
Chapter 5

Cassidy where are you we need to talk. I'm in the kitchen, Cassidy said. Max walked into the kitchen and sat down on a bar stool across from her. About what happened in the car I'm sorry that shouldn't have happened. It was my fault too cassidy piped in. I shouldn't have encouraged you with the way I dressed tonight. Cassidy in case you haven't noticed I still find you attractive and I still love you. I know that isn't what you want to hear but I needed to get it off my chest. Max stops right there, they don't love me so you can stop pretending. Cassidy what are you saying I have always loved you and i don't understand why you're thinking otherwise. Max i am not in the mood to get into this with you right now. I just want to sit here and drink my drink and relax.

I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow. If I know my father I'm sure I am in for a big surprise hince you need to be here for the reading tomorrow. Did Malcolm tell you what time we needed to be in his office tomorrow, Malcolm said to be there by ten am. I'm not tired so I'm going to pop some popcorn and then go watch a movie and you can join me if you want. Cassidy got off her stool and went to the cabinet and got a bag of popcorn and put it in the microwave. While that is popping I am going to run upstairs and change, with that said she disappeared upstairs.

Five minutes later she was back in the kitchen getting her popcorn and headed into the living room only to find Max already sitting on the couch. She sat down and they started watching a movie. Cassidy I've been meaning to ask you today you said you have not talked to your dad in four years and I was wondering what caused that.

Cassidy sat in silence for about two minutes before telling him that she found out something that her dad had done when it came to her life and she couldn't deal with her dad trying to run her life behind her back so the day that she broke up with him was also the day that she had packed her stuff and moved to her Aunt Sylvia's and hasn't spoken to her dad again until she got a call from the hospital about his cancer being back. I didn't even know that he had cancer in the first place, I think that is what hurts the most is that I cut him out of my life when he needed me the most.

Thankfully I had Aunt Sylvia there for me these past few years and I don't know what I would have done if she hadn't been here for me this past week. She has been my rock to lean on and hold me when i got the call about his passing. Cassidy what happened that last day. I went down to the cafeteria to get lunch and as i was sitting there eating my lunch my phone rang and it was the ICU nurse. I answered and the nurse informed me that dad had passed away and wanted to know if i wanted to come back and say my goodbyes before they took him away. I informed her that I did. I threw my lunch in the trash and went back upstairs.