
Chosing My Anime Powers

Alex was your everyday hard-working husband trying his best to support his family, but it all came crashing down when the concept of cultivation spread on earth. having zero cultivation talent, his family abandoned him

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

We Won 2

during the 3 months before Alex returned, Eve and the gods were at war. The gods expected the eclipse race would have been scared off by the Dragon Emperor's death, but the eclipse race refused to believe they would die and made up all kinds of excuses before they launched a while attack at the enemy which led to many of them dying.

the gods seeing this were happy. they used this chance to slaughter many high-ranking elites of the Eclipse race, of course, many of the god's believers died as well. but with a dimension that had a time flow of 100x, it allowed them to quickly regain their numbers. they even used the Eclipse race, they tried to lead them toward the seal that trapped gods and tried to use them to free the gods... but thats when everything turned around.

Eve already knowing that the gods could overhear their plans had simply taken defeat after defeat, allowing the gods to take wins after wins, feeding their ego nonstop. Dragon Emperor and the others? they were all alive, they had simply teleported to an Aptal inner world while making it look like they had died under Uranus's attacks

This caught the gods off guard, and they all watched as their believers were either captured or slaughtered. with the location of where the gods are now known, it was now time to enslave the gods. everything was going perfectly... they were about to enslave the gods when a powerhouse suddenly appeared.

A powerhouse At the Supreme Saint realm, this lifeform seemed to have arrived to check up on the seals, but the Eclipse race caught his interest. what followed was the Eclipse race going all out in a battle for survival, Aptal led this battle being the strongest. but even with Alex's powers, he was losing. Alex just didn't give him enough to be able to face such a powerful existence

In the end, Aptal was forced to use the Kaio Ken, a technique that could boost one overall capability. It could boost one power level from 50% to 100 times. Aptal was forced to use a 100 times boost to his strength, something which forced his body to try its best to adapt to the burden.

With this boost of power, Aptal was able to get the upper hand against this expert, leaving this expert with countless injuries while the Eclipse race supported him from behind, they all used the Kaio Ken, unlike Aptal, they could use a 1,000 times boost to their power level.

Even so... Aptal couldn't last long enough, and someone at the level of the Supreme Saint realm had a powerful recovery speed. At the rate things were going they would lose, Eve ordered Aptal to use his body to seal the Supreme Saint away. 

So, Eve and the others channeled everything to hold off the Supreme Saint. It wasn't simple, but luckily things turned around for them. The Dragon Emperor went through a transformation, he gained a soul sword with his red hair standing straight up.

His soul sword held Alex's power, bringing it out to a new height allowing him to better use the power to conquer all things. as well as [God Almighty] although to a weaker degree compared to that of Alex. Even so, The Dragon Emperor quickly mastered this new power and form, leading to his strength boost which was 500 times to shoot up to 10,000 times.

this transformation was fused with many other transformations, Super Saiyan transformation, Shiaki, Vasto Lorde Transformation, and the list just went on. all was fused although all of that power wasn't fully brought out, parts of it were brought out to greatly boost his power by 500 times and once mastered and perfected shot up to 10,000 times.

adding the Kaio Ken strength boost, this increased the Dragon Emperor by 10 million times. of course, that still wouldn't have been enough to fight the Supreme Saint... but what about when a whole race copied this and transformed into this form as well?

well, what happened was the Supreme Saint being held back. But he tried to escape, normally they wouldn't have been able to stop him from running away. but they had gained unexpected help from Sarah. with unknown means, Sarah also transformed into some type of demonic form, which allowed her to fight alongside them. long enough to allow Aptal to seal away the Supreme Saint. this happened just a few days ago, after all was done, the whole race was left badly injured. but Eve and the others dragged themselves here to await my return

"reverse," Alex said calmly, at his words the world began to start turning backward. This was limited to the planet, but it quickly went by a full 1 month, allowing everyone to return to full health.

"You all did well," I said while standing up, my eyes turning sharp and looking towards where the seal Supreme Saint was. with a step, clones exploded off my body and teleported all over the galaxy. these clones went on to have time reverse on all the planets under his rule, everyone recovered but the gains they gained remained.

while the clones did this, Alex had arrived before the seal. He held out his palm, and with a thought, from his palm, his stomach shot out, devouring the seal. with absolute control over his body, he could devour anything. he also had the ability [Predator] from that time I got reincarnated as a slime, along with many similar abilities. 

I could devour any things, and gain everything the target has. I could even convert a person's existence into resources for my cultivation, and that is what I did to the Supreme Saint while spitting Aptal out of my stomach.

within my stomach, a middle-aged man madly attacked to try and break free from my stomach. but within my stomach, all his attempts would be pointless. within my stomach, I was a god. this was my domain, Rimuru's ability was nothing compared to just how much control I have over my stomach.

"What is this?" The Supreme Saint said while looking around. he felt the suppression within this space, he knew he was within a powerful existence domain, and fighting back was pointless.

"Your whole being is about to be devoured, I will swallow everything about you. form memory to strength, it shall all be added onto mine and strengthen to brand new heights." I said calmly while appearing within my stomach, as my domain I could of course appear within this place

"Who are you?" the Supreme Saint asked, but the next second he moved to attack me. slapping forward, a power which had the power to shatter stars shot towards me. of course, stars that were not increased in size thanks to Qi. it was a scary power and felt almost boundless, this was the strongest attack I had ever come across... but this was my domain, I reached out and caught the attack and went on to study it.

"Even if that attack hit me, within this place it's impossible to hurt me or even kill me... this is the highest law I have sensed. what is it, a law mastered to the mastered tier?" I asked calmly, leaving the supreme saint frozen

Laws can be mastered to a few tiers. Lesser, Elementary, Small Success, Greater Success, Large Success, Mastered, and Origin tier. each tier can further be broken into early, mid, and peak grades.

with each tier of understanding of the law, one gets more control over said law. For example, a lesser understanding of the law of fire would only allow one to summon flames, strengthen flames, and so on. but someone with the origin tier of understanding would be able to use the origin fire, the Essence of all flames.

"No, this should only be a Large Success..." I said softly while looking at the law in my palm... I couldn't help but fall into deep thought. why did I comprehend laws when I could create my own? yes, the law of the [God Almighty]. but first I should master all of the laws, and use them as building blocks to create my law.

At this thought, I lost interest in this Supreme Saint. the Supreme Saint suddenly screamed in pain as his body was ripped apart. at the same time, my cultivation began to improve, with a whole year passing by, my cultivation had not improved, but the energy of someone at the Supreme Saint realm to help me out, allowed me to go from level 1 Core formation to level 6 Core formation, 

To say the least, this breakthrough was huge. I was now more than 10 times stronger than this Supreme Saint. thanks to how none of his existence was wasted, although I needed a huge amount of energy to break through, the fact I wasted no energy and such a huge amount of energy was before me, allowed me to not simply be as strong as this Supreme Saint, but be stronger.

But I was not done, I went on to recreate the Supreme Saint, he was only an Early Supreme Saint. Even so, he was strong enough to push the whole race to their limits and beyond. why did I recreate this guy? Because he was just an avatar, his main body was elsewhere.

I perfectly recreated him, down to the soul, memory, hair, and so on. he was the same, with the only difference being that some of his memories were different...

On a galaxy light years away, within a kingdom of gold. a middle-aged man was currently looking into the heavens, trying to find out what happened to his avatar. unlike a clone, an avatar was something created to almost be a perfect copy of oneself, with the added benefit of their death, injuries, and so on having zero impact upon the main body.

Even so, it didn't mean it was cheap to create an avatar. He was given a mission to go see why the seal in the Milky Way galaxy was being broken, only to come across a race with the most potential he had ever seen. at first, he was playing with the race, wanting to learn just what the limit of the race was.

It was such an interesting race, almost like a fusion of all other races. a race filled with a bunch of weaklings who just kept going. The name Eclipse truly fit them, small like the moon, yet could swallow even the brightest of stars. Aptal was unexpected, Kaio-Ken was too sudden, and when the whole race suddenly transformed and gained Soul Swords that came with many abilities he no longer wanted to play and wanted to fall back.

But he was fighting a race that didn't fear death as the concept didn't exist for them. he was fighting a race that had the power to turn the smallest of injuries he suffered into an injury that could take his life, a race that grew immune to his attacks, a race that caused him to suffer a backlash with each attack he threw out. honestly, if it was not for his powerful recovery speed, which although slowed down by the whole race's abilities affecting him at once, he would have died even from a small cut.

But he was a Supreme Saint and was on top of that a Demi-God, and had a powerful bloodline that allowed him to resist even against reality warping, how could he die so easily? Although he was defeated in the end, he left the whole race badly injured. He had just sent another avatar over to finish things up, but all of a sudden his avatar saw a young man and everything went dark.

He had yet to tell this to anyone as he wanted to monopolize this race and rule over it. the thought of having such a powerful race under his control was something that made his mouth water, but he realized that there might be a powerful lord supporting this race.

From the moment his connection with the avatar went dark, to now. Little time had passed, his mind worked so fast that time pretty much had stopped. Sighing to himself, the Supreme Saint looked towards the Golden Palace. he should go report this and avoid trouble.

Yet just as he was about to take a step, he froze as the connection with his avatar returned. he frowned slightly as the memory this avatar had was filled with that young man's images. Just as he was filled with confusion, he froze as his memory of Alex began to move. From his mind, Alex stepped out and went on to coldly look at the middle-aged man.

But Alex had not simply appeared before him, even the second avatar he had set out was standing before Alex who had crawled out of his memory. 

"Impossible." the Supreme Saint said in a shaky voice, The Milky Way galaxy was billions of light years away. Yet the guy before him had instantly crossed such a huge distance? even he needed 1 year to reach the Milky Way Galaxy and that was because he was using space that could create more stable wormholes, allowing him to get to the location faster without having the outside world time go by too much. 

"Suffer," I said calmly, at my words, the Supreme Saint's face twisted with an ugly look before he fell to the ground while his body shook. At this moment he was truly suffering, the pain was above his wildest imagination. it was like his millions of years worth of living just came back to him, compressed and compact to form a moment of suffering like nothing he could have ever dared to dream of.

"Anyone who even spies on me, I will instantly know," I said calmly, when Uranus was spying on me, I instantly knew he was looking at me. After all, how could I not since the fact I had just appeared in someone else mind? Don't think the fact I just crawled out of this guy's memory I was weaker than my main body, no I was as strong.

if forced, I could fuse with my main body. this would lead to the main body growing twice as strong. this would only grow with every Alex there is, the more are created, the more I could call back these memories, pictures, and so on to fuse with me to boost my strength greatly. After all, they were all me, and I was them. although if I fuse with one of my other selves, the other pictures and versions of myself out there would not also grow stronger unless they are updated with a new image of myself or something like that.

Yes, this had some limlits, I can only fuse with one memory from a person, picture, and so on. this means the version of myself from a camera can only fuse with me once, and the list goes on. but at the same time, a weak camera can't capture me, they would not be worthy.

I have not gone running around summoning all of myself to fuse with, due to the fact I wanted to first become as strong as possible before fusing with the trillions of myself spread all over the world. after all, those things that could hold memories of me today will not do the same tomorrow.

When Uranus was watching me, I didn't care and left him to Eve. I instantly forscene the countless possibilities and saw Eve was sure to win and develop the galaxy to great heights. I wasn't needed, this Supreme Saint's arrival was just not expected.

Eve didn't really need to tell me everything, I knew everything that was happening as it happened... but it was just too fast for me to react, and my memories within everyone weren't needed to step out and do anything as they handled everything on their own.

"Honestly, do you think you can touch my people and have an easy ending?" I asked with a look of annoyance. It had been a long time since I felt this annoyed, like an ant crawling on the food you were just about to eat, a fly falling into your drink, a hair in your eye... it was so annoying.

"Once you have a mental breakdown, heal and go through it all 5 trillion times. if the suffering isn't enough, have it grow 10 times worse each time." I said calmly, and at my words, the Supreme Saint let out a pained scream which shook the void. a scream that brought forth countless eyes to look toward what was happening here.

"How is the master of this dog? crawl forward." At my words, everyone turned to the palace and found a white-haired young man's body shaking slightly. but that was all, Alex's power couldn't affect this person

"Zeus?" I said caught off guard seeing Zeus here, shouldn't he be in the Milky Way? Zeus was the god of many things. King of the Gods, God of the sky, lightning, thunder, law, and order. this guy could even break free from my control, and he could even cultivate... what was going on here?

"I see... you shattered the heavens and took a piece of its body to reshape yourself." I said calmly while going through Zeus's memory. Since I was within Zeus' memory, I could of course walk around.

around 100 million years ago, the cultivators and the heavens grew sick of the 3rd generation of gods back in the Milky Way. so the heavens tasked everyone to slaughter the gods, while the gods had all of the power that the heavens gifted to them taken away. but what the heavens didn't expect was for Zeus and the other gods to be able to forcefully take it back from the heavens.

this led to a scene of the gods fighting the heavens and cultivators and they won. but the heavens were heavenly damage in that battle, and the gods couldn't survive outside of the galaxy for long. so they stole the power of the heavens and used it to reshape themselves, giving themselves the power to cultivate before leaving the galaxy which had the heavens about to reset out of rage. but since they ran away, the heavens saw it as pointless to reset.

Zeus and the other gods went on to travel the universe before they found the center of the universe, there they took root within the galaxy near the center and went on to crown themselves as the overlord of this universe. they had many galaxies under their rule, and with it, many believers. their strength was not at the peak of what this lower realm should allow but was at the level of immortals. 

Above the Supreme Saint realm was Heavenly Saint, the highest cultivation that one could reach within the lower realm. to say the least, Zeus and the others were all Heavenly Saints, adding the belief they had from the many believers worldwide, they were unmatched... but okay, Can't I just copy their power to gain believers?

Remember, I couldn't gain power from believers, instead those who cultivated the Believer art Supported me in my cultivation. now you're adding this believer power-up thing, well, my strength just skyrocketed as I took in the belief of trillions of members from the Eclipse race.

"Who are you?" Zeus asked coldly, his voice boomed like thunder and sounded like the roars of thousands of lions. He flew over towards me and looked down upon me from the sky. I tried looking up, but sadly I didn't know how to look up. So, I flew up.

"My apologies, but looking up is something I have yet to learn how to do. I only know how to look down." I said calmly while looking down at Zeus, making Zeus's face turn cold. As the strongest existences within the mortal realm, even those immortals that came from the immortal realm would bow before him. why? because they had to suppress their cultivation, within the same level there was no one under the heavens... no, not even the heavens were his match. no one was his match, in the same cultivation realm, he was truly an unstoppable existence.

So, how could he not be enraged when a Core formation realm ant dared to be so arrogant before him, and even look down upon him? 

Zeus' aura spread out, shaking the whole planet he was currently on. something which should have been impossible as the heavens would increase the size and durability of a planet to match the level of cultivators on it so they couldn't destroy it. this planet was 0.1 light-years large. thats not add the whole star which was many times larger than this planet, much less the whole solar system, or the whole galaxy.

"A battle... you might actually be worth me fighting." I said with a smirk, which enraged Zeus. storm clouds gathered, swallowing the whole planet. this was Zeus, going of how those nerds on Earth measured people's strength. Zeus would be 4-A: Multi-Solar System level. A man with the power to ignore the rules set by the heavens

Haha, Alex is done for... although that whole transformation thing came out of nowhere. Is the Eclipse race also getting out of my control? I should slaughter them all, Alex is a goner, if not I will just make Zeus stronger.

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