
Chronicle of Dras

Meet Dras, a young hunter living a simple life in a small village. His world is shattered when he returns from a hunt to find his village in ruins, his family gone, and a legacy he never knew about revealed. Dras's journey begins in the ashes of his old life. He discovers his father's hidden past and a set of armor that becomes his only link to his family. With the armor as his guide, Dras embarks on a quest to find his missing sister and avenge his family. As he ventures into the unknown, Dras must navigate a world filled with danger and mystery. He will encounter allies and enemies, face the harsh realities of survival, and learn about his own strength and courage. This is not just a journey of revenge, but also a journey of self-discovery. As Dras fights to survive in a world that has turned against him, he must also grapple with his own identity and destiny. Will he follow in his father's footsteps? Or will he forge his own path? Join Dras on his epic journey in a world where darkness looms, monsters roam, and heroes are born. This is a tale of survival, courage, and the indomitable spirit of a young man determined to reclaim his family's honor.

Theobane · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Arrival at Darlor

Disembarking from the ship, the squad found themselves greeted by the breathtaking beauty of Darlor. The rugged mountains loomed overhead, their imposing forms softened by a veil of mist. The fjord's sparkling waters stretched out before them, reflecting the azure sky. A sense of serenity settled over the scene, a contrast to the arid desert they had left behind.

Darius, the ship's owner with the Irish accent, stood at the edge of the dock. "This be where our paths part ways," he announced with a warm smile. "May the winds guide yer steps."

Dras shook Darius's hand in gratitude. "Thank you for your guidance, Darius."

Darius's eyes twinkled as he clasped Dras's hand firmly. "Ye've got the spirit of a leader, lad. The sea'll remember ye."

With a nod of farewell, the squad moved toward the village. Their footsteps echoed on the cobbled streets as they observed villagers engrossed in their daily routines. The scent of salt and the distant cries of seabirds embraced them, immersing them in the maritime charm of the village.

Maris's attention was drawn to a group of Dwarfs tending to a lush garden—a rare sight in this fishing village. Approaching one of the Dwarfs, Maris greeted him. "Greetings. Your garden is quite a sight."

The Dwarf, a stocky figure in a worn hat, looked up from his work. "Aye, it's a touch o' nature's grace amidst these rocky lands."

Curiosity piqued, Maris inquired, "Is gardening common here?"

The Dwarf chuckled. "Nay, lad. It's a rarity. We Dwarfs are more at home with stone and metal. But this little patch connects us to the earth and sea."

Maris appreciated the sentiment. "Is there a particular reason for this garden?"

The Dwarf's eyes gleamed. "It's our way of sayin' we're part of this land and sea. A bit o' beauty in the midst of it all."

Maris nodded. "Thank you for sharing that."

The Dwarf's grin was hearty. "Ye're welcome. The earth's secrets are open to those who listen."

With gratitude, Maris rejoined the squad. As they continued their journey, Maris approached a Dwarf villager and inquired about the path to Ironford. The Dwarf, his beard flowing like a waterfall of gray and brown, spoke with a weathered wisdom.

"Aye, Ironford lies to the northwest," the Dwarf said, his gaze steady. "Follow the forest path north of the village and continue for two days. You'll come upon Ironford, nestled beside the ancient forest and the fiery heart of the volcano."

Maris thanked the Dwarf, and they resumed their journey. The path before them was dappled with sunlight filtering through the leaves. The forest seemed to breathe with life, welcoming them as they ventured deeper into the heart of Darlor. The promise of Ironford beckoned, its mysteries waiting to be uncovered in the embrace of the ancient forest.


In the heart of the ancient forest, on the second day of their journey, the tranquility of the meadow was shattered by a sudden eruption of chaos. The squad's steps faltered as a cacophony of malevolent whispers filled the air, and before they could react, the Dark Ones were upon them. The ambush was swift and brutal, catching them off guard in the midst of the serene landscape.

Reacting on instinct, the squad sprang into action with seamless precision. Blades were unsheathed, and weapons glinted in the dappled sunlight as they clashed against the obsidian weapons of their foes. The forest floor, once a tapestry of peaceful green, now became an arena of conflict where determination and survival were the only truths.

Dras led the charge, his sword a flurry of lethal grace as he deflected strikes and launched precise counterattacks. Joren's massive halberd swung like a tempest, the blade carving through the air with a deadly arc. Alia, with her family's lineage of blacksmiths, wielded her hammer with skilled finesse, smashing through the Dark Ones' defenses. Toren's staff twirled and struck, a dance of scholarly elegance turned fierce. Maris, his movements infused with a flamboyant air, twisted and turned like a gust of wind, his blades finding vulnerable spots with practiced precision. Vara, standing strong with her soldier's training, moved with unwavering resolve, each strike calculated and lethal. Lorn, with his bow shot arrows that pierced the wind and instantly finding it's mark.

The forest's tranquility was now a distant memory, replaced by the sounds of steel clashing against steel, the thud of bodies hitting the earth, and the urgent breaths of combatants.

The Dark Ones fought with eerie coordination, their moves calculated to press the squad back. A relentless storm of attacks sought to overpower them, and for a moment, it seemed as though the darkness might prevail. But just when the squad's resolve was put to the test, a sudden upheaval in the foliage heralded a new presence on the battlefield.

With a powerful roar, a battle-hardened dwarf emerged, wielding a double-headed axe that seemed to sing through the air. Each swing was a testament to a lifetime of experience, and with each strike, the dwarf hewed through the Dark Ones with ruthless precision. His presence was a beacon of strength and unwavering determination, turning the tide of the battle in an instant.

The squad, their hearts rekindled by the dwarf's arrival, rallied around him. With renewed vigor, they fought back the Dark Ones, their weapons finding purchase against their shadowy adversaries. The battle's tempo shifted as the squad fought as a united front, their combined strength and skill creating a symphony of combat.

As the last of the Dark Ones fell beneath the combined onslaught, the meadow was transformed into a tableau of victory. Breathing heavily, the squad members lowered their weapons, their chests heaving with the adrenaline of battle. Their eyes met, a mixture of relief, gratitude, and determination reflected in their gaze. In this fleeting moment of respite, the forest seemed to exhale, the tension lifting as the dappled sunlight returned to cast its gentle embrace upon the meadow once more.

The dwarf approached them, his eyes a deep, earthy brown that held both curiosity and respect. "Ye fought like a pack of wolves," he said in a voice like the rumble of distant thunder. "Names?"

Dras stepped forward, his posture reflecting both gratitude and caution. "Dras," he replied. "Leader of this squad. We've a message for the tribe chief of IronFord."

Trax, the battle-hardened dwarf, regarded Dras for a moment, recognition flickering in his eyes. He nodded, not elaborating on his acknowledgment of Dras's name.

"I'm Trax," he introduced himself, his words wrapped in the timbre of the forest. "IronFord's on my path too. But the way fraught with danger, especially for those unacquainted with Darlor's wilderness."

Trax turned to the squad, his gaze encompassing each member. "I'll lead ye there," he declared, his voice carrying the weight of his decision. "Ye could use a steady hand in this land."

As they fell into step behind Trax, the squad exchanged knowing glances, a silent understanding passing among them. The forest was their companion now, its mysteries and dangers interwoven with their path. IronFord awaited, a destination that held the promise of answers and challenges yet unknown.


With Trax as their guide, they ventured towards IronFord. Their journey led them through a modest dwarven settlement, where the sounds of skilled metalwork resonated in the air. The rhythmic clang of hammers against iron and the soft hiss of forges created a melody that merged with the natural surroundings. The squad followed Trax's lead through narrow streets lined with sturdy stone buildings, each structure adorned with intricate carvings that told stories of the past.

Passing through the settlement, they entered a tavern that buzzed with lively conversation. The aroma of hearty stews and roasted meats wafted through the air, mingling with the warmth of camaraderie. Trax led them to a corner table, and soon they were swept up in the jovial atmosphere, their mugs raised in a toast to the path they were on.

"To the road ahead and the battles that await!" Trax proclaimed, and the squad echoed his sentiment with enthusiastic clinks of their tankards.

As the evening unfolded, laughter and tales intertwined, creating an ambiance of shared experiences. Amidst the joviality, Trax's voice rose above the crowd as he spoke fondly of Dras's father, Kane.

"He was a fine warrior, Kane," Trax reminisced, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "We shared many an adventure, standing side by side against the challenges that tested us."

Curiosity danced in Dras's eyes as he leaned forward. "Tell me, what was he like beyond the battlefield?"

Trax's gaze softened, his mind drifting to days gone by. "Outside of the heat of battle, Kane was a man of honor and wisdom. He held his comrades close, a leader who treated us like family. And by the fireside, his stories could light up the darkest of nights."

As the night progressed and tankards were emptied and refilled, Dras's inquiries delved deeper into his lineage and the mystical armor he wore. Trax's explanations wove a tale of history and enchantment, his words laced with the weight of bygone times.

"That armor," Trax began, his tone reverent, "it was not just forged by the hands of skilled craftsmen, but infused with ancient magic. It's more than just metal; it's a living entity, attuned to its wearer and the challenges they face."

Dras's eyes widened as he absorbed the significance of his armor. "And my swords, the ones from Blad?"

Trax's gaze shifted to the twin blades resting nearby, a spark of intrigue in his eyes. "Those are no ordinary weapons. The craftsmanship is exceptional, and their design hints at origins beyond our realm."

Dras leaned the swords against the table, his curiosity uncontainable. "Can you unveil their secrets?"

Trax's grin widened, his excitement palpable. "I can do more than that," he said. "I can facilitate their restoration and connect you with a friend of mine, a Danann who specializes in deciphering ancient artifacts."

As the night wore on, the tavern's fervor continued unabated, drawing the squad deeper into the heart of dwarven camaraderie. The very air seemed alive with a contagious energy, as raucous laughter intermingled with the clinking of tankards and the chorus of animated voices. The flickering glow of lanterns cast a warm, amber hue across the bustling tavern, creating an atmosphere of warmth and belonging.

Seated around a sturdy wooden table, the squad found themselves immersed in the tapestry of dwarven revelry. The tavern's patrons were a lively mix of dwarves from all walks of life, each with a tale to tell and a boisterous spirit to share. Tankards were raised in joyful toasts, and the air was rich with the aroma of hearty food and the comforting embrace of well-aged ale.

Amidst the mirth and camaraderie, the squad members found themselves swept up in the spirit of the moment. Joren's hearty laughter mingled with the chorus of merry voices, his presence a testament to his easygoing nature. Alia, her eyes bright with curiosity, engaged in animated conversation with a group of dwarven artisans, discussing the intricacies of metalwork and craftsmanship. Toren, usually the scholar lost in his thoughts, was now drawn into a spirited debate about the mystical properties of the forest they journeyed through.

Maris, his flamboyant air a perfect fit for the lively atmosphere, regaled a group of attentive dwarves with exaggerated tales of their battles against the Dark Ones. His animated gestures and dramatic flourishes had the dwarves both captivated and amused, and his infectious enthusiasm seemed to resonate with the crowd. Vara, her soldier's instincts still vigilant even in the midst of revelry, exchanged stories of combat and strategy with a group of dwarven warriors, their shared experiences forming an unspoken bond.

Dras, while fully immersed in the boisterous scene, found his thoughts drifting back to his sister. Despite the infectious laughter and shared camaraderie, the uncertainty that surrounded her fate lingered like a shadow. He leaned back in his chair, his gaze momentarily distant as he contemplated the gravity of their mission. His sister's safety and the impending danger posed by the Dark Ones weighed heavily on his mind, a reminder that the jubilant atmosphere of the tavern could not completely dispel the urgency of their quest.

As the night continued to unfold, the squad members shared in the laughter, stories, and shared moments that transcended their differences. The warmth of the tavern and the bonds forged within its walls offered a respite from the trials that lay ahead. Amidst the vibrant tapestry of dwarven culture, they found both solace and determination, knowing that their journey to IronFord and the mysteries it held would resume with the break of dawn.

As the tavern's fires gradually dimmed, Trax rose from his seat, his balance only slightly unsteady. "The hour is growing late, and the path to IronFord awaits."

Turning to the squad, Trax's gaze encompassed them all. "Rest well, for the journey that lies ahead is one of challenge and purpose."

With the echoes of the dwarven tavern fading behind them, the squad bid their farewells and reentered the embrace of the forest. The stars above twinkled with promise, guiding them towards a future shrouded in mystery and anticipation.