
Christmas With the Casanova

Janelle Anderson returns home from her military service, only to find her boyfriend of five years in bed with an unknown woman. In a blink of an eye, she loses everything she once held dear and is kicked out of the apartment she once shared with her boyfriend. Frustrated and angry, she ends up at a bar, getting dead drunk and falls in bed with the biggest Casanova of all times, Cameron MacGyver. Billionaire Casanova, Cameron MacGyver always gets any woman he sets his eyes on and now, Janelle has caught his attention. He has never been with a military woman before and once he’s had a taste of her, he can’t let her go until he’s had his fill. Whisked away to the mountains for a Christmas getaway, can Janelle finally let go of all her inhibitions and thrust this man with her vulnerabilities? Or with Cameron end up breaking her heart because of his playboy ways, once and for all?

Anna_Kendra_2246 · Urban
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19 Chs

Chapter 13: Stubborn but Tempting

Cameron's P.O.V


I looked at Jane through my lashes, wondering why I felt so drawn to her.


It was true that I often liked to go on random tours with strangers or even my friends, but I think I was surprised at myself for being so adamant this time. It was the first time in my life that I needed to convince someone to spend time with me. Usually, people would be waiting for me to ask and it would be an immediate yes.


Perhaps that was why I liked Jane? Because she seemed to be more of a challenge than anyone else I had met before?


From the look in her eyes, I could tell that she was almost convinced about going to my villa with me, but still that stubborn glint refused to fade. 


Unready to argue, she put her fisted arm under her jaw and yawned. I was glad she didn't keep the argument going. I didn't enjoy arguments a lot and it seemed she doesn't like them either. But she constantly picked on little details, and I had to try my best to keep up with her queries and try my best not to say something that would offend her.


"Hungry? I thought you said you weren't." Came her sharp voice when she saw me pick up the menu.


 I smiled at her, motioning for the waiter to come.


"I'm hungry, I admit." I laughed, especially when I saw her trying to peek at the menu with a frown. "Eat whatever you want. It's my treat."


"Of course, it is." She said a bit haughtily, making me smile again. "You dragged me here after going through all the trouble of getting my address, didn't you?"


"Of course." I laughed yet again. God! When was the last time I laughed this much after meeting a woman?


But suddenly, I saw her expression change as she started to panic, her hands searching her pockets frantically. "Oh, shoot! I think I forgot to bring my wallet."


"Why are you worried?" I asked. "It's my treat isn't it? Please, don't worry about paying for a single thing." I gave her a small smile, telling her that it was okay even if she forgot her wallet.


Finally, I saw her soften a bit as she returned my smile, feeling relieved. "You're very kind, Cameron. Thank you!" She then leaned back on the wooden chair and began to scan the room. I too couldn't help but admire the decor, although this was my regular spot.


Ten minutes after we arrived, the waiter I had earlier called out to earlier, hurried over to Janelle and me, a look of devastation on his face.


 "How rude?" I scolded him. Felix knew that I was a regular and one who always gave him a large tip. "Do you need me to wave at you each time I walk in? Why were you so late this time even though I called you over several times?"


"I'm so sorry, sir." He apologized immediately. "I didn't do it intentionally! A few of our staff are down with a cold, so we're really short staffed. I promise it won't happen again!"


"It better not."


I was going to continue scolding him when Janelle interrupted me with a wave of her hand. "Order breakfast already, Cameron. I'm starving!"


Janelle was hungrier than she seemed and by the time the food arrived, I was staring at it in astonishment because even the table seemed to have run out of space. To be fair, she had not eaten anything decent in over twelve hours.


"Are you sure you can eat all of that?" I couldn't help the grumble when I saw the lousy waiter emerge with her order, almost spilling some of the hot soup on my white and stainless shirt.


"If this is about the bill, I can pay you back later."


"No, no! That's not what I meant to say!" I needed to be more careful with my words from now on, in case I offended her, which wasn't my intention at all. 


"Then what?" She dug right into the meal, without waiting to hear what I had to say.


"I meant to say that it's a lot of stuff. So I was wondering if we would be able to finish it all before we set out for the rest of the day." I shrugged. "And the motel you're staying at doesn't seem too expensive, so I don't know if it has a microwave to heat things up later on."


"It's fine." She shrugged nonchalantly. "I doubt there would be any leftovers."


 She was halfway into her meal when I started with mine. "I'm impressed. By your appetite, I mean. You're the first girl who I brought to an eatery as fancy as this, that wanted an actual meal."


"Oh, that's interesting. What did your other 'partners' usually like to order?" She asked inquisitively, not pausing for a moment. The whole time, she shoved spoon after spoon into her mouth and somehow still managed to look graceful doing it.


"Salads, they take salads. Even though I could tell they were hungry, they still pretend to be full only after one bowl of grass." I admired the way she ate quickly, yet pretty. There was no stain on her lips and not a droplet on the table.


"In their opinion, eating too much isn't 'fancy' and ideal for dates, am I right?" She said after she took her time to munch with her mouth full and swallow.


"Exactly! I'm impressed to see that you eat well and don't care about what should be the 'norm' for dates." I scoffed. "It's such a ridiculous notion! Why must a lady force herself to eat salads when she isn't full?" 


"I love food, Cameron. So, so much." She took another mouthful, not bothering to use the cutleries the right way. "I eat well as often as I can, I don't care what anyone thinks. If a guy thinks I'm not fancy because I love to eat, that's his problem and not mine"


"Exactly!" I said, nodding, a smile on my lips.


"I guess that's why I like you. You aren't afraid of being yourself, no matter the circumstances." Those were the only words I could find. They didn't quite explain how I felt, but they gave a hint of what I felt for her.


"Life isn't long. I love food and love to eat. I enjoy every morsel I get. You know why?" 


"No, I don't know why. Would you tell me?" I leaned forward.


"Tomorrow isn't promised nor is it mine," she shrugged subconsciously. Stretching her beautiful arms over to my side of the table, she grabbed the hot sauce and scooped some of my pasta before putting them together.


"That's right," I concurred. "Same reason why I enjoy sex today. I'm not sure I'll have it tomorrow. "


"Silly addict, "She said with a glint of humor in her eyes. "As soldiers, we are trained to survive harsh conditions. Extreme starvation is part of it. Which is why I had little to nothing yesterday, but didn't feel like I was hungry." 


"Damn! You're super. I bet you could go on for many more days and maybe weeks without realizing." I added gently, my warm eyes seeking hers.


"Maybe. But when I'm off the army, I enjoy my time off. And one of the ways I do that is by eating good food and lots of it." 


I nodded to show that I understood her, admiring her devotion to her job and her country.


"You know, Jane. You're not just different from the rest because you're beautiful. Inside out. You're different because you have something I haven't seen before. Never in my life have I seen a woman who..."


Her phone beeped unapologetically, interrupting me. She glanced at it, and was instantly intrigued by whatever it was she read. However, it didn't seem like the good kind of intrigue.


"Are you okay?" I asked, hoping to distract her from whatever seemed to make her look suddenly unhappy.


"I'm good." She seemed shaken by the content of the message. She looked at it again and her face tightened, although from irritation or anger…I couldn't tell.


Whatever it was, it got me worried, and I couldn't help but steal several glances at her while she merely picked on her food.


 "Jane..." I called out calmly, gazing at her sharp aquiline face.


"Fuck!" She exhaled in disappointment, and tossed her phone onto the table with a clatter of a sound that caught me off-guard.