
Chosen of Summer

[MATURE CONTENT] This story will be very gay…. Move along you’re not interested. It’s going going to be a dark journey, love interests will be everywhere. Not doing harem, but one night stands most definitely. Fantasy awaits! ps this is my first time writing, please me gentle with me. constructive criticism is nice but please don’t be mean to me. I’m a big softy >.

3crows_in_a_coat · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

3 Biocoenosis

He felt like the connections to his body were nonexistent, he'd will his arm to move with all his might but nothing. It was like focusing so hard on an object I've view that your eyes stung. To his dismay he was having yet another out of body experience.

Still feeling unnerved he was trying to make sense of what he was seeing. He felt like he could see but also felt like he might as well of had his eyes shut. He could sense the lighting and shade of different points and places, the coolness of the morning breeze seemed to go through him. The sensation was like wind going through mesh clothing and the sight a kaleidoscope of light and dark shapes. Both where simple, yet vastly complex…

*plants are able to sense light, they are believed to be able to see through photo receptors in their leaves. They can also scream*

The clear and startling statement from the one and only monologue shocked him out of his panic. He tried focusing on one point…

The hazy mess cleared and in his minds eye he starred up at a blue sky with scattered clouds. The air looked crisp as if haze or fog had lifted. Redirecting his focus on another point of light the vision shifted to show a clear view from the tops of the verdant spire over looking the lake and surrounding tree tops.

*congrats dearest self, you're catching on faster than expected-*

Stratton's mind went blank at the statement, simply stating, "the fuck?". He didn't want to slip into a manic episode if he wasn't in one already, so he needed to stay on track.

The thought brought back memories of his childhood, teachers called him "troubled" but sweet. Councilors and teachers alike always pushed his parents to "get him checked", it always happened when Stratton spoke up about something being unfair. Especially when it seemed to be something "small" that everyone else saw as "just part of life". It wasn't till he was on his own as an adult that a diagnosis came through… Autism/ADHD. Stratton thought that his high score was more important than what the results actually meant so he was more than accepting of the shrink's conclusions. His mind had always been chaotic, he thought that having a name to his issues would save him…

Heaviness filled him as he heard the venom of his previous lovers mocking tone when it came to Stratton's symptoms.

Realizing that he fell into the rabbit hole Stratton refocused on the surrounding area, by willing his vision to expand; he saw before him a panorama of the surrounding woods.

"This is fucking awesome" he thought to himself in wonderment. Time had escaped him as he tried controlling his view points and sense of perception. He had managed to make it almost second nature to change the position of his sight in rapid fire succession when noted how dark the sky was becoming.

The warm glow of pink and orange heralded an incoming night. Stratton watched the sunset with his "leaf vision" as he dubbed it. He was going to try to find a way to exit the tree. Exhaustion had set in, as the internal processes of the tree started to slow down Stratton felt his mind slip into unconsciousness.


Stratton knew he was dreaming, his dreams were always vivid but one thing always gave it away. He turned his attention to the hand he was holding, and looked up into his own eyes.

The voice within him…

His internal monologue…

Always guided him in his sleep.

*To be in our proper forms is so nice isn't it?*

A shiver went through him, as usual the copy of him didn't open his mouth to speak. However Stratton was used to that. On the contrary he was not expecting the person before him to actually look different. He was used to looking in a mirror in these dreams, but his "other half" was very different.

Where as Stratton had golden freckes and proud arboreal antlers; the voice he was so accustomed to had hair of willow branches shifting as if in a breeze. Their frickles glowed a cold white, and the whites of their eyes where obsidian, with cold white orbs for irises.

"Wh-who are you?" Stratton spoke, his voice echoing and resonating as if both underwater and in a cavern.

With mouth unmoving, *why I am you, dearest me.* it cocked it's head to the side * I haven't been able to communicate, or present myself since the bargain began. Don't worry tho, I know you have know clue for what I speak of* the face before Stratton showed no emotion or expression

Before Stratton could open his mouth to speak, *Do not worry, I mean no harm. As you are capable of harming us… as you've done before, I hold not the power. Destroy others, yes, but not us…. In dreams I can be more conscious, but I will guide you as best as I can while you wake… tho my messages will mostly be random.*

Stratton swallowed, "So you aren't just-"

*Random synapses firing in your mortal flesh… no. Our time closes as you wake, I hold every bit of knowledge through all our lives, so I will grant wisdom as I can. Due note learning everything at once will destroy your mind, after all you are the only one bound to flesh."

Stratton would have been annoyed that his question was answered before asking if not for waking from the dream.


He was aware of his surroundings again as he felt the rising suns light on host tree's leaves.

*magic is imagination, will it and so it shall be*

Stratton pondered for a while before attempting anything.

It had taken Stratton nearly an hour to figure out how to step out of the tree. As his sagely monotone other half had stated, seeing himself step out of the tree in his minds eye did the trick.

After taking time to collect his thoughts Stratton set out to see if the plants where in-fact, willing to appease his needs.

* Biocoenosis, Or a complex relationship between multiple species on a food chain, and how they are interconnected through environmental variables. Take advantage of that."

Shaking his head, "I'm just never escaping you" Stratton murmured under his breath.

*one can not escape themselves*

Facing the ugliest parts of one’s self is the hardest battle.

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