
Chronicle of Arcane Author

Oliver never imagined that the world of his favorite novel would become his reality. Transmigrated into the enigmatic and perilous realm he once only read about, he now inhabits the body and identity of Lysander Aurelius, a name that carries both prestige and peril. In a world teeming with ancient secrets, mythical creatures, and political machinations, Lysander must navigate treacherous paths and unearth long-forgotten mysteries to survive. Struggling to adapt to his new life, he finds himself entangled in a web of power struggles, hidden alliances, and dark prophecies that could spell doom for the entire realm. Armed with knowledge from the novel and his sharp wit, Lysander embarks on a journey to master his newfound abilities and protect those he himself and those he cares about.

Takanome_7 · Fantasy
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21 Chs


[The host has reached the stage where you can advance to E rank. Proceed? (Yes/No)]

"Finally, I can reach E rank," Lish thought, his heart pounding with excitement. The academy would start in two days, and tomorrow he would board a private plane to Solstice. After two months of relentless hard work and dedication, he could finally reap the rewards. With this E rank, he would stand as a top contender even among the geniuses and the main characters of the novel.

He was not in a hurry to advance just yet. First, he took a refreshing shower, letting the warm water wash away the fatigue of his training. He then enjoyed a hearty breakfast, savoring every bite of the carefully prepared meal. Once his basic needs were met, he felt rejuvenated and ready for the next step.

Lish made his way to the training ground outside his house, a serene and secluded area surrounded by tall, ancient trees. The morning sun cast dappled shadows on the ground, and the air was filled with the scent of pine and earth. He took a deep breath, centering himself. "Huuuh," he exhaled, feeling a sense of calm wash over him.

"Proceed," he said aloud, his voice steady and resolute.

The process of advancing to E rank began. Lish closed his eyes and focused inward, feeling the flow of his magical energy coursing through his meridians. The energy swirled and gathered, creating a powerful vortex within his core. He could feel his meridians expanding, widening to accommodate the increased flow of energy. It was as if his entire body was being rewired, the pathways for his magic growing stronger and more defined.

A surge of power radiated from his core, spreading outwards to every part of his body. His bones felt as though they were being reinforced, the very structure of his skeleton becoming denser and more resilient. He could hear a faint, rhythmic hum as the transformation took place, a symphony of energy resonating within him.

His muscles tightened and then relaxed, the fibers becoming more elastic and responsive. He felt a newfound strength and agility coursing through his limbs as if he could leap over mountains and run faster than the wind. Every nerve ending seemed to come alive, his senses sharpening to an almost supernatural level. The world around him became more vivid—the colors brighter, the sounds clearer, and the scents more distinct.

Lish's mind was awash with clarity and focus. He could sense the tiniest fluctuations in the magical energy around him, his awareness extending far beyond his physical body. It was as if he had tapped into a deeper layer of reality, one where the very fabric of magic was laid bare before him.

His magical core pulsed with newfound power, the energy within him reaching a crescendo. It was an overwhelming sensation, both exhilarating and humbling. He could feel his magical reserves expanding, the wellspring of his power deepening and becoming more potent. It was as if he had unlocked a hidden reservoir of strength, a limitless source of energy that he could draw upon at will.

As the transformation reached its peak, Lish felt a moment of intense pressure, as if he were standing at the center of a raging storm. But then, just as suddenly, the pressure released, and a wave of calm and tranquility washed over him. He opened his eyes, feeling more alive and connected to his magic than ever before.

He flexed his fingers, marveling at the subtle changes in his body. Every movement felt effortless and precise, his control over his physical form enhanced by the transformation. He could sense the magic thrumming just beneath the surface of his skin, a constant reminder of the power he now wielded.

Lish took a moment to savor the sensation, feeling a profound sense of accomplishment. He had reached E rank, a milestone that set him apart from many of his peers. But more than that, he felt ready to face the challenges that awaited him at Solstice Academy. With this newfound power, he was confident that he could stand toe-to-toe with the best and brightest.

The sky above the training ground was a clear, brilliant blue, the sun shining down with a gentle warmth. Lish stood tall, his long hair shimmering in the sunlight, his eyes filled with determination and resolve.



Name: Lish Aurelius 

Age: 15 years 

Strength: 31 (+5) 

Speed: 28 (+3) 

Agility: 26 (+4) 

Mana: 73 (+4) 

Rank: E rank 

Blessing: Locked 

Bloodline: Locked 


1. Beam (a densely concentrated energy) 

2. Blink (a teleportation spell) - Progress: Completed


"Solstice Academy, here I come," he whispered to himself, a smile spreading across his face. He was ready for whatever lay ahead, and he knew that with his E rank, he would make his mark on the academy.

With a final deep breath, Lish turned and made his way back to his quarters, his mind already racing with plans and strategies for the upcoming year. The journey was just beginning, and he was more than ready to embark on this new adventure.

The next morning, Lish awoke early, the anticipation of the journey to Solstice Academy making it impossible to sleep in. He packed his belongings meticulously, ensuring that he had everything he needed for the adventure that lay ahead. His room, once filled with the artifacts of his childhood, now looked almost bare, a testament to his impending departure.

His mother, a graceful woman with kind eyes and a warm smile, stood at the doorway, watching her son with a mixture of pride and sadness. "You're really leaving tomorrow," she said softly, her voice tinged with emotion.

"Yes, Mother. It's time for me and the academy to start," Lish replied, giving her a reassuring smile.

"Remember to tell me if you have any problems," she advised, stepping forward to embrace him. "And don't forget to call home often."

"I will, Mother. Thank you for everything," Lish said, hugging her tightly. The scent of her familiar perfume brought a sense of comfort and nostalgia, but he knew that he had to go.

The day passed quickly, with final preparations and heartfelt goodbyes. As evening approached, Lish found himself in the training ground one last time, reflecting on the journey that had brought him here. He practiced his Blink spell, teleporting from one spot to another with increasing precision and speed. Each successful teleportation filled him with a sense of mastery and control.

As the sun set, casting a golden glow over the training ground, Lish knew that he was as ready as he could be. He returned to his house, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Tomorrow, he would step into a new world, one filled with potential and possibilities.


The following morning, Lish and his mother headed to the private airstrip. The sleek, luxurious plane awaited them, a symbol of the new chapter in Lish's life. The interior of the plane was lavishly appointed, with plush seats and ample space for relaxation. They boarded, and Lish found a window seat, staring out at the horizon with a mixture of anticipation and determination.

"Take care, my son," his mother said, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"I will, Mother. I'll make you proud," Lish promised, giving her one last hug before boarding the plane.

The flight was uneventful, giving Lish time to think about the upcoming school year. He reviewed his techniques, mentally preparing for the challenges ahead. The hours passed quickly, and before he knew it, the plane was descending towards Solstice.

As he stepped off the plane and onto the campus grounds, Lish felt a sense of awe. The academy was magnificent, with towering spires and sprawling courtyards. The air buzzed with magical energy, and students from all over the world mingled, their voices a symphony of excitement and anticipation. Lish made his way to the registration office.