
Christopher Holloway: Silent Night

There are so many more mysteries than what I thought. But I got to address the universal question. Why does it always have to be a damsel in distress? Can’t people for once be original? God. Terrorists are so clichéd. Please note, my first novel that is actually interesting in my view. So please, any criticism, any comment, anything you want to say, it's all welcome.

Brianna_Pike · Realistic
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10 Chs

Chapter 9

"But how?" I asked myself. "How the heck did I miss all the important clues?" My insides were burning with anger. I was furious with myself. Everything had been there, but I was too stupid to see it. I was so busy following Checkmate that I lost sight of her. Now Sarah and Diana are in danger. I should have known that they would come after us.

There are so many more mysteries than what I thought. But I got to address the universal question. Why does it always have to be a damsel in distress? Can't people for once be original? God. Terrorists are so clichéd.


What was Sarah doing at the rent-a-bike? I know she was investigating, but, what? There had been no bombings, nothing of the sort. Sarah has her own bicycle; she doesn't need to rent one.

Where did the Altruism Union get Conner's number?

Whose was that creepy voice?

Where is Sarah?

Wait a minute. Sarah can't be behind all of this, can she? I gave Sarah Conner's number two months back for emergencies. She had no particular reason to go to the rent-a-bike. All the signs lead to her. What's that thing Checkmate said? "Oh yes. I meet her every day. She knows about everything."

Sarah can't be behind it. She's nice person. She can't betray me like that. She wouldn't.