
Chronic Reincarnation of a weedman

Chronic a weedman from Compton California dies but, due to unresolved issues was given the chance to live again in another world. being reborn for him is a blessing in its own way but, how could he continue life without the only magic of his former world Earth. during his time dead he makes a deal with the god of life and death Anu Bis to have weed seeds brought to him upon his blessing ceremony before the statues of the Gods when he turns 12. Armed with the magic of weed he will work towards his goals of his past life. Only now he will be in a world with actual magic. can Chronic make his dreams come true or is life going to be just as hard as on Earth or harder.

Ricky_Wrisk · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Taming the Phoenix

"Actually, I didn't do anything but, I think I know how to unsummon my you. See when you got hurt badly enough you were forced into me somehow, and I know what it felt like so I'm confident I can do it on my own with practice" Chronic said honestly. When Agni completely healed 3 hours later he was resummoned, it took 3 hours for Chronic to unsummon him. They spent 3 days working on it to the point it became instant, "So how about we get you a roommate?" Chronic asked Agni. "Kid there are no rooms here, I see trees, wild boars, Terra deer, a river, some mountains, and a sky that has two moons and a sun in it. I think I remember this place, it's vague but if I'm right it's where I was after I died. it feels different in a good way, like this place is made just for monsters" Agni replied. "Then why does it feel like you are standing behind me? Also we can talk like we are next to each other, maybe you are somewhere else completely. But, if that is the case does it mean that you teleport to another world or plane of existence just for monsters? and then if that is true I must be a conduit of sorts to that place. what do you think about it?" "well if I had to guess I'd say that you are right, still I'm not worried about it I am here and with you what else matters?" "Since you are putting it that way I guess nothing else matters, still let's add a phoenix so you don't get lonely waiting to be summoned. Though now I'm curious if that makes tamers, summoners as well because I can bring you to me from somewhere else and send you back." "Let's not over think about it kid, I think that is the case but instead of worrying about it lets get you that phoenix you want so badly" "Sounds like a plan, thank you Agni" "Sure kid, I got your back".

after eating lunch Chronic gathered his things and headed to the last floor, unlike the last two bosses Chronic didn't try to fight the phoenix right away. though he did fly to it but, instead of attacking he introduced himself wanting to talk to the phoenix. "Hello, my name is Chronic and I'm a Tamer, I was wondering if there was any way I could convince you to join us. Agni the Flame Horned Minotaur was the boss of floor two, he and I became friends and I'm hoping to become friends with you as well" Chronic humbly stated. "You are a polite child but, I don't see Agni around at all. how do I know what you say is true, show me proof of your claims and I will let you earn my trust and name" started the Hell Fire Phoenix in a gentle feminine voice. "Agni" was all Chronic said and instantly the 15 foot tall Minotaur appeared and sat behind Chronic and said "Everything he said is true, what's even more impressive is he is only 5 years old. I couldn't believe it either but, use your Discerning Eyes and see for yourself" "I already knew his age using Discerning Eyes, though I must ask what made him worthy of your freedom?" the phoenix asked. "Honestly, he's an honest kid and despite his lack of knowledge of this world he is strong, besides I was bored and he entertained me." Agni replied nonchalantly. "It doesn't take much to please you I see, however Chronic if you want my name I'll give you a task. If you can complete it your prize will be my name, doesn't that sound fun and fair?" the phoenix said with amusement. "Whatever task you give I'll accomplish it and earn your name" Chronic stated with determination. "Okay, my nest was recently attacked by the hidden boss of this floor, in that attack my eggs were destroyed. Bring me proof of his death and I will give you my name" stated the phoenix with rage in her eyes. "It'll be done" Chronic stated and unsummoned Agni flying off to kill the hidden boss.

It took an hour to find the hidden boss, he kept passing it thinking it was a mountain. An Island Tortoise was the hidden boss, "Just fucking great, still it should be easy to kill if I sneak into its ear and attack the brain directly" Chronic thought to himself. The Island Tortoise sensed his presence the moment he got within a hundred feet of it, despite him flying in from behind it. "Who is there? are you challenging me?" it asked, "I was told that you destroyed the eggs in the phoenix nest you attacked, is it true and if so why?" Chronic asked back. "Of course it's true that I destroyed that nest, and I enjoyed doing it and only wish I could do it again. My reason is because I can, what other reason do I need, haha" the tortoise replied with an evil laugh. Anger swelling inside him, Chronic shouted "Agni" and the Minotaur landed on the head of the Tortoise stabbing his swords deep, fire entering the wounds to cause the most pain he could. Agni hated everything evil and how could anyone monster or not kill just because they can, that's just unforgivable. He could understand if it was for food or to defend oneself or even to challenge the strong. Taking the opportunity Angi gave him, Chronic entered the ear of the Tortoise stopping at its ear drum. He fired a continuous stream of ice spikes into the soft flesh of the Tortoise, and in minutes he destroyed the brain of the Tortoise. It dropped with a loud bang, and as it died it simply laughed. Taking its Soul Gem in his hands he unsummoned Agni and flew to the phoenix, he arrived in minutes and presented her with the Soul Gem. "I know it doesn't bring your eggs back but, I brought you this in hopes that you can get some solace. Is there any way to permanently kill that bastard?, evil like him doesn't deserve to get to live" Chronic asked with anger in his voice.

"Unfortunately not, however please place that gem down and give me room. I'm going to destroy it with Hell Fire and as I said it won't stop him from being reborn, however he will have to regain his intelligence from a simple stupid monster" the phoenix said. "He was already stupid" Chronic stated placing the Soul Gem on the ground and flying into the sky. "Haha" the phoenix laughed at his remark, then shot out fire so hot everything it touched was melted instantly. "I can now see why Agni gave you his name, and I haven't forgotten my promise. My name is Abyss and it's my pleasure to have met you child, if you can beat me I look forward to joining you" Stated Abyss with happiness in her voice. "I'll give you a few more days to mourn for your lost children, I'll return in a week and tame you for your sake and mine" Chronic said turning away. "Wait, I've mourned enough and with your kind words I offer you my life. Make it quick and summon me back, I failed to protect my offspring but maybe this is my chance to right the wrongs. you may not be my child but I'll protect you as if you were, this I swear" Abyss said filled with respect for the child in front of her. "As you wish Abyss, I'll make it as painless as possible" Chronic replied. gathering his magic two giant ice swords appeared and in the same motion both blades crossed and took her head in less than a second. Chronic gathered all the feathers and the talons before taking the Soul Gem and calling out "Abyss" in minutes he heard cracking noises and got light headed. "Damn I'm going to pass out again" Chronic thought to himself as he passed out, waking up 5 hours later this time, he found himself next to a fire and Root looking at him in awe. "Awake at last Chronic, I won't lie I almost shit myself seeing a Hellfire Phoenix appear when the dungeon closed. Then I saw it had you in its talons and thought how is that possible, if the dungeon is closed it means you beat it. So what happened exactly?" Root asked still eyeing the phoenix. First Chronic unsummoned Abyss then explained everything that happened, Root couldn't believe what he was hearing but also couldn't deny what he saw with his own eyes. since it was morning time they started back, and on the way he thought about how to bring up the fact that he was a Tamer.