. The Danann had triumphed, and they brought us to their ship, tended to our wounds, and provided us with food and shelter."

"They took us to Danann," Bhan continued, her words threaded with appreciation. "There, they helped us recover and pointed us in the right direction, whether it was back home or toward the empire we wished to reach."

With a sigh, Bhan concluded, "Your sister was by my side throughout all of this, Dras. We were together until Danann's rescue, but then we got separated during the chaos of the escape. I believe she's still in Danann somewhere, safe and sound."

"Thank you, Bhan, for sharing this with me. Your words are a beacon of hope."

Bhan's gaze met his with resolute determination. "You're welcome, Dras. We look out for each other, no matter where life leads."


As the night advanced, and the bonds of camaraderie deepened, Dras found solace in the new connections forged and the reassurance that his sister was alive, even in the face of the unknown.

Amidst the gathering's warmth, a stout dwarf messenger burst into the tavern, his demeanor urgent. "Chief Trax needs ye," he huffed, addressing Dras and the squad. "It's about somethin' important. Urgent matters up at the fortress."

Dras exchanged a surprised glance with his companions before nodding. "Lead the way."

Following the messenger through IronFord's corridors, they ascended a winding stone staircase that led them to the towering fortress. Trax awaited them in a spacious chamber adorned with armor and weaponry, a large table dominating the room's center, bearing a meticulously detailed map of the region.

Trax's expression shifted from camaraderie to the gravity of a leader facing a pressing issue. With a nod to the messenger, he turned to the squad members. "Lads and lasses, I've important tidings," he said, his voice measured and serious. "Ye're needed at the fortress. A matter of urgency."

Curiosity mingled with concern as the squad followed Trax into the war room. The dwarf messenger, having completed his task, saluted them and withdrew.

Upon entering the war room, Dras and the squad found themselves surrounded by the trappings of strategic planning. Trax's voice, normally infused with the warmth of camaraderie, now held the weight of urgency. "We've got a change in the winds," Trax began, his words carrying the weight of a leader with a crucial decision to impart. "The Dark Ones have shifted their strategy. They've gathered an unholy alliance—Goblins, Orcs, humans, dwarves, and trolls, a force of darkness marchin' to our doorstep."

Dras and the squad exchanged alarmed glances, the reality of the situation sinking in. "Fifteen thousand strong, they are," Trax continued, "and they'll be at our gates by morning."

Dras's voice carried a mixture of disbelief and determination. "Why such a massive force? And why now?"

Trax's gaze met Dras's with a shared gravity. "Aye, lad, their reasons are known only to the darkness that festers within 'em. We've no time for speculation. We must ready ourselves."