


Chris meets me at my apartment.

"Come on in, Chris" I hear my best friend says.

"Is Y/N ready?" He asks.

"Almost, she's just taking pictures of herself"

"I'm putting on my shoes asshole" I yell. I hear her and Chris laugh.

"But have a seat" She says"You want a drink?"

"Yea I'll take a water" He says as I walk out of my bedroom and into the living room. I see Chris bite his lip. Which makes me do the same. He looks so hot. Tonight is the night that I fuck this man. That's also why I'm wearing a skirt, so that no matter where we are, It's easy. 

"You ready?" I ask with my purse and my over night bag. 

"Yea" he says as he gets up from the couch. Chris and I leave after we say goodbye to my best friend

"You look so fucking sexy"

"Thank you"

"I'm so excited for Wicked"

"Me too" he says. Chris and I leave in his car.

"How was work?"

"Good just more interviews with senators" He says.

"Gross" He laughs at my words.

"Right" We both laugh. Chris and I talk about my day at work as he turns into the parking lot. Chris parks the car before we both get out. I purse on my arm as Chris holds out his hand for me to grab. Which I of course I do, we hold hands as we walk to the Broadway studio. He's got his Boston hat on. Once we make it inside, Chris pulls out his phone. He turns the brightness all the way down so that he is not recognized. I drag Chris to where show our tickets. The lady scans our tickets before telling us before to enjoy the show. Chris and I walk to our seats in our private balcony.

"Is Y/Best friend/N staying with you?"

"Yea she's just in town for an interview" I reply. Chris and I quietly talk before the show starts.


Later That Night

After the show, Chris and I grab dinner from a small diner near the theater. We chat about the show while we eat. I pay for dinner since Chris payed for the show.

We arrive back at his place for the night.

"Have I told you look so fucking sexy" He says as I take off his coat that I'm wearing.

"Once or twice but Thank you" I say before kissing him.

"Come on" I say before taking him into his bedroom. I push him down on the bed before I get on top of him.

"I love it when you take control"

"Really?" I ask.

"Oh yea baby, it's so fucking hot" He says as I feel his semi hard cock against my underwear. Our lips mold back together as I pin his hands and arms against the bed. He smiles into my lips as I roll my hips on his lap. I remove my hand from his and then I undo his pants before sticking my hand in his underwear. I feel his semi hard cock before I take my hand back out. I remove my lips from his just for a second so I can spit on my.  hand. Our lips reattached as my hand wraps around his cock.

"Mmmhmmm" He moans against my lips. I swirl my thumb around his tip forcing him to moan against my lips again. His fingers pull up my skirt before they slide inside me.

"Baby" I moan as I disconnect our lips to get a breath of air. I stand up on the bed to take off my underwear. I turn around putting my pussy in his face. He swipes his finger between my flaps causing a moan to escape my lips. I pull Chris' cock out of his pants to begin stroking him again. I take his cock into my mouth. I love the taste of his cock. I don't what he does to make it taste so good but he better never stop. I bob my head up and down on his cock as I stroke what I can't get in my mouth. I feel Chris' tongue go inside of me before he quickly removes it to add his finger instead. I deep throat his cock as my hands play with his balls. Just as I feel him about to cum, I turn around so that we're facing each other again. I slide down on his cock making both of moan each other name. I begin bouncing up and down on his cock. I set my hands down his chest some stability. He begins plays with my nipples causing another moan to escape my lips.

"Fuckin shit" Chris moans as I roll my hips on his cock.

"You like that baby?" I ask.

"Fuck yes" He moans with his eyes closed.

"How does my pussy feel"

"So fucking good baby fuck" He moans.

"Good" I reply as I continue to bounce on his cock. After few more times bouncing, I cum on his cock.

"Fuck baby, I'm going to cum" he says. I remove myself from his cock before I wrap my lips around him. I stroke his cock as I suck on his tip. A minute later he cums in my mouth.