
Christmas eve (meeting the masked men)

Finally given an opportunity to pick where the family would spend Christmas, Cherry picks an Island that was owned by a person whose identity was hidden from the public. The family agree to this as it was also a good vacation place for business owners. Upon getting there, her father introduces her to some business owners, just so he could do business with them. Most of them ended asking for intimacy with his daughter, which he agreed to but she disagrees with. The father's business is at risk because of his unfulfilled promises to some business giants, Cherry's mother does all she can to protect Cherry, even if it means putting her in the hands of strangers. Cherry's younger brother 'Tom' also tries all means to save her from a particular business man, feared both in the business world and under world. In all of these, will she find someone who will protect her or will she end up in these men's bed.

Cathycode · Teen
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23 Chs

Chapter 7: Gracing Them With My Presence

"Young Master, the suit is ready."

This waw the lady who was with the man Cherry splashed her drink on.

"Hmm, put it on the sofa."

"Yes young master. Sir..." she pauses as she did not know how to continue her request.

"What?" his voice was so cold it sent shivers through her body.

"Never mind sir."

How could she continue speaking when he sounded like 'you say a word about that and I'll kill you'

"You are testing my patience Hermia Moltenore." she shivered just looking into his black eyes.

"I, I didn't mean it, I just, I actually, I just wanted..."

"What on earth do you want?"

It suddenly felt as though she saw a glimpse of horns on his head, fangs in his mouth, while smoke came from his nose.


It was just an hallucination right, he won't tear her to shreds. She tried reassuring herself that he won't hurt her, but it was not working, she was still frightened, she could lose her job or her life. She bows her head as she didn't want him to see her fear.

"Please young master, please give us a holiday, even if it's just a day, please."

Tears formed in her eyes, she was really scared, but she couldn't let him take her for a weak one. He despised those who act weak.

He smiled

Yes, he smiled, if someone else had entered, they would have taken him for a nice gentleman, only those who knew him, knew the meaning of such smiles.


Just one word and she could read the underlying meaning 'that's my final decision, you bring this up again, then forget about having anything called holiday'

"Yes sir." she suddenly became calm "one more thing sir."


"You have to change into the suit early, dinner would be starting in the next one hour, you promised those old folks, that you would attend this year, it's been ten years since you started your company and they still don't know who you are."

He chuckled before replying with an I - Don't - Care voice.

" Gracing Them With My presence does not mean they would see my face, does it? "

How dare he end it with a question, how was she to reply, there is only one way of escape.

" I will take my leave now, young master."

She bowed her head before leaving.

"Do away with the formalities."

This was what she heard before closing the door behind her



Oh, this annoying voice.

Cherry was at the balcony, enjoying the fresh air.


She was all smiles as she was not hoping to let her brother's presence make her mood sour.

"Haha," he saw through her and couldn't help wanting to tease her a little, but he had a message to deliver.

"So bad I don't have time."

Cherry pouted her lips hearing this, when has he never had time to annoy her.

"As if I care." yes, she's gonna act like she doesn't give a shit about it.

Tom hissed before smiling 'you sure don't care indeed'

"Mom wants you in the kitchen."

"Okay, I'll be going now."



Stepping into the kitchen she saw her mother putting a tray into the freezer.

"Oh, come over here."

Cherry goes over to her mother's side.


"Yes,we would be attending the Dinner Party that takes place here everyday at the center of the Island."

"Oh, really" she was a little excited, at least she would get to step out of the hotel.

"Yes, yes. But it's not through an invitation card, we'll actually, it's an invitation card but you pay for it." after saying this, Mrs Mekaly cleans her forehead with the back of her palm even though there was no sweat.

"Really! Scoffs, is there even anything one doesn't pay for on this Island?"

"Well there are."

Lola stood upright, closed the freezer and took off the oven gloves that she made use of.


Cherry sat on a dinning chair after pouring herself a glass of water.

"Yes, at least every single person on the Island is entitled to a tour."

Lola took off the apron, placed it in one of the cabinets after folding it.

"Is that all?" Cherry couldn't help asking

"Yes, that's all I know." she pours herself a glass of water, gulped it down, then "now, let's go get some groceries."