
CHAPTER 11 – Christmas Eve 1

  “Are we heading down to the village now?” Elijah asked, slipping his coat on as the last of the breakfast dishes were washed up.

  “What’s at the village?” I wondered, laying the tea towel down.

  “We found out that there’s all manner of arts, crafts, and Christmassy things going on,” Tess filled in, grabbing her coat.

  “Sounds good. Let’s go,” Dawson commented, handing me my coat.

  Whether I wanted to or not, it seemed I was going.

  Wrapping myself up warm, we all headed out of the cottage to make the walk down to the main part of the village. I was glad that Tess and Elijah were leading the way, because I didn’t have a clue where I was going. It had been quite a few years since I had trekked down these parts, and it was amazing how little I remembered.