
Christmas eve (meeting the masked men)

Finally given an opportunity to pick where the family would spend Christmas, Cherry picks an Island that was owned by a person whose identity was hidden from the public. The family agree to this as it was also a good vacation place for business owners. Upon getting there, her father introduces her to some business owners, just so he could do business with them. Most of them ended asking for intimacy with his daughter, which he agreed to but she disagrees with. The father's business is at risk because of his unfulfilled promises to some business giants, Cherry's mother does all she can to protect Cherry, even if it means putting her in the hands of strangers. Cherry's younger brother 'Tom' also tries all means to save her from a particular business man, feared both in the business world and under world. In all of these, will she find someone who will protect her or will she end up in these men's bed.

Cathycode · Teen
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Chapter 5: Chocolate

"Oh my gosh!"

"This girl got some guts."

"How dare she"

All sorts of bad comments were directed towards Cherry, who was standing there dumbfounded, not knowing what to do.


Just a minute ago, she just paid for two cups of cold chocolate drinks. She was so engrossed in the thickness of the drinks, that she didn't look where she was going. Taking some steps while looking at her drink, she tripped and her drinks went flying before splashing on the body of a young man whose back was facing her.


A lot of gasps could be heard from other customers, before

"Oh no, my chocolate"

And the very next second


Is this a joke

Even Cherry could not believe what she just said, was she not supposed to apologise to the man. She stood up and looked him in the eye, he was still so calm, that if she was not the one who splashed her cold drink all over his hair and shirt, she would have called it a lie if someone else was to tell her he was splashed with a cold drink.

She opened her mouth to apologise, but before she could say a word he shut her up.


Just one word was enough for her to hnow how pissed off he was. Though that didn't stop her from getting another cup of chocolate.


The young man was clearly frustrated

"I'm so sorry sir, I didn't expect things to turn out this way."

A young lady beside him said and bowed her head clearly out of embarrassment

Yes, whose stupid idea was it, was she not the one who asked him to take a look around the Island. He wanted to curse, but held it all in.

" Why don't we put an end to this vacation."

The lady could only let out her frustration by gnashing her teeth, and curse the girl who splashed her drink all over the young man. They hardly had a free day, and surprisingly, he gave them a week holiday, she wanted him to take a look at the Island, so why did they have to run into such a girl who just ruined their holiday.

They entered a limousine where another man was waiting for them. They man chuckled the moment the two entered, the young man with a stained shirt frowned his face, the other man could no longer hold it in as he burst out in laughter.

"You seem tired of living."

Now that was enough to shut him up. Just five words why make it the very same with death.

"To the mansion."


"What happened here?"

Cherry and Tom took their heads up to see the owner of the voice.

"You are back, sister caused a lot of commotion while you were away."

Henry directed his gaze at Cherry before sitting in between them.

"Is that true?"

This question was directed at Cherry, but who with a right mindset would answer such a question

"Where's father?" she asked, changing the topic.

"Father is at the hotel, I will be taking you there, before leaving for my place."

They all stood up with their mother who was paying little to no attention.

"Oh, that's nice, you got your own place." Tom moved closer to him and smiled at him " I'm gonna move to your place, hehe."

Henry only scoffed before replying

"I came here for business, not some family holiday. I won't be having anything to do with any of you, moreso, I would be here for a year."


Was all Cherry said before rushing out of the door. Henry looked back just in time to see a staff leaving with a stained mop. He looked ahead and saw Cherry rushing out, he smiled, took large strides and pulled her collar.

Her back hit his chest, but he didn't care as far as he got the information he wanted.

"When are you going to tell me what happened before my arrival?"

Cherry bit her lower lip and was looking around for help. Tom smiled to himself when seeing her helpless

"Don't worry brother, I will tell you everything while we drive to the hotel."

They both smile at each other before entering the car they just rented. Cherry shook her head before entering. We're this really her brothers.