
CHAPTER 34 Having a Ball 5

  Suddenly, and without warning, I started to laugh. Holding me in his arms, I laughed about how stupid I’d been. It was like all of the pent-up emotions that I had been holding in for the past few days, had been released in a fit of weird, uncontrollable laughter.

  “Why are you laughing?” He grinned. “Do you not like me that way?”

  “Oh, Dawson,” I spoke, with my laughter dying down.

  “Have I missed something? I mean, I know we haven’t always gotten along, but I thought the past few days had been an improvement, and even though you may not like me that way…”

  “Dawson, can you just shut up?” I blurted.

  Giving me a baffled look, I stepped further into him, and raising my head upwards and interlacing my fingers behind his neck, I let my lips drift across his. Realising what I was doing, he leant his head down, and pressing his mouth onto mine, we let ourselves drift into the most beautiful kiss that I had ever shared with anyone.