
Chronicle of Dras

Meet Dras, a young hunter living a simple life in a small village. His world is shattered when he returns from a hunt to find his village in ruins, his family gone, and a legacy he never knew about revealed. Dras's journey begins in the ashes of his old life. He discovers his father's hidden past and a set of armor that becomes his only link to his family. With the armor as his guide, Dras embarks on a quest to find his missing sister and avenge his family. As he ventures into the unknown, Dras must navigate a world filled with danger and mystery. He will encounter allies and enemies, face the harsh realities of survival, and learn about his own strength and courage. This is not just a journey of revenge, but also a journey of self-discovery. As Dras fights to survive in a world that has turned against him, he must also grapple with his own identity and destiny. Will he follow in his father's footsteps? Or will he forge his own path? Join Dras on his epic journey in a world where darkness looms, monsters roam, and heroes are born. This is a tale of survival, courage, and the indomitable spirit of a young man determined to reclaim his family's honor.

Theobane · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Journey to Darlor

As the morning sun bathed the land with a soft, golden light, it cast long, reaching shadows. This marked the beginning of a new day and the start of a new journey for Dras and his squad. With mixed feelings of trepidation and determination, they left Blad, the city that had been their temporary refuge.

Their route took them down the wide, winding river, a lifeline that carved its way through the landscape. Their destination was the charming city of Lorindale, nestled where the river met the sea in a beautiful estuary. This place was a hub for trading ships and fishermen alike, and it was here that the squad would board a larger vessel. This ship would carry them across the vast, unpredictable sea to reach the embattled lands of Darlor.

The journey down the river was smooth, the water's surface remaining calm and tranquil. The river itself seemed to recognize their important mission, offering them a serene passage. Birds sang from the banks, their melodies providing a soft accompaniment to the gentle lapping of water against the boat. The river mirrored the clear blue sky above, its edges adorned with flowering lilies and fringed by weeping willows. For a while, the harsh realities of their mission seemed a world away.

By the time Lorindale's silhouette appeared on the horizon, the morning had given way to a sunny afternoon. The city, situated at the estuary, was a hive of activity. Traders shouted over each other in the cobblestone streets, and the air buzzed with the vibrancy of life in a bustling port city.

However, upon their arrival, they were informed of a delay. Their ship, it seemed, was not quite ready to sail. Despite the pressing nature of their mission, this unexpected pause gave the squad a few hours of freedom. The prospect of exploring the lively city, even if only for a short while, offered a welcome distraction from the looming task ahead.

Lorindale was a city bursting with life and vibrancy. Its thriving streets were populated by citizens of various trades, from blacksmiths hammering away at their forges, to artisans meticulously crafting their delicate wares. The hum of lively chatter and the rhythmic melody of city life echoed through the air.

The architecture of Lorindale was unique, a testament to the Bartex Vico era. Buildings with high-peaked roofs and ornate gables towered above cobblestone streets. The facades were a colorful mix of brick, stone, and wood, adorned with intricate carvings and adorned with vibrant hanging flower baskets. The city was divided by a network of canals, their calm waters reflecting the beauty of the cityscape. Stone bridges arched over these waterways, connecting different parts of the city.

Amidst this lively atmosphere, Dras and his squad found themselves drawn into the city's vibrant heart. They meandered through bustling marketplaces, their senses assailed by the rich array of goods on display. Spices, textiles, and trinkets from distant lands were heaped on stalls, their owners extolling their virtues to passersby.

Near the harbor, the smell of saltwater mingled with the aroma of freshly baked bread and sizzling meats from street vendors. They sampled a variety of local delicacies, their flavors a welcome surprise to their palates.

As the afternoon gave way to dusk, they returned to the port. Their ship, a robust vessel designed to withstand the sea's temperament, was now ready to embark. They climbed aboard, their hearts filled with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension.

With the city of Lorindale receding in their wake, they set sail. The journey across the vast sea of Tír was about to begin. The camaraderie amongst the squad was palpable, their collective resolve unyielding. As the city lights faded into the distance, they looked ahead, ready to face whatever lay ahead on the shores of Darlor.


Their voyage across the sea of Tír was marked by the rhythmic lull of the ship against the waves, the sharp tang of the sea air, and the seemingly endless expanse of water stretching out in all directions. Occasionally, islands would come into view, their green foliage a stark contrast to the blue of the ocean. The crew remained busy, ensuring the ship stayed on course and properly maintained. When night fell, the sky filled with a blanket of stars, their twinkling lights reflected in the water below.

As dawn broke, the island port of Wex gradually came into view. Nestled against the backdrop of the rising sun, the city's stone buildings slowly emerged. The bustling port signaled the start of a new day.

Their ship eased into the bustling port of Wex. A city of weather-beaten buildings, it was a testament to the resilience of its inhabitants. These structures, built in the traditional Bartex style, stood tall despite the ravages of time and the harsh sea climate. Their stones were eroded, their colors faded, yet they carried an air of stubborn defiance.

The port was a hive of activity, a convergence of individuals from all walks of life. Merchants haggled with sailors over goods from distant lands, while dock workers busied themselves with unloading cargo and preparing ships for their next voyage. Amidst it all, seagulls cawed overhead, their cries mingling with the raucous hum of activity below.

Despite its bustling nature, there was a certain wildness to Wex that set it apart. Its streets were narrower and its buildings leaned in closer together, providing an ever-present shade that kept the city cool despite the tropical climate. The air carried the salty tang of the sea, mixed with the scent of exotic spices and the earthy undertones of wood and leather.

Wex had a reputation as a sanctuary for those seeking to avoid the law or the prying eyes of the empire. Its populace was a unique blend of merchants, sailors, mercenaries, and the occasional rogue, each with a story of their own. A place where one could lose themselves or find what they were looking for, Wex was a city that thrived on its own rules.

As Dras disembarked, he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of anticipation. Among the crowd of people on the dock, a familiar face caught Dras' attention—Vantos. The seasoned mercenary stood out in the sea of unfamiliar faces, and his presence ignited a spark of hope within Dras.

Before Dras could make his way through the crowd, Vantos approached him, "Dras, good to see you again."

Dras responded with a nod, "Vantos."

"I've news for you," Vantos said, his voice steady. "I've tracked the raiders we discussed. Many of those they had taken were freed by the Danann and are now sheltering with them."

A wave of relief washed over Dras. Could his sister be among those who had been freed?

"Your sister, Danu... she could be with the Danann," Vantos added, a look of empathy crossing his face.

With this newfound hope, Dras thanked Vantos. His sister could be alive; she could be safe. This thought fueled his resolve as he prepared for the battles that lay ahead. He would stop at nothing to find Danu.

"Hey, if you have some time later, meet me at the Lazy Dog Tavern. We could have a drink," Vantos suggested, breaking the heavy atmosphere with his casual invitation. Dras, after all, could use a moment to process everything. A friendly drink might be just what he needed.


Taking a respite from their sea voyage, Dras and his squad were eager to stretch their legs in Wex. The city held an alluring mix of novelty and danger, its streets teeming with an eclectic blend of locals and visitors. Sailors from distant lands exchanged tales over mugs of ale, merchants peddled exotic goods with an enticing flourish, and street performers dazzled onlookers with feats of agility and daring. Every corner, it seemed, held a new sight, a new sound, a new story.

Among the city's many districts, one, in particular, stood out—the red-light district. A labyrinth of narrow, winding alleys bathed in the crimson glow of hanging lanterns. The district was alive with the pulsating rhythm of music, laughter, and the clinking of coins changing hands. It was a place of allure and indulgence, where the line between respectability and notoriety blurred under the cloak of night.

As the squad ventured deeper into the maze of dimly lit streets, they couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. The district, while vibrant and bustling, held an undercurrent of danger. The shadows seemed to whisper secrets, the faces around them held guarded expressions, and the air was thick with an unspoken tension.

As they ventured deeper into the dimly lit labyrinth of the red-light district, the unmistakable murmur of hushed conversation drew their attention. Nestled in the shadows of a narrow alley, a group of hooded figures gathered, their voices a sinister whisper carried on the wind. They were huddled in a secluded corner, their low voices clear in the otherwise silent alleyway. The murmured conversation was filled with cryptic references: 'Darlor', 'Dark Ones', 'Danann'.

One of the shadowy figures stepped forward, his gravelly voice echoing off the narrow walls, "Plan is simple. We pose as Danann, strike the tribal chief of IronFord. The Darlor will blame the Danann, their armies will march for revenge. IronFord will be left defenseless."

A second figure chimed in, his sinister chuckle resonating in the quiet alley, "The perfect diversion from our main attack. By the time they figure out what's happening, we will have the artifact from IronFord."

The implications of the overheard plot sent a jolt of alarm through Dras and his squad. Their blood ran cold as they realized the enormity of what they had stumbled upon. This wasn't just idle gossip; it was a dangerous conspiracy that could drastically alter the course of their campaign.

They were about to retreat and alert their commander when a sharp gasp filled the air. One of the shadowy figures had spotted them. The figure pointed at them, his voice booming, "They've overheard us! Don't let them escape!"

The chase was as intense as it was sudden. The squad, finding themselves pursued, had scattered, darting through the labyrinthine streets of Wex. Their pursuers, the ominous Dark Ones, were relentless, their footfalls echoing ominously behind them. Despite their best efforts to lose them, the squad found themselves cornered in a narrow alley, their escape blocked by stacks of crates and barrels.

The Dark Ones closed in, their features partially concealed beneath the shadow of their hoods. With a swift, synchronized movement, Dras and his squad drew their weapons. Dras gripped the hilts of his newly acquired swords, their curved blades glinting ominously under the dim light.

The first Dark One lunged at them, a wicked curved dagger in his hand. Dras sidestepped the attack, retaliating with a swift strike that met the enemy's dagger with a resounding clash. To his left, Joren and Alia engaged two others, their blades dancing in a deadly ballet. The sound of steel clashing against steel echoed through the narrow alley, punctuated by grunts and the occasional shout.

Despite their best efforts, the narrow alley gave the Dark Ones an advantage, pressing the squad back. Just when the situation seemed most dire, a rallying cry echoed down the alley.

"Looks like ye could use a wee bit of help, lads and lasses!" boomed a voice with a familiar accent, akin to the rolling hills of Bartex. It was Sergeant Keldorn, charging into the fray, a burly figure at his side.

"This is Darius," Keldorn introduced quickly, "A lad as burly as an ox and twice as strong."

Without missing a beat, Darius swung a massive battle-axe, sending a Dark One sprawling. Keldorn's swordplay was a fluid dance of precision and power, his movements a stark contrast to Darius's brute strength.

With Keldorn and Darius joining the fight, the tide of the battle shifted. They managed to drive back the Dark Ones, and the squad, with their unexpected reinforcements, escaped the alley and rushed back towards the safety of the port.

Out of breath but safe, Dras relayed everything they had overheard to Sergeant Keldorn. The usually jovial sergeant's face turned grave as he absorbed the information. He nodded grimly, his accent deepening as his concern grew, "We need to alert Commander Rhea, post-haste. This is nae just a plot; it's a bloody declaration of war."