


" Finally we're here", Whitney said tiredly. Feeling weak from the long journey. 

"OMG!! this place looks more alluring and immense than in the photos." Susie said so loudly expressing her thoughts out loud without the care in the world, making the group of friends behind her laugh. 

After they checked in their various rooms they decided to rest for two hours before coming out for dinner and the evening activities. Each had their own room except Sonia and Tony who decided to be together since they were a couple. 

Their rooms wear directly to the other. Five rooms on one side facing four rooms on the other side.


After getting in her room she was amazed as to what she saw and immediately felt comfortable. The room was very spaced and had everything she needed In it but little did she know Dave took extra effort to make sure she was comfortable.

From the big luxurious bed to the spaced and soft couch, there was a big fridge filled with stuffs she loved, woardrope fill with her preference of clothes.

 "Hmmm, this is really amazing, having everything I need here like it was my own room back home but does everyone's room looks and feels so comfortable for them this way…" She thought to her self feeling so surprised. 

The designs and beauty of the room, the expensive and luxurious items, the middle chanderlier it all made her felt happy and at same time kept her wondering but she just felt so it was for everyone.

After using the bathroom she wore a soft cotton above kneel length gown then jumped on her soft bed after setting her alarm, it didn't take long before she slept off. She was so tired after the long trip.


At dinner the group had a better view of the resort. It was indeed very big and beautiful on the outside, it had a very beautiful beach, pools, outdoor bars and was filled with different people but at the same time calm.

They had fun when eating and bringing up different discussions from the past and they laughed at their previous behaviors and incidents at school. Amanda was happy and laughed also, but it didn't take long for her to notice the presence of a stranger not far from their table staring at her and her friends. At first she thought it was a coincidence but when their eyes met for the second she felt this discomfort down her spine and felt somehow cold. 

She excused herself and left the table for some air outside, "wehh…what was that" she sighed, "I've never felt anything so intense all my life". "That was because it was not yet the time". A voice said through the shadows. It scared Amanda and then she turned to find out who it was. Surprisingly it was the same man from the dining hall. This time he was looking taller standing, wearing a black rode like material which had a cap that covered almost half of his face excluding the tip of his nose and lips.

"Who are you?, and what do you want from me?". She asked the man as she took a step backwards, feeling scared. The man looked at her and smiled halfly. "Who said I wanted something from you little girl or should I say Amanda?." "He knows my name but..but how?" She said in her thoughts. "How I knew your name doesn't really matter, it's a name and people tend to use it more than its owner." He smiled more this time, reveling his face. "You can read my thoughts…but how? How's that possible? what are you exactly?."

"It is time Amanda, for you are its real bearer."  He extended his hand forward to her revealing a golden metal round in shape. Feeling so much fear this time she moved backwards once again. "What is that thing? and what I'm I supposed to do with it?",  "It's  a compass and it will serve and help you while on your mission. It's yours human for it has chosen you to be it's master.", "Master!!!What master? I don't get you please explain or leave me alone you psychopath."  The stranger laughed out the more with his hand still stretched out and kept on saying, "It has chosen you Amanda, it's yours now to keep. It's yours!, it's yours!, it's yours!!." and then he disappeared. The compass fell on the ground and rolled  over to her feet but she didn't pick it up. She was hyperventilating and then turned to run away from the compass. "Ahhh!!!!!!." Screamed so much and loudly when she hit someone right behind her. "Calm down! Amanda it's me, Dave." "Dave?" She looked again "Dave!" She hugged him so tightly. " What happened to you? You were gone for a long time and who were you talking to a while back because I see no one here?." Still scared and hugging him she said "please take me to my room." He nodded, then he took off his jacket to cover her and the next thing he did was carry her in his arms and took her to her room. Amanda was quite surprised because she meant for her to be escorted to her and not carried like a child.


Dave helped her lie in bed and covered her then he sat on the bed so close to her just to be sure she was good. "Amy what's going on?Why were you so scared and why did you leave the dining hall in the first place?".

Main while in Amanda's thought she was so carried away by the beauty in front of her and she wondered how they got there in the first place. Her room, on her bed and so close to each other. Although she was a bit scared, she forgot what just happened because the presence In front of her served as a big distraction to her scary thoughts. 

"It's nothing she said realising herself and avoided eye contact with Dave." He understood she wanted to be alone so he stood up and covered her one last time, "If you need any help with anything just give me a call." "Okay, thanks." She replied and Dave left the room.

Just outside her room door Dave stood and rested his back on the wall, "what was I doing?" He hit his head, "control it Dave, you may only scare her the more." Then he left for his room but unfortunately he was seen by Lizzy when he was leaving.

Giving Amanda enough questions to answer.